Chapter 5


When examining this matter of headcoverings, one can approach its truth from two basic aspects. First, as we have sought thus far, one can consider the matter of headship: Yahweh is the head of Yahshua, Yahshua is the head of the man, the man is the head of the woman. From this headship we see that, governmentally, the woman is to have "authority on her head," or the right to speak to her head's Head, and thus needs to wear the cloth headcovering when praying or prophesying.

There is a second important aspect whereby we can, and should, consider regarding this matter of coverings. This is relative to Yahweh's will concerning His glory which He assigns to His created. We want to look now at this significant truth, and after laying some important groundwork, relate it to Paul's statement that "it is a glory" to the woman to have long hair. If we want to know what Yahweh would have the woman to do with this glory that is given to her, we must consider what His will is concerning our response to His glory. Once we understand this, we can even further understand why Paul said for the woman to either cover her head or cut off her hair.

But first, let us look at Yahweh's plan in general for His glory – for all glory comes from Him – and then consider glory as it relates to coverings. It must be said here though that our first step in this consideration has to be a negative one. We first need to see the consequences of failing to give Him the glory.

Isaiah 4:5 gives a very descriptive and important statement as to Yahweh's plan concerning His glory: "For over all the glory will be a covering." All glory comes from Yahweh, and is to be given to Him. In Isaiah 42:8 and 48:11, He plainly, firmly, and significantly states: "I will not give My glory to another." Because we are His creation, that glory may rest upon us or be assigned to us; but ultimately, it is to be returned to Him. In fact, we see that when it is not willingly returned to Him, but rather claimed as a product or fashion of the created rather than the Creator, the consequences are death and judgment. Consider these examples:

Yahweh will not give His glory to another. King or pauper, we are the created and are wholly a product of His design. He plainly states in Isaiah that "over all the glory will be a covering." Considering these two truths, we are herewith disposed to raise the question: Since coverings are assigned in the four examples we studied in Chapter 3, do we find a glory that is being covered? The answer to this important question is clearly – yes! Let us examine all four pairs and see what the Scriptures reveal concerning the presence of Yahweh's glory.


We will begin with our first example – the earth. Recall there are two coverings over the earth. The first covering is the waters of the sea and the clouds. These combined were then covered by the second covering, the firmament, which was removed and replaced by the substitutionary covering of the ozone layer. One might think that the object being covered would possess the glory, but what we find to be the case in every example is that the first covering is endued with glory. And this glory, according to Scriptural patterns and the statement found in Isaiah 4:5, requires that "over all the glory will be a covering." Thus, the glory-assigned first covering is covered by the second covering.

The first water covering over the earth possessed His glory. Psalm 148:13 declares: "His glory is above [or, over] earth and heaven." The glory over earth is clear. This glory is in the water of the seas over the earth. But what is this glory above heaven? We find from the Scriptures that the atmosphere is the first of three heavens. This is where the birds fly (Genesis 1:20, et al), where heaven is often translated "sky," where the air we breath exists (Matthew 6:26, etc.), and where the clouds form (Psalms 147:8, 57:10-11, etc.). The second heaven is the vast universe of stars and constellations (Genesis 15:5, 22:17, etc.). And the third heaven is where Yahweh abides. "His glory," spoken of in Psalm 148:13, "is above [or, over] earth and [the first associated] heaven." Thus, this glory associated with the earth is seen in the first covering over the earth – the waters over the earth and the clouds above. This identification of the sea and clouds as glory is affirmed in that Yahweh's glory often appeared as a cloud (2 Chronicles 5:13-14). Over this glorious covering, above the waters and the clouds, is thus the second substitutionary covering of the ozone layer – "over all the glory will be a covering."

Let us go to the second example. Our soul and spirit is covered by the first covering – our body. And the second covering – the original splendor and light of Yahweh – was replaced by the substitutionary covering of clothing. Again, we will see a glory assigned to this magnificent creation of Yahweh, the intricate human body, the first covering.

This magnificence, however, is severely tarnished since the fall. Though it possesses a remnant of glory, it does not compare to the glory to be given through its replacement with a glorified incorruptible body born from above. In 1 Corinthians 15:40 and 43, we read: "There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies, but the glory of the heavenly is one, and the glory of the earthly is another. ... it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power." This waning glory we possess in our body, like the diminishing glory from Moses's face, still, however, must be covered. The glory of man must, of necessity, be covered by the second substitutionary covering – clothing.

We now proceed to the third example of the subject four. The first covering over the ark of the covenant – the mercy seat – equally possessed Yahweh's glory. Hebrews 9:5 states: "And above it [the ark of the covenant] were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat." And of course, then the incense served as the second covering over the glorious mercy seat.

Now for the fourth example – the tabernacle. But may we say first, it is most significant that upon examining the Scriptures, in all four of these examples, without exception, a glory is assigned to each of the first coverings! One might think that it would not be so consistent, except for the fact that Yahweh does have a truth, or pattern, here that has an important message for our benefit and instruction today.

In keeping with the previous three examples, we should equally find that the first covering over the tabernacle – the tent – possessed Yahweh’s glory. This, of course, would then require the second covering, the cloud by day and the fire by night. What then do we find? Exactly as we would suspect: "And I [Yahweh] will meet there [at the doorway of the tent of meeting] with the sons of Israel, and it shall be consecrated by My glory. And I will consecrate the tent of meeting and the altar" (Exodus 29:43-44). The tent, the first covering, was consecrated with Yahweh's glory, necessitating the second covering of the cloud and fire.

So now we have it. With amazing consistency the first covering possesses a glory that demands to be covered by the second covering. Why is this so? Possibly because Yahweh watches over His glory and will not share it with anyone. Whatever the reason, we see a consistent pattern – the primary object is covered by the first covering which possesses glory, and the glorious first covering is covered by a second covering which, when removed, produces judgment and is replaced by an interim substitutionary covering.

Before we move on with this study of glory, let us briefly add two additional examples where Yahweh's glory temporarily rested upon an object, likewise eliciting a covering. The first one is in Exodus 24:16-17: "And the glory of Yahweh rested on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it for six days ...." Yahweh's glory on Mount Sinai required a covering – a cloud. Then ten chapters later we find Moses returning from his final visit with Him on the mountain: "And it came about when Moses was coming down from Mount Sinai ..., that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with Him" (Exodus 34:29). Because of this "glory of his face," as Paul called it in 2 Corinthians 3:7, Moses covered the glory when he stood before the people (Exodus 34:33-35). We encounter here then two further examples of glory being covered.


