CONT., page 4
Even as we saw in Zechariah 4 the pattern or picture of the church in the
olive tree, then the lampstand, then another olive tree, so we find in the
gospels this identical pattern. The first gospel of Matthew represents or
reveals the first olive tree, the first son of fresh oil, or the first Remnant.
Again, this is the Remnant that was formed by the first outpouring of the Holy
Spirit and occupied the very unique period of the church from the day of
Pentecost to the stoning of Stephen. We will elaborate more on the place of
Matthew as the gospel per the first Remnant.
The gospel of Mark represents or reveals the center and much vaster period of
the church; that is, the seven-branched lampstand known as Christianity. Once
the initial Jerusalem-based first Remnant period of the church was completed,
the much vaster and obviously far longer spanning Pauline Antioch-based period
of the church began. The initial period of the church was known specifically as
"the way." From Paul's work based in Antioch, we find the beginning of
that which the Antiochens first called Christianity (Acts 11:26). This initial
period identified as "the way" was never called, and should not be
called today, Christianity. Christianity is the specific and separate lampstand
work that followed the first son of fresh oil first Remnant work at the first
outpouring of the Holy Spirit, or the former rain. It is a grave and most
confusing mistake to fail to separate these two distinct works of the Holy
Spirit thus far accomplished within the church. One will never comprehend what
Yahweh is doing in the church if this distinction as seen in Zechariah 4 and
confirmed throughout the Bible is not drawn. Never call the first Pentecost work
of the Holy Spirit Christianity. Christianity is the central located lampstand
Pauline work. You can call all of this the church, as in fact it is - "Not
by might nor by power, but by My Spirit." But in no way can you lump all of
this together as Christianity. It is not. Christianity is Antioch based,
Pauline, and is the seven-branched lampstand. The two Remnant are separate
unique works - the two olive trees, or the "two sons of fresh oil."
And it is specifically the book of Mark, as we will clearly see, that represents
or reveals this lampstand work of Christianity.
The third and final distinct part or work in the church is the second son of
fresh oil, or the last days second Remnant. This distinct and highly important
work (in that it is the Elijah) is clearly represented in the third gospel of
Luke. (Each of these representations will be confirmed in this writing.)
What could the fourth and final gospel of John represent, in that all three
parts of the church are now revealed? This unique gospel, which is indeed highly
unique in character and content from the other much more similar gospels, is the
gospel that reveals or represents the true and pure kingdom of heaven which is
above. Like its author, John is the pure, the beloved, that which will never
Having stated all of this, these specific distinctions are of no value unless
these characterizations are consistently evidenced in each of the gospel
accounts themselves. But this is the marvel of all that is written here thus
far. The evidence of these specific identities or representations is most
consistently portrayed in these four individually unique accounts. Once the
distinguishing representations of each of these four gospels is recognized, only
then do the differences and contradictions bear any meaning whatsoever. And
GREAT meaning do they bear when one recognizes these highly important and
revealing representations. Let us now look at some qualities of each of the four
gospels that establish and confirm their relevance to the specific works of
Yahweh we have just ascribed.
In summary, the messages in each correlating gospel chronologically address
four works of Yahweh - the first Remnant, Christianity, the second Remnant, and
the pure kingdom of heaven. Thus we find the following order: Matthew was
written per the first Remnant, Mark was written per Christianity, Luke was
written per the second Remnant, and John was written per the pure kingdom of
heaven. Let us now look at some of the facts from each gospel confirming this.
MATTHEW - the first Remnant
- The writer's example: Matthew was one of the twelve disciples. He had an
unpopular beginning as a tax collector, which if you understood the failure
of the first Remnant speaks of their flawed beginnings. This flawed
beginning is often a characteristic of other Remnant pictures - Rahab the
harlot bore a scarlet thread rope in her window, Zerah bore the scarlet
thread on his wrist and was the product of Tamar's deceptive practice as a
harlot, and Solomon, who built the temple, was born of Bathsheba,
David's bride of Uriah whom David indirectly slew.
