Image: Moses with tablets

When we first began to see the truth of adding a third forty-nine-day count to Tabernacles Pentecost, taking us to April 3, the sole specific testimony we saw evidencing this was that of Elijah and the three captains of fifty with their fifties.  When I related this testimony to Chris Meier, his reply was that he wished we could see a second witness as well, citing the oft-repeated scriptural call for the testimony of two or three witnesses.  I had no idea where there could be a second witness for this, and was not even certain there was one.  But just recently, Yahweh showed me one that is exceptionally important, very confirming, highly revealing, and quite encouraging.

In addition, recently I went trout fishing, and on my way there saw something that offers much hope.  We will address both of these, and begin with the three-part count to Tabernacles Pentecost.  But I forewarn you, you cannot casually read this, nor read it just one time.  There is much information here, requiring careful thought and attention.  

If you were to seek to understand the creation pattern of Yahweh God, where would you begin searching?  Of course you would begin in the opening chapters of Genesis.  There you would find the seed of all that He would do in the creation of His new heavens and new earth.  In like manner, where would you begin looking if you sought to understand Yahweh’s plans relative to the feasts and how they would be evidenced in the same creation purpose in the new heavens and new earth?  Clearly, once again you would go to their own like genesis and examine the exodus from Egypt, where these feasts were not only first laid out, but walked out as well. 

In Exodus, we are given incredible information, setting forth vital truth that is highly relevant to the church.  This is quite obvious in that when Yahshua came to this earth, He was born on Trumpets, baptized by John on Atonement, and crucified as the Passover lamb.  Then forty-nine days after the wave sheaf offering, the former rain was poured out on Pentecost.  Today, as we seek the latter rain, we would be most wise to seek to understand and walk out truth from the same revealing and effectual reservoir.

In page 5 of the writing, Tabernacles Pentecost, 2008, we noted that when Moses came down from Mount Sinai on his sixth trip with the two tablets, he did so on the day of Pentecost according to the Leviticus 23:15-16 double forty-nine-day count.  On that sixth trip, he was there for forty days and forty nights and neither ate nor drank.

This was when the sons of Israel made the golden calf.  Upon coming down, Moses thereby broke the two tablets, burned the golden calf, ground it into powder that was cast onto the water, and made them drink it.  He also had the Levites to pass through the people, and 3,000 were slain with the sword.

The next day, Moses went back up Sinai for the seventh time, whereupon Yahweh told him that He would not go with them into the Promised Land.  Exodus 32:35 then adds that He smote the people because of the golden calf. 

Afterwards, chapter 33 picks up with further discourse between Yahweh and Moses.  Also, the sons of Israel repented and took off their ornaments.  When Moses asked to know Yahweh’s ways (vs. 13), He repented and committed to going with them.  In Chapter 34, Moses is then told to cut out for himself two stone tablets like the former ones, and the next morning to come back up Sinai—the eighth time.  I suggest you read this account yourself.

So, what does this have to do with a three-part count to Tabernacles Pentecost?  We know that Moses came down from Sinai the sixth time on Pentecost, following a double forty-nine-day count.  But, if the first day of yet a third count of forty-nine days was stacked on it, where would it lead?  On that day Moses broke the tablets, burned the calf, ground it into powder, made them drink it, and 3,000 were killed.  That is not so great a Pentecost, and would be day one in a new count.

Day two was when Moses went up Sinai the next day for the seventh time.  But here time gets a little murky.  Exodus 32:35 closes with this statement: “Then Yahweh smote the people, because of what they did with the calf which Aaron had made.”  How long did He smite them?  It is not stated, but as we will find, it was a six-day period of time. 

Chapter 33 then picks up, “Then Yahweh spoke to Moses, . . . .”  This would add yet another day.  Therefore, we now know of three specific days here, plus the time of smiting the people, which, as we have noted and will see further, in pattern would have to have been six days.  What next?  On the following day, Moses went back up Sinai for the eighth time, taking with him two tablets upon which Yahweh would write His Laws.  Exodus 34:28 tells us that he was on the mountain for the same duration as when he received the tablets in the sixth trip—forty days and forty nights, once again without food or water.