There exists a lot of confusion, misapplication, and widespread lack of understanding over this next significant testimony. The reason for this is that if one examines a solitary scripture apart from the rest of Scripture, it becomes a matter of one's own interpretation, which, of course, is forbidden by the Scriptures (2 Peter 1:20).

To understand the next scripture, it is best accomplished by a comparison with other relevant texts on the same matter. And this is exactly what we have accomplished by our study up to this point in this section on glory. We have laid the groundwork so as to establish a basis for understanding exactly what is being proposed when the subject of glory is addressed. One cannot understand the issue of the glorious woman's hair without understanding Yahweh's laws and patterns for covering His glory. And the entire argument of the need for the woman to wear a headcovering could rest solely on this unfolding truth. Therefore, you will want to read this carefully. Now for the scripture in question.

In 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 we read: "Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is dishonor to him, but if a woman has long hair, it is glory to her?" It is most important to remember that when we speak of hair, we are speaking of a legal covering. It is both a head-covering for the man, as well as for the woman. Thus we see once again that hair is the glorious first covering that demands a second covering.

For the man, verse three of 1 Corinthians 11 tells us that Yahshua is the head, or covering, of the man, while the man is the head, or covering, of the woman. Verse seven also tells us that in this headship line the man is the glory of God, and his glory is covered by Yahshua; while the woman, who was created out of the man, is the glory of the man, and her glory is covered by the man. Then finally, in verse 15 we read that the glory of the woman is her long hair, thereby equally demanding a covering.

Now let us put together what we have learned. Yahweh has assigned a glory to the woman's long hair. We have learned that glory always rests in the first covering, and this is once again exactly the case with regard to the woman's long hair. And, as we have learned, this glorious first covering demands the presence of a second covering. Therefore, when the woman goes before or speaks on behalf of Yahweh, she must have the second substitutionary covering on her head, covering her glory. This is a soundly established, clear, and concise truth deserving our acknowledgment and application. The cloth headcovering is the substitutionary second covering that covers the glory of her first covering – her hair.

Let us present this more clearly and directly. We find here a very important pattern that should cause every uncovered woman to seriously consider her uncovered state. We know that:

The glory of the Father is Yahshua (John 17:24, James 2:1), and the Father covers Him.
Likewise, the glory of Yahshua is the man, and Yahshua covers him.
Then the glory of the man is the woman, and the man covers her.
Finally, the glory of the woman is her long hair, and yes, the woman too should clearly cover her hair, her glory, consistent with the entire headship line.

Please read this next statement carefully. What could be more relevant to this truth than when Paul wrote: "For if a woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off" (vs. 6). If a woman is not going to provide the vital second covering, then as instructed, she should remove the first covering bearing the glory. Thereby, when her first glorious covering (her hair) is absent, there is nothing testifying of the need for the second covering. "But," Paul adds, "if it is disgraceful for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved [and it is], let her cover her head."

Women, the glory of Yahweh is clearly in your hair; therefore, cover it when you go before Him, even as a priest was required to cover his anointed head. Your husband cannot cover his hair since Yahshua is his head, his covering. If you are not going to cover your hair, then obediently shave your head to remove the testimony of the need for the second covering (which, of course, you cannot do). I hope you understand this very important truth. (More on this subject of glory in Chapter 8.)

We next want to look at the extent to which the woman's head is to be covered. What does a truly Biblical headcovering look like? What is its purpose, or what is it to accomplish? Is a little doily sufficient? To what extend should the woman's headcovering cover her glorious hair? Before we address these practical questions, let us pause for an instructive poem.


Come now ye created, consent unto me,
And I'll tell you of glory that be not assigned by thee.

For glory is given by God from above.
Tis not ours to be altered by passion or shove.

In work of day six God fashioned the man,
His image and glory Paul tells was His plan.

Then came the woman, from the created she be;
Not in image of God, but glory of created was she.

The glory we find on this one so fair,
Is not in her headship but in her long hair.

All glory is to be covered, we read in God's Word,
The man's under Yahshua, the woman's under cloth, not observed.

And the glory that God has given to the man
Should nary be subverted, but in keeping with His plan.

For careful should be the woman chaste and discreet,
To not fashion herself for man's glory compete.

Cosmetics, for one, attractive their purpose to be,
Should wholly be rejected, for its the man God intended to see.

The woman, I fear, from beginning has sought lead;
So conscious women should be, to let husband precede.

Precede in appearance. The glory of God – let him stand.
And let the woman cover her glory; taking cloth and not cosmetics in hand.


This matter of the  extent of the woman's headcovering had been a long-standing sincere question for our household. The decision to cover our lady's heads was only the beginning. Then one asks: How much of the hair is to be covered? Is the covering only a head-covering, or also a hair-covering? There was a time when our girls put their hair up and kept it under the covering. Then we concluded that if the hair is a "wrap around," it should function as such, so the girls wore their now-long hair down, extending beyond the covering. What was right? Yahweh certainly would have an answer to our sincere questions. Proverbs 25:2 says: "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter." God has concealed in His Word the answer to all our questions, if we will only search them out. Our ladies did not cover their heads out of a tradition, and we did not want to use a select covering provided by tradition. Our question was: What do the Scriptures teach on this important issue? This was to be our guide and our standard.

To answer this, there are no specific commandments on the headcovering's extent. That is why headcoverings vary so much. So what can we find if we are to know the "glory of kings" by searching out this matter? Guidance is best and most assuredly acquired by studying this question from the known truth that the hair of the woman is glory. What is the woman to do with this glory she has been given? The most direct answer to this question is Isaiah 4:5: "For over all the glory will be a covering." Thus, the woman should cover all of her hair.

This is indeed a succinct and direct answer, but does it mean that not a hair can show? The best way to answer this question is to see to what extent the other corresponding second coverings covered each first glorious covering. Quite simply, how Yahweh covered the other glorious first coverings will reveal how the woman is to cover her hair.

In the first set of coverings, unquestionably the firmament thoroughly covered the earth. The ozone layer replacement covering is almost equally thorough, with exception to the remote ozone hole environmentalists are concerned about. The splendor and light of Yahweh over the bodies of Adam and Eve certainly wholly covered their pre-fall bodies; and clothing likewise is to be a thorough covering in keeping with the robes to come which will cover to our feet. But as with the ozone layer, there are some areas of exposure – the face, hands, and feet.