- Meaning of Matthew's name: gift of Yahweh. The first Remnant is the
Father's first installment gift to His Son for His kingdom to come.
- Number of parables: 20. Twenty is the number of redemption. The first
Remnant is the first portion of fruits redeemed out of man to be of His
- Matthew's closing verse: "Go therefore and make disciples of all the
nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy
Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with
you always, even to the end of the age." What age? The church age. The
first Remnant that was formed at the beginning of the church possessed the
high call of converting all nations, which it will fulfill when they return
with Christ in the Millennium. They will not be forgotten, but will be
resurrected as specifically promised in Revelation 20:4-6.
MARK - Christianity
- Mark's example: Mark was one who, though having the prestige of being the
cousin of Barnabas (Colossians 4:10) and possibly a personal convert of
Peter (1 Peter 5:13), failed in his missionary efforts and deserted the
others, having "not gone with them to the work" (Acts 15:38). Mark
was therefore not allowed to accompany Paul on his next journey, which split
him and Barnabas. Christianity likewise will not go with Yahshua in
resurrected bodies "to the work" of His kingdom reign in the
Millennium because of their unfaithfulness, and will not accompany the
Remnant in resurrection in the kingdom. But even as Mark was later restored
to Paul and became "useful to me for service" (2 Timothy 4: 11),
likewise Christianity will be restored to Yahshua in resurrection and again
"be useful to (Him) for service." The "son of my sorrow"
(Ben-oni) will become the "son of my right hand" (Benjamin).
- Meaning of Mark's name: its meaning is uncertain. Some references identify
its meaning as possibly - a large hammer. Christianity is "the hammer
of the whole earth," the name given specifically to Babylon (Jeremiah
50:22). Even as concluded in the reformation concerning the Catholic church,
it is in fact all of Christianity that incorporates mystery Babylon. As ill
a position as this may be, it also affords hope - God did not judge Babylon
as He promised and as they deserved. (The prophecies of Isaiah or Jeremiah
concerning the judgment of Babylon were never fulfilled.) Likewise, God will
not judge mystery Babylon Christianity in wrath as it deserves.
Another source states that Mark means - warlike. As Yahshua declared, up
until now the kingdom of God "suffers violence, and violent men take it
by force" (Matthew 11:12). Even as Yahshua was able to say this to the
crowd around Him in His day, it still applies up to today. Christianity uses
violent means in obtaining the kingdom; and like King David, it too will not
be allowed to build the temple of Yahweh because of its violence.
Another source makes no attempt to decipher which meaning may apply to
Mark's name.
Finally, on the more positive side, one source states Mark's name as
having the meaning of - brilliant or shining. This is good, but it is not
conclusive. There is the shining of God's glory, but also the shining of the
corrupt (Ezekiel 28:11-17). Christianity certainly is a mystery, even a mix,
as the uncertainty of its name reveals.
- Number of parables: 9. Nine is the number of judgment. Mystery Babylon
Christianity deserves the fierce judgment of Yahweh, but they will receive
His cleansing and purification by fire instead (Zechariah 13:7-9).
- Mark's closing verse: Like the meaning of Mark's name, the closing of this
gospel is a controversy, even as is Christianity. The controversy exists in
the supposed addition of verses 9 through 12 in the closing chapter. The
oldest manuscripts of the Bible omit these verses. Excluding these
questionable verses, Mark thus closes with - "And they (the women who
went to the tomb with spices to anoint the body of Yahshua) went out and
fled from the tomb, for trembling and astonishment had gripped them; and
they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid." That is how Mark
closes without the addition; a not so positive conclusion. But, as we have
already stated, Yahweh will have mercy upon Christianity, restore it, and
complete it. Thus, the closing of Mark with the addition of verses 9-20
reads - "And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord
worked with them, and confirmed the word by the signs that followed."