What then do we have here?  This entire matter regarding Sinai is specifically related to receiving Pentecost, which thereby requires a sequence, or sequences, of forty-nine days.  Here we now find a third count of forty-nine days—nine days, plus the repeat of forty days. 

Furthermore, Yahshua Himself evidenced two of these like testimonies.  He was baptized on Atonement, which is the tenth day of the month.  We read that He was immediately led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit for forty days and forty nights to be tempted by Satan.  Therefore, we see the first nine days of the month of Tabernacles, followed by the forty days in the wilderness, totaling forty-nine.  Afterwards, He began His public ministry.  In further testimony, this is the same pattern leading up to Pentecost after His resurrection, except reversed.  Acts 1:3 tells us that He presented Himself to the disciples over a period of forty days, then there was a waiting period of about nine days, depending on whether the Sadducee’s or Pharisee’s count to Pentecost is observed.

Quite affirmingly, in the second count of forty-nine days to Pentecost at Sinai, we find an equal six-and-three count, followed by the forty.  First, there were six remaining days of travel to Sinai, followed by three days whereupon Moses went up Sinai the first four times (twice on day one upon their arrival, and twice on day three), for a total of nine days.  As best as can be determined, on day four at Sinai, Moses’ fifth trip with the elders took place, as well as beginning his forty days and forty nights.  Having completed the latter, he then came down with the two tablets on Pentecost. 

Was there supposed to be another forty-nine days in a count to yet another Pentecost?  No more than Yahweh was supposed to go into the Promised Land with them.  As far as He had determined at that time, the sixth and seventh trips up Sinai were it.  But, Yahweh repented and added another forty-nine-day count, as well as another set of tablets.  Remember, if He had not repented, the tablets that were placed into the ark of the covenant would not have been there, and Yahweh’s presence would not have been with them.  The ONLY way these were possible was by adding a third redeeming forty-nine count—another chance for Pentecost, and certainly a better Pentecost than what had been experienced already!  Do we find that count taking place?  As we have seen, indeed we do, and with much-needed, entirely different results.

Again, the second count towards Pentecost was nine preceding days, followed by Moses’ forty days and forty nights without food or water and obtaining the two tablets.  What was the third count?  Déjà vu!  It too was nine preceding days, followed by a repeat forty days and forty nights without food or water and obtaining the two tablets.  Can we be certain that there were nine preceding days in the third count?  We certainly know there were three days, and that there was a stated period whereby Yahweh smote the people.  Because of the clear repeat of this pattern, including even a six and three for the nine days, the fulfillment of a third sum of forty-nine days is not only obvious, but essential.  Remember, Sinai is Pentecost, dictating specific periods of forty-nine days.

Let us now add two more sound evidences regarding this third Sinai forty-nine.  First, what do we know is the purpose for the addition of this third count?  While the first two counts are relative to a shortfall Passover Pentecost, this third count is specifically for the establishment of the Elijah.  This is clearly seen in the three captains of fifty with their fifties in 2 Kings 1, affirming the need of adding this third count at Sinai.

Second, adding substantially clinching evidence, we have seen that the promise regarding Moses’ eighth trip up Sinai (Exodus 33:18-23), was in fact fulfilled by a ninth trip made by Elijah (1 Kings 19).  And in what manner did he carry out that trip?  In the same manner as Moses’ sixth and eighth trips—he too went forty days and forty nights without food or water!

Evidenced by the like forty days, as well as Elijah fulfilling the promise given to Moses, Moses’ eighth trip up Sinai and Elijah’s ninth trip are one.  This is no different than the like fact that the Moses first Remnant and the Elijah second Remnant are one.  Therefore, Moses’ eighth trip up Sinai in the third count of forty-nine, speaks to the Elijah that is established with a three-part count to a Tabernacles Pentecost.  Again, the third count brings the Elijah.