The cloud of incense over the mercy seat is a less descriptive covering, but undoubtedly must have essentially filled the enclosed room and provided a rather complete covering. And the substitutionary blue cloth surely covered the ark and mercy seat in a most thorough fashion. And fourth, the cloud by day and fire by night assuredly provided a more than adequate covering over the tent. The Hebrew word "kasah" or "cover" used to describe both of these clouds was also translated as closed, clothed, conceal, engulf, hide, and overwhelm. These clouds closed, clothed, concealed, engulfed, hid, and overwhelmed the tent and the mercy seat. During the transport of the tent, it was folded away and the atonement money became the sole legal covering.

When examining these four examples, it seems that the original coverings totally covered, while the replacement coverings had, or have, some openings. This may be a testimony that they are coverings following and consequential to a state of sin. Of course the woman's headcovering is likewise a replacement covering. And yes, we too exist in these bodies of sin. Thus, it seems that the secondary coverings allow for some small amount of exposure.

To further searchingly draw from these four examples, we note that the second coverings were established from Yahweh's perspective. The firmament, the incense, and the cloud covered each covering from His heavenly view, but allowed man to either wholly or partially view the first covering. What can this rightfully speak to us? That the covering is for Yahweh God.

This same truth is evidenced in the woman's headcovering. Paul tells us that it is for the angels, Yahweh's ministering spirits sent from Him. Since the headcovering is for Yahweh God and His angels, and since in these examples man partially viewed the first glory, a woman's headcovering may be worn where man, in a horizontal view, might indeed see some of her hair, but is generally covered before Yahweh. Thus, from both of these perceptions, from a practical standpoint we can conclude that if some of the frontal hair is showing, this would probably not be excessive, especially since covering the face is an ominous act. And if a man can see the woman's hair beneath her covering, this still follows the pattern of the four examples. However, hair that gainfully extends out beyond the covering of a limited head-only covering (e.g., a doily, small scarf or cap, or bandana) is not sufficiently covered. 

Who would want to or who could live on an earth that was only partially or slightly covered by an ozone layer? To make the point: Who could survive a doily ozone layer? The shame of less clothing is unfortunately less offensive than in times past. Some modest women would not think of wearing shorts or a skimpy swim suit, yet their headcovering is equally immodest. And what Levitical priest would have chanced entering the Holy of Holies if the coals in the firepan were reduced to ash and about to grow cold? And if the cloud over the tent began to break up and the pillar of fire go out, what Israelite in the wilderness would not have become gravely concerned? Yet today, the headcovering (in keeping with the condition of the church and this nation) is most frequently removed or reduced to fashion, or to tradition, and is often a less than sufficient effort to scripturally cover the woman's head and hair.

What we have examined here is the guidance our family found from the Scriptures. Most Christians who cover their heads have only to go by what they think, or by other's opinions, or frequently by traditions. However, it is far better if we not become "opinion-aided," but be like the Bereans, who "were more noble-minded," and examine the Scriptures to see whether these things are so (Acts 17:11). When Yahweh gives us instruction as He did in 1 Corinthians 11, it is from His very nature and ways and government that He speaks. Thus, we can be certain that also in the Scriptures will be the patterns for that instruction that are based upon His ways.

"There is nothing new under the sun"; therefore, the pattern for the woman's headcovering is not new either. Its application, purpose, function, and thus general design will be found in the Old Testament, even as we found the truth and purposes of the woman's headcovering when we studied there Yahweh's examples of coverings and the covering of His glory. And unless the pattern of the woman's headcovering fulfills the pattern of the Scriptures, then it is only an opinion of man, even if it be a long-standing tradition. We must pass beyond the opinions and traditions of others and adequately cover the glory of the woman's hair according to the examples and pattern given to us in the Scriptures, and according to the Scriptural guidance, "over all the glory will be a covering."

The Covering and Headship

Someone may still dispute here and say: "This matter of the hair-covering is irrelevant. All that is necessary is a head-covering. As long as the head is covered, then it is a 'head-covering.'" Let us first summarize what has thus far been said, and then present additional supporting evidence for a covering "over all the glory."

First, when studying this matter of coverings, recall that Yahweh's pattern is that coverings are in pairs. And when we come to 1 Corinthians 11, we see exactly the same truth. Then second, this matter of headcoverings and hair-coverings are interrelated. Paul brings to issue the hair length of the woman as an evidence that the woman is to cover her head. This is very important to note. Paul was saying that the long glorious hair of the woman demands the need to cover it.

When studying this matter of glory, we have found that the first glorious covering is to be covered. This is in keeping with Paul's argument. He said that the woman's long hair was her glorious "wrap around" covering, which gave cause for his instruction that the woman was to cover her head.

If the confirming evidence up to this point is still insufficient, let us now give some additional thought-provoking comments on how much of the hair one should cover. We know that the head, or covering, of the woman is the man; that the head, or covering, of the man is Yahshua; and that the head, or covering, of Yahshua is Yahweh. How thorough a covering do you suppose the Father is to Yahshua, or that Yahshua is to the man? Unquestionably, we would agree that they are total and complete coverings.

Likewise, what kind of covering should the man be to his wife? And what kind of covering would the wife wish her husband to be for her? An equally as possible thorough covering, I'm sure. Thus, to what extent of a covering should a woman wear on her head? A thorough covering as well, one which wholly covers her glory. The Father wholly covers His glory, the Son. Yahshua wholly covers His glory, the man. The man should wholly cover his glory, the wife. And likewise, the wife should wholly cover her glory, her long hair.

But herein is the prophetic breakdown. Yahweh and Yahshua fulfill their responsibilities; but when it comes to the man, he falters to varying degrees in some of his responsibility. And an even further loss of covering is seen as very few women today cover their glory; and of those who do, some of them do not wholly cover their glory. Ladies, do you want to correctly establish a prophetic message to your husband, to the angels, and to the world? Then begin to thoroughly cover your glory. Do you want a husband who will thoroughly cover and protect you, or do you want one who will only partially cover you, or not cover you at all? You establish that prophetic truth by the covering you wear, or fail to wear.