By Yahweh's mercy, this is a much improved closing for Christianity which
Yahweh will fulfill.
LUKE - the second Remnant
- Luke's example: Luke, in contrast to Mark, was a close and faithful
traveling companion of Paul. During Paul's second Roman imprisonment, Paul
wrote in 2 Timothy 4:11 - "Only Luke is with me." While the first
"Matthew" Remnant was, as its writer, primarily Jewish, Luke
(probably of Greek decent) appropriately represents the second
"Gentile" Remnant. As "the beloved physician"
(Colossians 4:14), Dr. Luke represents the healing "physician,"
the second Remnant that will provide the "balm of Gilead"
(Jeremiah 8:22) for the waiting martyred first Remnant. Also as the
physician, the second Remnant's establishment will be the beginning of the
repairing of the breach. As testified in the first twin son of Judah, Peres
(whose name means "breach"), so a breach occurred between the two
Remnant - Christianity - and the two will be united at the first
- Meaning of Luke's name: of light. Zerah, with his scarlet thread on his
wrist and the second born of the twin brothers (Genesis 38:27-30), clearly
represents the second Remnant. This is further evidenced and confirmed in
that the meaning of Zerah's name is also "light." The second
Remnant will truly be light to the world, ushering in Yahshua.
- Number of parables: 28. Twenty eight is the number of eternal life. The
second Remnant will have the privilege (as did its prophetic forerunner and
example, Elijah) of never dying. The second Remnant is the Elijah, and will
be translated alive to meet Yahshua in the clouds, not suffering death but
having eternal life in imperishable bodies.
- Luke's closing verse: "And they returned to Jerusalem with great joy,
and were continually in the temple, praising God." This is the joy and
the fulfillment of the second Remnant - they will enter alive into Jerusalem
above to receive heavenly bodies, will be the completed and restored temple
of God, and will be a praise to Yahweh.
JOHN - the pure kingdom of heaven with Yahshua reigning
- John's example: Yahshua called John and his brother, "Son's of
Thunder" (Mark 3:17), which is a heavenly noise - heard from atop Mount
Sinai when Yahweh descended upon it, and when "there came a voice out
of heaven" and Yahweh proclaimed He would glorify the Son (John
12:28,29). John was likewise one of the twelve disciples, the one "whom
Jesus loved" (John 13:23; 19:26; 20:2; 21:7, 20) and who affectionately
reclined on Yahshua's breast at the last supper (John 13:23, 25). At
Yahshua's crucifixion, John alone remained with Him and was entrusted with
the care of His mother, Mary (John 19: 26, 27). While Peter was
prophetically, as Christianity, told by Yahshua that he would be led where
he did not wish to go, John on the other hand (to the comparing concern of
Peter) was referred to - "If I want Him to remain until I come,
what is that to you?" (John 21:18f). John represents the beloved
Remnant bride of Yahshua that will reign eternally, as well as His pure
kingdom which encompasses her.
- Meaning of John's name: Yahweh has been gracious. Indeed Yahweh is
gracious, not only to His bride, but to all men; and He will set up His
kingdom to reign among them.
- Number of parables: 0. There will be no parables in Yahshua's kingdom
reign, for when we see Him we will be like Him, and He will teach all
nations in truth (something which Christianity with its 22,000 denominations
has failed to do). The perfect will come and the imperfect will be done away
with. All things will be made clear then.
- John's closing: "And there are also many other things which Jesus
did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world
itself would not contain the books which were written." Yahshua, with
His returning Remnant bride, will bring all truth to the world in His more
perfect kingdom reign.
Further conclusive and confirming verification of the specific representation
of each of these four gospels is evident as one compares the many differences
in their messages, which you will see in the writings that follow. There is a vast
wealth of truth that can be gleaned from a comparative study of the gospels
based on their intended differences and specific representations. These
differences are God's consistent testimonies to the work He will do in
Christianity and in the two Remnants. Let us now consider these unique works
revealed in the writings of the Old Testament.
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