We have noted that there should not have been a third count to a Pentecost at Sinai.  And nowhere in the Law is it ever written to count three forty-nines to a Pentecost.  Deuteronomy 16 says you are to count forty-nine days, and Leviticus 23 says you are to count two forty-nines, and in both cases these are from a Passover event.  As certain as Yahweh was not going with them into the Promised Land, so there was not supposed to be a third forty-nine count. 

However, equally certain is the fact that Yahweh must repent and do something that the Law does not set forth—a new thing.  Though the Law does not provide for three forty-nine-day counts to a Pentecost, both the testimony of Elijah concerning the three captains of fifty with their fifties, and the clear testimony of Moses’ promise-receiving eighth (with Elijah’s promise-fulfilling ninth) trip up Sinai reveal otherwise.  As with the need to add a Pentecost to Tabernacles, this truth is hidden, but it is there.  Yahweh has given a Moses the eyes to see, one who has asked to know His ways, and brought Him to repent.  This is indeed our firm hope.

This marvelous testimony we are seeing here clearly fulfilled Chris’ desire to see a second witness to adding a third count to a Pentecost.  Seeing this second testimony from the truly foundational, even genesis, account of the first-ever counts to Pentecost, is beyond any expectations.  One could not ask for more substantial evidence, other than the fulfillment, for which we now have even greater hope.

In addition, we see here a reoccurring pattern of three forties, which you will see is evidenced beyond Sinai as well.  This brings up some interesting observations, and confirms the necessity of adding the third forty-nine in a count to Tabernacles Pentecost.  First, the two forties on Mount Sinai evidenced by Moses, are in contrast to an assumed forty in the count of forty-nine days on the way to Sinai.  The former would have been of little to no significance.

Also, if you look at the three forty-day fasts that Moses and Elijah carried out at Sinai, once again the latter two were fulfilling in a positive way, while the first produced loss and death.

Looking outside of these specific events, we find the same testimony.  Moses’ 120 years were equally divided into three forties, evidencing a like pattern.  The latter two were experienced in the wilderness, while in contrast the first forty years were lived in Egypt.  Though one might think of the former as being more comfortable, Egypt bears the prophetic testimony of a curse, corruption, and bondage.

Likewise, the first three kings of the sons of Israel bore the same testimony, each reigning for forty years.  David and Solomon were the more blessed fulfillments, while preceding Saul was a curse.

Thus we see in these three forties a consistent one-third/two-thirds pattern, with the latter two evidencing the fulfillment.  But this is opposite of the three forty-nines.  They are a two-thirds/one third pattern, with the fulfillment evidenced in the latter count.  But, it should be noted that insomuch these forties are evidenced in threes, this confirms once again that there have to be three forty-nines to Tabernacles Pentecost.

In conclusion here at this point, the Leviticus 23 count to Pentecost had the outcome of being a death—3,000 were killed.  And the Deuteronomy 16 count fared little better for the first Remnant and Christianity.  Yes, 3,000 were added to the kingdom; but, that number testified to what the church would be receiving, and Exodus 32:28 confirmed its fate—death!  As Yahshua stated in Matthew 24:22 and Mark 13:20, if those 3,000 years were not cut short to 2,000, no flesh would be saved.  The fact is, a Passover Pentecost is a leavened work that has led to death for 2,000 years.

These two preceding Pentecost counts are, of course, equally attested to in the first two captains of fifty with their fifties—again, death!  So what is our hope?  The third captain of fifty with his fifty, the third count to a Tabernacles Pentecost, the count that is added when Yahweh repents of not going into the Millennial reign Promised Land. 