Many women today complain that their husbands are not the spiritual leaders in their homes. I would ask: Are you spiritually obedient and giving the message to Yahweh, the angels, and your husband that you are under his covering by thoroughly covering your head? 1 Peter 3:1-2 says that you may win your disobedient husband to the headship of Yahshua "without a word" by your "chaste and respectful [with fear] behavior." You, ladies, can begin that process of restored headship by presenting before Yahweh and the angels the kind of covering you want your husband to be by thoroughly covering your head. Do you want your head, your husband, to be in submission to Yahshua? Then correctly submit your own head as covered to your head's Head. Begin to practice in an intercessoral act of obedience what you desire for your husband.

And we must reiterate: Do you want your husband, the glory of Yahweh, to only partially submit to his covering? If your answer is "no," and you want your husband, the glory of Yahweh, to wholly submit to Yahshua, then wholly submit your glory to a covering. The Scriptures teach that you reap what you sow. Sow obedience and submission in your own life, that there will be fruitful obedience and submission in your husband's life (as well as in the lives of your children).

Men, what kind of covering do you want to be for your wife and children? A complete and thorough covering enabled by Yahweh, even as is your Head? Then let your wife wholly cover her head and hair as a visible reminder to you, and a prayer to Yahweh that you would be enabled by Him to be an equally complete and effectual covering for them. The natural precedes the spiritual. Your wife's covering can be your daily reminder and prayer for His order and enabling ability to be a proper covering for her and your children. May the power and authority resting on her head be a cry to God for you to know and possess His power and authority in being the man Yahweh would have you to be.

Kata, the Thorough Covering

Interestingly, and remarkably significant in light of our study, in the Old Testament Yahweh has given us in a most unique way a prophetic testimony concerning His required response to, or His pattern for, long hair. There was a man named Seir who had seven sons (Genesis 36:20-21). Seir's name means "hairy" or "shaggy.” Can you imagine what glorious "hairy" named his first son? His "long shaggy hair" demanded a covering, so he named his first son Lotan, or "covering.” And what kind of covering was there to be over his "long hair" testimony? His second son provided the answer to that question, as he named him Shobal, or "flowing.” So, glorious "hairy" provoked the need for a "covering flowing.”  How very explicit!

Likewise, this flowing covering is equally evidenced in the Greek word for the woman’s headcovering; and as you will see, even for the woman’s dress.
In Chapter 3 of this book we noted that the Greek word for the second covering addressed in verses 5-7 and 13 was "katakalupto.” This word is actually a combination of two words – "kata" and "kalupto.” The word "kalupto" by itself is actually the word "covering," and alone could have sufficed in stating the mere fact of a covering on the woman’s head. But, Paul purposefully did not use this word alone. Rather, he added to it the more intensive "kata," which strengthened the word "covering," making the combination of the two a more inclusive covering – to cover wholly. This intentional difference tells us that the second covering is not just a mere "kalupto," or covering; but moreso, it is a thorough "katakalupto," or entirely sufficient to wholly cover the woman's long hair. This is an obvious and important distinction made here by Paul; one we need to recognize and implement.

Furthermore, in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 we read Paul’s equal instruction: “I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.” In like regard, the Greek word here for the woman’s “clothing” bears the familiar prefix “kata.” But here, Paul now used the word “katastole.” So what then is “proper clothing” for a woman, that which fulfills the requirement of being modest and discrete? The answer is clear, for Paul tells us in this word “katastole.”

“Katastole” is equally a combination of two Greek words – “kata” and “stole.” According to Strong’s Concordance, the Greek word “stole” is a “long fitting gown (as a mark of dignity): long clothing (garment), (long) robe.” To give you an idea of this word’s usage and the garment it would hereby identify, this is the same Greek word used in Revelation 7:9,13, and 14 where we see a great multitude “standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes [or, stole]. … These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes (stole) and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”  

So when Paul instructed that the woman was to wear a garment that was “modest and discrete,” again he could have just used the world “stole.” But no, once again he added to this already definitive term for a long garment the strengthened form of “kata,” emphasizing that it was to be a long, fully covering garment, extending to the feet. Furthermore, if the glorified Savior wears a “poderes,” a robe reaching to His feet, or “ped” (Revelation 1:13), how much more should women wear a dress that equally reaches to their feet, even as they consistently did so before the Curse of 1920? Thus, regarding both the woman’s headcovering and her dress, in both cases Paul strengthens these words by adding “kata,” evidencing thorough and complete coverings in each.

This “katastole,” or fully covering garment, is the same testimony we see both with “hairy” Seir’s two sons, “covering flowing,” as well as the woman’s “katakalupto,” or fully covering headcovering. Whether it be the woman’s fully covering modest and discrete dress that evidences her “claim to godliness,” or her fully covering headcovering; clearly, the Scriptures instruct that a woman making a claim to godliness is to fully cover both her body as well as her head.


In summary, the hair-covering is intrinsically related to this matter of the headcovering: as established by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11; as revealed when studying coverings throughout the Scriptures; as revealed when studying these same patterns concerning this matter of glory; in being consistent with the thorough covering afforded in the Godhead; in prophetic examples such as Seir and his first two sons "covering" and "flowing"; in the identification of the woman's headcovering as a "katakalupto," or wholly or flowing covering; and in clear, direct statements from the Scriptures such as, "For over all the glory will be a covering.” Clearly, it should thus be the practice of every woman seeking godliness to wholly cover her glory, her long hair, as well as her body.


While we are here, let us perform some quick housekeeping on some thoughts. Some Christians believe that if women grow their hair long and roll it up on top of their heads, it is a covering. Well, it is; but remember, it is only the glorious first "wrap around" covering, which demands the second "to cover wholly" covering. Rolled up or hanging down, that long hair is still the glory of the woman exposed as uncovered before Yahweh and His angels.

Someone might ask: Is a hat a proper covering? A hat of today is stylishly designed to draw attention to the covered, not to Yahweh and His truth of being covered. And as a covering, it really performs a poor task, as generally only the hair on top of the head is covered. Instead of a hat, which draws attention (attractiveness) to the woman, why not wear a covering that will direct attention to your head, your husband? Hats are the stylish remains of a once-practiced biblical truth. First there were godly headcoverings, which later became pretty headcoverings, which were replaced by stylish headcoverings, which were hats; then hats went out of style. So, there went the coverings. Hats are a testimony of the passing of a true biblical covering. They are only a transition piece, designed by the diluting affects of the world. The godly headcoverings of times past were not removed all at once; but rather, were refashioned into obscurity. So why wear a hat? If you are going to cover your head, then cover all your glory without trying to conform the covering to a degenerative style. Wear a covering to cover your glory and direct attention to your head, your husband or father.

