Once again a posting is too long and involved and contains too many graphics to be added here.  So, we will provide a short description and a link to the full text and helpful graphics.

Yahweh God repeatedly directs men to look at nature in order to understand His ways and His warnings.  And in this regard, there is one animal on this entire earth that most distinctly stands out among all the others in both its uniqueness and its testimony: the spotted hyena of Africa!  If you were asked, “What is the most bizarre thing, even things, you could imagine in the spotted hyena that speaks of the disruptive and destructive effects of feminism,” what would you answer?  Most certainly, you would not even come close to anticipating what you are about to read and learn about them.  This is one of the most interesting, revealing, and amazing testimonies you will ever find.  To read this revealing material, click here.


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