In contrast to the tragic results of the Pentecost following the second count that brought death and the shattering of the Law, the tablets, Moses’ return after the Elijah-producing third count was remarkably different and gives us great hope.  Instead of shattering the two tablets, Moses brought the new tablets into the camp, and later placed them in the ark of the covenant.  Instead of Moses coming down Sinai in wrath, he related Yahweh’s commands to the people and they immediately began construction of the tabernacle.  Instead of coming in heaviness, Moses returned in glory, as his face shined brilliantly.  Instead of there being a curse, he returned with the blessing of Exodus 34:10:

“Behold, I am going to make a covenant.  Before all your people I will perform miracles which have not been produced in all the earth nor among any of the nations; and all the people among whom you live will see the working of Yahweh, for it is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you.”

These are all promises to us today as the fulfilling Elijah work.  In contrast to what took place following the second count to a Pentecost, in contrast to the last 2,000 years of the church, we should now experience Yahweh’s blessings.  As it is written in Hosea 6:1-3:

“Come, let us return to Yahweh.  For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us.  He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him.  So let us know, let us press on to know Yahweh.  His going forth is as certain as the dawn; and He will come to us like the rain, like the spring rain watering the earth.”

So may it be.

As stated already, Moses’ eighth trip up Sinai in the third count of forty-nine, speaks to the Elijah that is established with a three-part count to a Tabernacles Pentecost.  Again, this gives great hope for April 3.  And let me state plainly—I  am fully aware that unless I, like Saul (1 Samuel 10:6-7), become another man, this Bride will not succeed.  Unless I, unless we, are clothed with power from on high, we will not succeed.  When Moses came down Mount Sinai the eighth time, fearfully the people would not come near him because of the glory that was on his face (Exodus 34:29-30).  This is the same awe that the apostles evoked from the people after Pentecost when many signs and wonders were taking place at their hands—“But none of the rest dared to associate with them; however, the people held them in high esteem” (Acts 5:12-13).  In like regard, there must be that fearful distinction today. 

The same power needs to come on me and on Bride members that was on Stephen, a man “full of grace and power, [who] was performing great wonders and signs among the people.”  Like Saul, he too became another man, and his critics “were unable to cope with the wisdom and the Spirit with which he was speaking”; and like Moses, “all who were sitting in the Council saw his face like the face of an angel” (Acts 6:8, 10, & 15).  When Moses came down Mount Sinai following the third count to Pentecost, he too was another man, so much so that the people feared to draw near to him.  Oh what a difference from that of the conclusion of the second count!

Unless I, unless other Bride members, receive power from on high, we will be ignored and easily dismissed.  If we are going to begin to build the tabernacle of Yahweh, as Moses and the people began to do; if the Bride is going to make herself ready; if the one who ate the little book is to fulfill that which was written and prophesy “before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings” (Revelations 10:11), then I/we must receive power.  This is what Tabernacles Pentecost, the latter rain, is about.

Again, the tablets that Moses brought down on the eighth trip were not broken, but remained.  In like manner, even as it is written in Jeremiah 31:33 and repeated in Hebrews 10:16-17, so it must be in the Bride: “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws upon their heart, and on their mind I will write them . . . and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”  We, the Bride, must fulfill this as never before, both now as the Elijah people, and obviously even moreso when we receive our immortal, incorruptible bodies.  But we must have His Spirit, and that is what Tabernacles Pentecost is about. 

My sincere hope is that Yahweh has shown us all of these marvelous and wonderful truths that have NEVER before been seen by man, because we fulfill them.  Timing confirms this, and intercession as well.  Never has anyone seen the need to add a Pentecost to Tabernacles.  Never has anyone seen the need to add a third count of forty-nine days in fulfillment of Exodus and 2 Kings 1, reversing the curse and bringing forth the Elijah.  Never has anyone seen the need for Yahweh to repent at the words of one who asks to know His ways, thereby adding yet a third fulfilling count to a Pentecost, insuring His presence in the Promised Land, the Millennial reign—Immanuel.