And now to another point. Although this may be needful repetition, since 1 Corinthians addresses the order of a church gathering, some think that the woman only needs to cover her head in a group gathering. This idea has no basis whatsoever when one considers that the covering is not for the assembly, it is not for man, but it is for Yahweh and His angels. This misapplied practice is prophetically consistent, however, with the attitude of relegating Christianity to the confines of a church building. But God is not confined to a building; and His alter at home, in the car, outdoors, or anywhere, is to be approached by the woman with her head covered.

This practice of assigning the headcovering to just a church gathering totally misses the true purpose of the woman's covering, thus dishonoring her husband when outside of those set boundaries. This practice totally misses the true purpose of covering her glory anytime, anywhere, when she goes to her head's Head. So, if you wear a covering to an assembly only, you do not understand the covering's true meaning. It is for Yahweh God and the angels, not for man; and He is not trapped in some building. Women should wear the headcovering when they go to Him anytime or anywhere, in prayer or when speaking on His behalf. Therefore, women who pray without ceasing find it necessary to wear the headcovering at all times.


We now turn our attention to some further interesting observations concerning Yahweh's design relative to hair. We have said previously that He never created anything without purpose; nothing was accidental or meaningless. Everything in His creation is an expression of truth. As pointed out to me by one of my daughters, (as much of this chapter on glory has been from their enlightenment and input), since hair on the woman and the man is a glory assigned to the first covering, it is interesting and significant to note where else Yahweh placed that glorious hair on the human body. Let me relate to you a number of conclusions that can be drawn concerning Yahweh's placement of this glory.

First, the man, who is the glory of God and is to possess a greater glory than the woman, affirmingly possesses more abundant and generally coarser hair than the woman. This first covering is not only on his head, but covers much of his face, is readily on his chest, often on his back, and is longer and thicker on his arms and legs. Some men are covered very well with hair. Women on the other hand are typically less hairy. This is equally true in Yahweh's affirming creation of animals (mammals) as well. The lions mane, the male goat's beard and mane, the male primate's fuller coat, and on and on, attest to the greater glory given to the male. This hair that man has received has been given to him for a purpose. It is not some evolutionary holdover. It has been given to the man as a testimony of the glory of God. And it is important to note that the Scriptures instruct that it is a denuding shame and humiliation for the man to remove the glory Yahweh has given him.

Additionally, it is interesting and insightful to note where Yahweh more abundantly places that glory on both men and women. His placement of hair is not some landscaping feat in creation – placing a bush here, some grass there, for a little beauty. His creation of man goes far beyond simple beauty, which in truth is for the most part to be covered by the second covering, clothing. His placement of hair identifies His glory.

Unique to the man, Yahweh places that glory on his jaw (which we have already discussed) and around his mouth. What does this tell us? That Yahweh has glorified the man in that He is to be the primary mouthpiece for Him. The prophets, the priests, the patriarchs were all men. The New Testament instructs that the man is to teach and rule, while the woman is to remain silent. Yahweh has given glory around the man's mouth because he is to be His mouthpiece. Let every man's words be from the covering Yahweh has given him; "let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God" (1 Peter 4:11). He is "the image and glory of God," and let him glorify God by guarding his covered mouth and proclaiming His Divine words. God speaks from a bearded mouth, and so should any man who presumes to speak on His behalf.

In contrast to the man's course beard, the hair on the woman's upper lip is softer and of far less quantity. This too testifies of the nature and disposition of the woman. She is to have a "gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God" (1 Peter 3:4), like unto the glory of the hair on her lip. She is not to teach or exercise the authority of a man. She may pray or prophecy if she covers her head, and in an assembly she is to keep silent (1 Corinthians 14:34-38, 1 Timothy 2:8-15), as befitting the woman who has been given less glory and covering about her mouth.

The eyes have been given a glory and should be used to the glory of God. Of what function are eyebrows other than that Yahweh has marked the eyes, the window of the soul, to receive His glory. Let us use our eyes to glorify Him.

Where else do we find a striking appearance of hair? Both men and women possess a greater quantity of hair under their arms. What does this tell us? Like the man's jaw, the arm is a sign of strength (Exodus 15:16, Deuteronomy 33:20, 1 Samuel 2:31, etc.). And like the jaw, where there is human strength there is a glory and a need for His covering. At the root, base, or hinge of the arm, Yahweh has affixed a glory, and we do well and are wise if we give our strength and sweat (our labors) to Him. And may we add here: What testimony is set forth when women shave under their arms for cosmetic reasons? Once again, like the man who shaves his face, they are prophetically rejecting Yahweh's glory, and either calling for His judgment or attesting to nullifying the second covering.

Ladies, if God gave you hair under your arms, it is His intention that it be there, or it would not be there in the first place. If you worry about what others will think, then you have impure man-conscious and not God-conscious motives. And anyway, if you are wearing modest clothing, men will not see under your arms. It is only immodest and incomplete clothing that reveals your underarms.

Of course another area to which Yahweh has assigned a greater glory is, very importantly, our strength or ability to conceive children. There is a glory in the bearing of children, and that glory is attested to in Yahweh's placement of hair. Both here and at other locations, there is no sound physiological reason for man or woman to possess increased hair in select areas, other than Yahweh's identification of glory. We are wise to recognize this divine order and honor it, thereby honoring Him and not rejecting His ways.

Additionally, the man's chest generally possesses an extra measure of His glory. The Greek word for chest means "to stand," i.e., to stand out. Men certainly "stand out" from women on the quantity of hair on their chest. Yet the woman may frequently have a gentle identifying mark of His glory on that area where she gloriously nurtures the young whom Yahweh has given the couple.

Let us conclude here with two other thoughts on this matter. First, the covering of glorious hair demands a second covering, thereby giving testimony that the body is to be clothed with a modest covering. Second, our society today is following the ways of worldly Egypt and rejecting Yahweh's glory. For vain appearance women shave their bodies. They faithfully remove the glory of the strength Yahweh has given them. And shamefully, the man shaves the covering over his jaw and around his mouth. Some men are shaving the glory of their heads. 

What does this Egyptian compulsion mean? Prophetically, men have rejected the glory of Yahweh for the vanity of the world and are under a curse. One of the last strongholds in the reversal of this will be, not the restoration of the beard, but for western women to cease making their legs and underarms nude. And for what reason do they continue? Vanity! But the woman will say: "But it doesn't look pleasing or clean for my legs or underarms not to be shaved." Two thoughts. First, why are your legs and underarms not covered? Yahshua's clothing covers to His feet. Couldn't you at least cover your legs to your ankles?

And second, isn't it interesting that shaving the body in the Scriptures was opposite of man's justification today. Shaving one's body was because someone was suspected of becoming unclean with leprosy (which represents sin) – Leviticus 13:33. Removing the hair on your legs is not a condition of cleanness; but to the contrary, it speaks to God and the angels of a condition of being unclean. Let us not derive our actions from worldly Egyptian styles and vain practices (which is easier and is the wide way), but from Yahweh's principles and truths (the narrow and selective way). Choosing to follow His ways is always a choice to be different from this world. Unfortunately, most find only a little difference to be sufficient. Looking like the world is very hard for women to resist and overcome, but not excusable either.

Since creation, man has had an affair with the world – following its subtle, lawless, yet entrapping seductions. Today, men and women have the same iniquity that the house of Israel had – the "iniquity," the "Avon," of turning to Egypt (Ezekiel 29:16). Even as Abraham and the Israelites turned to Egypt to their own trouble and harm, likewise men and women do so today by their conformity to worldly ways and appearance. Wherever hair has been purposefully placed by our Creator, by following the ways of the world/the Egyptians, men and women have reduced or removed it.

Whether it is over the eyes, around the mouth, on the legs, or wherever, men and women alike reject the attesting glory Yahweh has given them, and follow the altered image of the created rather than the Creator. Like men with sharp tools who fashioned an idol in times past, men and women today take their own well-sharpened tools and cut and pluck until they too have fashioned for themselves an image according to their own sensual creation. By man's own vanity, Yahweh has accomplished today against His people what He once used the Assyrians to effect – men and women "shave with a razor ... the head and the hair of the legs; and ... remove the beard" (Isaiah 7:20). This was the handwork of the enemies of Yahweh's people that was brought against them for their disobedience. How much more is this denuding shame taking place today, all under the compulsion of our enemy – vanity!


Let us reiterate here Proverbs 25:2 which states: "the glory of Kings is to search out a matter." Our unfolding study on this matter of the glory of hair causes us to press on even further in our glorious search. Proverbs 20:5 also says: "A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, but a man of understanding draws it out." We are drawing from deep waters on this subject. And we pray that as we are led further and further in this study, we too will be men and women of understanding, rather than being unlearned or deceived by the world. Let us continue.

In Leviticus 14:1-9 we see the process of purification for cleansing someone who had been healed of leprosy. Leprosy pictures sin. So in this cleansing process we see in picture how man is cleansed after being healed of his sins. First, a bird was to be slain in an earthenware vessel over running water. Then second, another bird was to be dipped into the blood of the first bird, along with a scarlet string, hyssop, and cedar wood, and the cleansed leper was to be sprinkled seven times with the first bird's blood. The man was then to be pronounced clean and the second bird was to go free over an open field. What was to take place after this is very relevant to our study.

Next, the man who had been declared clean by the sprinkled blood of the first bird was to wash his clothes (a covering), shave off all his hair (a covering), and bathe his body (a covering) in water and be clean. Three is the number of divine completeness and perfection. There are three coverings addressed here, and in each one we see a cleansing and renewing of each in this cleansing process for the healed leper.

The hair of the man's entire body was removed and replaced with new hair growth. Of course the new only comes through the putting off of the old, and that is exactly what we have here in all three of these cleansing procedures – putting off our old deeds (clothing), putting off our old glory (hair), and putting off our flesh (the body). Removing the hair in this cleansing process for the leper meant laying down one's glory, followed by the introduction into new life. Afterwards, the cleansed leper could then go back into society as a new man, as a cleansed man, as a newly covered man.

But what do men and women do today? They live in a perpetual and unresurrected state of humbling and reduction and death. Man thinks removing hair is beautiful, but Yahweh sees it as a humbling. Isn't that just like man? What man desires as beautiful, Yahweh views as the opposite. The removal of hair was a testimony of losing one's glory following leprosy, then followed by restoration with a new glory. But by shaving off and rejecting the glory of the hair Yahweh has given them, men and women today prophetically present the testimony of unending humiliation, unfulfillment, and rejecting and never receiving His newly restored glory.


Let us continue drawing from this deep water and look at another issue – balding. Have you ever wondered why men tend to bald, but women do not? One can be certain that Yahweh has a prophetic governmental purpose in this. Nothing is pure happenstance in His creation; everything He created has a purpose and speaks concerning His ways and plans.

One can confidently deduct that hair loss is a "death" process, a product of the fall. When Adam sinned, that death process was initiated in the created. Hair loss is nothing more than the continuation of that process. Balding is an in-part dying, just as bodies up to now have eventually died. But, why does hair die on men so completely as to uncover the head, and not on women? Or the reverse question: Why doesn't the woman also lose her hair so as to bald? Do you think it is only hormonal? One can be certain that when Yahweh alters the glory He has given to the man, and essentially unalters the glory He has given to the woman, He has a message and a purpose in this distinction. Balding is not happenstance, but rather prophetic design!

First though, let us say that, obviously, if a man balds, he is no less a spiritual man or any more a sinner than someone with a full head of hair. Leviticus 13:40 even says: "Now if a man loses the hair of his head, he is bald; he is clean." The man who balds naturally is "clean"; he has not done anything that makes him accountable for his "uncovering" hair loss.

But why would this matter of balding even be brought up in the Scriptures if it had no spiritual significance? The balding of men is a testimony of the sin process that occurs in everyone, uncovering man for Yahweh's judgment, or the loss of glory. The matter of sin and the redemption from it is entirely a headship issue. One is either in Adam or in Yahshua, "For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive" (1 Corinthians 15:20-22).