The Bride is unique from any prior or present religion regarding these and many other matters.  There is no religion or no one who sees so clearly the absolute necessity of the Elijah and the outcome of his work—averting Yahweh’s wrath.  As it is written in Malachi 4:5-6: “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet during the great and terrible day of Yahweh.  He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.”  Elijah’s coming averts Yahweh’s wrath, just as Moses averted His wrath.  Remember, Moses is a promising Elijah testimony, thereby he stated: “The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren; to him you shall give heed to everything He says to you” (Acts 3:22 & Deuteronomy 18:15).  Moses continually averted Yahweh’s wrath, and Elijah will be a prophet like him.

Yet in contrast, what do Christians, who have NO understanding of Elijah whatsoever, teach regarding the end times?  Of course, thereby, they teach WRATH!  What do Muslims teach regarding the end times?  WRATH!  What do many Mayanists teach regarding the end times?  WRATH!  What do Nostradamians teach regarding the end times?  WRATH!  (The latter two point specifically to 2012.)  Christians and other cultures and religions alike predict wrath in the end times.  Why?  Because they do not know the ways of Yahweh, nor do they know the work, purpose, or outcome of Elijah—averting His wrath. 

Upon making His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, prophetic of His coming as Immanuel, Yahshua testified concerning this Elijah company: “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!” (Luke 19:40).  Stones cry out for wrath, and if the Elijah company does not prepare the way for Immanuel’s coming, judgment would indeed come.  But, that will not happen, for just as Yahshua equally stated, “Elijah is coming and will restore all things” (Matthew 17:11, Mark 9:12).

In the opening, I noted that when I recently went trout fishing, on my way there I saw something that was quite hopeful.  At our Passover gathering in 2002, there was a hope that Yahshua would gather with us.  It was not until two years later that we realized He did so—but in a man in His suffering.  In the first two days of that gathering, I was in so much agony that I literally stayed in the woods away from everyone for most of that time.  I hurt immensely inside. 

On the third day the pain finally subsided, and I went out in the pasture and prostrated myself before Yahweh.  Immediately, for the first time, He began showing me the marvelous significance of Moses’ eight trips up Mount Sinai—as they relate to the eight days of Passover and the eight days of mankind.  A day later we realized the necessity of adding the Elijah ninth.  In fact, at that time we interceded regarding those eight days, and added a ninth day to the gathering.  (This is recorded in the “2002 Passover Report.”)  That was the beginning of what we are now seeing and addressing in these three counts of forty-nine days to a Tabernacles Pentecost. 

In 2002, Yahshua did come, but in a man in His suffering.  In 2002, as well as in 2003, I identified with suffering in many agonizing ways.  The question I asked recently was: having identified with Yahshua in His suffering in 2002, how many years has it been since then?  Of course it has been seven years since that initial identification.  This gave me hope.  Since Yahweh had me to identify with Yahshua in His suffering, I take hope that after seven years, as Moses experienced redemption after seven trips up Sinai, I will now identify with Him in His glorious resurrection.  I hope that the truth we first began seeing and walked out at that 2002 Passover, will be fulfilled in its greater measure in our 2009 Tabernacles Pentecost.

In closing, let me add one final word about intercession.  In the last writing, I noted that the two tools of the Bride for effecting Yahweh’s provisions are government and intercession.  You can see both of these in action in what we are considering here.  Let me state what intercession is.  Intercession is touching the heavenly via the earthly, in order to receive the heavenly.  It is, if you would, prayer by actions, which is far more effectual than words.  I pray our intercessions have been both adequate and effectual unto consummation.


PS—Chris and I produced a Remnant Bride Radio program regarding this posting, adding more helpful information and explanation.  Following is the program description:

When the article posted at the Remnant Bride blog went out, bearing the same title of this program, there was amazement.  But, it also raised questions.  That article addresses a second witness to adding yet a third count to Tabernacles Pentecost—Moses’ eight trips up Mount Sinai.  If one wants to understand what Yahweh fulfills regarding Pentecost, both the former rain and the latter rain, they must examine what was testified at Mount Sinai.  This program answers questions about that article, as well as adds more helpful information, including the specific scripture references for those eight trips.  This is a most helpful augmentation of that highly significant writing.

To listen to the program, click here.


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