Relationship with Yahweh is based on headship. Thus, it was the man who reflected the uncovered headship of all men and women in the Adam flesh. This testimony could not and need not be given to the woman, for she is not in the headship line. It is the "one man" headship that frames all of salvation. Just as "through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12, 15), and through "one Man" we are restored, or recovered, it is equally through the man to which our uncovered state is testified (even by his balding). This governmental fall and restoration was identified through the man, not through the woman. It was through the two Adams, not Eve. This headship matter of being uncovered is thus testified to in the man, not the woman.

When Yahweh saved and recovered man (isn't it interesting that the word "recovered" means to gain back or restore a covering, to "re-cover"?), He had to smite man's Head (Yahshua). So when man sinned, it was the man, not the woman, who was to give the testimony by balding that he was uncovered (and needed to be recovered). Let us momentarily consider the woman for a minute in this matter.

The woman is under the headship of her husband, and it was not necessary for her to bald. She is not a part of the line of headship, which is distinctly masculine. For just as the man's balding is a testimony, Paul says that the woman's long hair is equally a testimony. He argues this in his letter of corrections and instructions to the Corinthians. On the matter of the woman covering her head, he says that the glory of the woman's long hair evidences her need for a covering. To remove that glory would be to remove the testimony, or need, for the covering. Thus the woman does not naturally bald because her glorious hair conversely reminds her to cover her head. This is the reason Paul brings up her long hair at this point in his instruction. (In Chapter 8 we will consider another reason for the woman not balding, as well as the prophetic significance of the woman having a substitutionary covering unique to the man.)

But what Yahweh God did not do to the woman, the woman obliges to do to herself. Some women have even gone so far as to bald their heads, while many women cut their hair short and look like the man. Spiritually, these women are abandoning their long-hair covered place and, since they are already not covering their heads as a man would not, they further seek to occupy his place by having their hair cut short like the man. Maybe since they want to be like us men, they might think different if Yahweh cooperated with their changes and further altered their design by also letting them begin to thoroughly bald! Many women would then change their ideas, dress, and hair cuts in their quest of pursuing masculinity.

Men, if you are balding, it is not a personal shame. Don't cover your head with a false man-made glory, a toupee. Yahweh is giving testimony through you. Let Him speak. It is a reminder that we are uncovered before Yahweh through Adam's sin. And women, your hair is a glory that Yahweh has given you. He does not uncover or bald you for a reason. Your long hair is a call to cover your head when you go before the One who balded men and judges the uncovered. You too need to be covered, even as your husband's uncovered head is a testimony of Yahshua's covering. And hopefully the top of his head (no matter how much hair he has or does not have) and his jaw (no matter how much of a beard he can or cannot grow) are a confirming testimony of Yahshua's covering.


Before leaving this subject of the woman's long hair and her need for a covering, let us delve even deeper. As this material was being written and discussed with my family, truth lead to further truth, like puzzle pieces lead to placing other puzzle pieces. Upon completion of this book, it is hoped we will see somewhat of a complete picture of this matter of coverings.

We have stated that if the woman cuts her hair short like a man, it removes the testimony that she is a woman and that she needs a covering. The man's balding is the hair (or lack of it) testimony of man and even mankind's need to be covered, or re-covered, by Yahshua. But for the woman, her long hair is her testimony for the need to be covered. And of course these differences speak of two different coverings.

The woman's need for a covering goes all the way back to the beginning with Adam and Eve, when Eve was in the Garden, alone with the serpent. There she listened to the serpent and ate of the forbidden fruit. What was her dilemma at that point? What was her problem? Eve was now separated from Yahweh! She, the woman, needed a covering. She had sinned. She had fallen. Who would come and help her? Her covering husband!

At this one suspenseful moment, the woman had independently separated herself from Yahweh, while the man maintained that oneness and pureness with Him. If Adam refused to eat of the fruit, Eve would have been forever separated from him – being sent out of the Garden and dying alone, and Adam remaining to eat of the tree of life. What would he do? Lose Eve, or identify with her and trust in Yahweh's mercy for both of them? In an act to save his wife and preserve their one flesh union, Adam knowingly ate the forbidden fruit.

1 Timothy 2:14 tells us that Adam was not deceived by the serpent; he knew exactly what he was doing. For love's sake, he ate from that fruit! What was thereby provided for Eve by her husband? As a testimony or pattern for all time, Adam provided her a covering. Adam entered into sin for Eve's sake, and Yahweh provided the covering. This is exactly what Yahshua did for His Bride as well. He became sin for her in order to redeem her. His Bride needed a covering.

So when the woman cuts her hair like a man or refuses to cover her head, can you see now why she shames her head? It is like Eve saying, "I don't need you Adam." Or it is like the Bride saying, "I don't need you Yahshua; I can make it on my own as an equal with You." Women nullify the truth of headship and the Bride's need for her husband when they refuse to wear the long hair given to women and reject the headcovering.

And we might point out that these two roles of the man and the woman are confirmed elsewhere in the Scriptures. To the man they teach – love your wife. And for the woman they teach – submit to your husband. These two truths are inseparably enveloped in the headcovering. The woman is to submit under the headship of her husband, while the man is to lovingly provide a covering for his wife.

Concerning Yahshua's Bride, mustn't she equally be covered? Yes, even as Eve needed Adam's covering, Yahshua's Bride is to be covered by her Husband. And is not the woman then a picture of the Bride, and is the woman not also taught that she too is to be covered? Yes, she too, as a picture of the Bride, is to be covered. And what does this covered Bride reveal? When the woman covers her head, she is a revelatory testimony to the angels of Yahweh's grace and wisdom extended to Eve and to the Bride. Conversely, the woman's unwillingness to cover her head testifies of her rejection, and the Bride's rejection, of the headship covering. The uncovered wife is one who, in picture and prophetic practice, has gone astray from the saving mercy extended to Eve.


Let us look at one final point concerning the significance of this glory (hair) which Yahweh has given us as a covering. This has to do with His testimony of aging.

With increased aging, there should also be increased maturity, wisdom, and insight. Once again, Yahweh uses hair to visually attest to and confirm His coronation of aging with a higher degree of virtue. In Leviticus 19:32 He set the aged apart as those to respect. He commanded: "You shall rise up before the gray headed, and honor the aged." Older men and women are to be honored simply because of their age. And according to Yahweh's design, the sign of this maturing is the changing color of their glory. No longer is it the color of the young and immature, but Yahweh sets maturing, or aging, apart by crowning their heads with silver-gray hair. Proverbs 16:31 says: "A gray head is a crown of glory; it is found in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 20:29 likewise confirms: "the glory of young men is their strength, and the honor of old men is their gray hair." Yahweh uses the glory-representing hair of men and women to attest to the honor to be received with maturing – not only with the placement of a beard and other body hair, but later with changing hair color. Our Creator could have left our hair the same color; but no, by His attesting design, He changes the glory of man to testify to the honor he is to receive.

This revealing and meaningful change is also evidenced with Yahshua in Revelation 1:14. Having received the glory or radiance of the Father, Yahshua was described by John: "And His head and His hair were white like white wool, like snow ...." Once again, Yahweh attests to surpassing wisdom and virtue specifically by the color of glorious hair.

But what do fallen impoverished men and women do to graying hair? They pluck it and color it to disguise aging. Instead of welcoming aging as maturing, man seeks to be like immature Peter Pan and remain young. But it is evident that man's falsely created youth matches the extent of his virtue as well. Men lack honor, maturity, and wisdom today.

What more does Yahweh attest to through glorious hair? Much more for sure. Another point is that the glory assigned to cover our eyes – our eyebrows – likewise increases with age. The aged man with his "bushy" eyebrows gives testimony that with age and maturing, men should likewise have greater insight into matters. The aged do not see things the way the young do. They should have gained greater experience that gives them, not greater natural sight, but greater insight into matters. This increased "vision" is attested by the increased glory that covers their eyes.

But again, what do men and women prophetically do? They accomplish what they do best. Men and women alter and reject Yahweh's attesting creation, forming their own image in the ways of the world/Egypt. Rejecting wisdom, rejecting insight, they trim and pluck their eyebrows. Again, man's actions are prophetically in keeping with their rejection of wisdom; seeking rather to have the appearance of youth. But with youth, one also possesses the inherent quality of immaturity and lack of true understanding. Rejection of the natural maturing process prophetically reveals rejection of the wisdom of Yahweh. Thus, while trying to preserve their Peter Pan appearance, they equally become spiritual and social Peter Pans.

Giving further credence to the testimony of hair, while man is to increase in honor and wisdom, he also decreases in physical strength. The young man's glory is his strength; but not so for the old. Under the curse, they lose their strength in time, they lose their ability to bear children, and the glory of their bodies diminishes. Yahweh testifies to this by the general loss of hair corresponding to their general loss of strength and vigor. Diminished strength, vigor, and the glory of bearing children brings the attesting diminishment of glorious hair.


Are you now beginning to see that altering hair speaks of altering the glory of Yahweh? Quit plucking, coloring, shaving, curling, teasing, falsely adding to the glory Yahweh has given you. Yes men, you must trim the hair on your head, and women appropriately may. And for both, it is only right to keep it clean and orderly; but for testimony sake, let your hair be. It is Yahweh's creation, not yours, and it affirms His glory. Quit altering it! Altering hair is "altaring" hair to the god of vanity.


I built me an altar just the other day,
For what did I find, but a hair had turned gray.

Up plucked I that hair that attested to me,
That I be no longer young, fancy, and free.

But soon to my surprise, aghast I must say,
That be I continue to pluck, all my hair do I slay!

So out did I come with color like me;
I placed on my hair, and youth I set free.

My eyebrows likewise I trim; my wife trims hers too,
And shaves her legs and underarms, so to hair we bid adieu.

The razor my wife, to slay hair she seize,
Fits my hand also, and smoothes face with ease.

You see, this altar I built, I gaze at each day.
It's made of glass and fine silver; my reflection display.

To alter at this altar is such a fitting a task;
It's our duty of worship, to keep lad and lass.

So falter at altar? I dare not relent!
For how I am changing, I hold with contempt!

Leave me be, I cry! I grasp the horns of the spigot!
And should unwelcomed hair arise, I'll cut, color, or pick it.

I'll cleave to my altar, and form the plan-I-see.
What shall I call my dear altar? I'll call you Vanity!

Glory is not something we can or should seek to establish or take to ourselves. Yahshua clearly stated: "I do not seek my glory; there is One who seeks and judges" (John 8:50). Yahshua appealed to the source of His glory, to His Father, as we read: "Glorify Thou Me together with Thyself" and "the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father." Yahshua plainly said: "If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing; it is My Father who glorifies Me" (John 8:54). Thus, He categorically stated: "I do not receive glory from men" (John 5:41).

In the beginning of this Chapter, we noted that we are to give the glory to Yahweh God.  This is the example we have in Yahshua, as we read in 1 Corinthians 15:28: "When all things are subjected to Him, then the Son Himself also will be subjected to the One who subjected all things to Him, so that God may be all in all."

Exposing the glorious hair of the woman to tease it, curl it, color it, and shape it is self-obtained glory. Yahshua tells us that seeking the glory of men hinders our testimony and obedience: "How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another, and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?" (John 5:44). The woman who wears her hair uncovered is pleasing man, and failing to seek the glory and favor of Yahweh. Her efforts are directed instead toward the favor and recognition of men. Think about that ladies. It is not the extent of your glamour that pleases Yahweh, but rather your gentle and quiet spirit which is very valuable to Him. Do not regard your supposed external beautification as pleasing Him. In fact, it is an insult to Him since you set yourself to be wiser than the Creator. We need to acknowledge and live by the standard of Hebrews 5:4 which plainly states: "no one takes the honor to himself, but receives it when he is called by God." Until then, let us cover our glory – the woman under the covering of the man and a veil, the man under Yahshua, and both under modest clothing.

We should not take our own glory, but should be giving all glory to Yahweh. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, Paul clearly states: "whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." We have no place in taking any of the glory to ourselves. As Yahshua said: "If I glorify Myself, My glory is nothing" (John 8:54). We are to give all glory to Yahweh. This requires, of course, obedience to His ways. One cannot glorify Yahweh by doing those things that are contrary to Him, including His laws and testimonies concerning coverings.


Glory be not glory when the glory one takes.
Or to glory in one's glory is a dreadful mistake.

For gory be glory when vertical "l" out we shove,
That points others attention to those up above.

This vertical we must keep so that glory rise upward;
Or gory be our product and glory be subvert.

And when "l" be capped at top and bottom to contain;
It is "I" that be fashioned, and glory to I is insane.

So leave all glory alone. In truth, let it be
Directed to ones above and you'll soon see;

That vertical "l" which directs all glory up above;
Will return from where sent to bring glory in love!

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