Hungering and Thirsting
For Righteousness
Cont., page 6
Now, having said all of this regarding
the woman, one would ask: Will
Yahweh God use women?
Absolutely! Women were used
by Him throughout the Bible, and are used today.
Elizabeth and Mary were used to bring
forth both the foreshadowing Elijah and Yahshua. And what kind of life did those two
pursue? Regarding Zacharias and
Elizabeth, we read: ÒThey were both
righteous in the sight of God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and
requirements of the LordÓ (Luke 1:6).
Oh, such a quest we should follow.
Though advanced in years and in disgrace without child, still
Elizabeth’s heart was towards Yahweh.
And today, among women, where is this sense of disgrace and unfulfilled
purpose for not having a child?
Mary was of a like heart as Elizabeth,
and she too had Òfavor with GodÓ (Luke 1:30). We see as well by her continual
response—to the angel who came to her, and to Elizabeth—why she was
so favored. To the angel she
replied, ÒBehold, the bondslave of
the Lord; may it be done to me according to your wordÓ (vs. 38). And to Elizabeth, who proclaimed to her,
ÒBlessed are you among women,Ó she likewise humbly replied, ÒFor He has had
regard for the humble state of His bondslave; for behold, from this time on all generations will count
me blessedÓ (vs. 48). Oh what an
example for women: to be regarded
blessed because of their humble state and heart of a bondslave.
Will Yahweh use women? Absolutely! Mary Magdalene was the first to announce
Yahshua’s empty tomb, and she did so because she availed herself to such honor
by being a servant—going to the tomb early in the morning (John 20). And after the disciples came to the
tomb, and then went away to their homes, she remained at the tomb weeping. She was then honored as well to see two
angels and spoke with them. And,
she was the first to speak with Yahshua after His resurrection, thinking at
first He was the gardener (and in fact He truly is). And, she then spoke to the disciples yet
a second time that fateful morning, being the first to proclaim that He had
resurrected from the dead! All
these events were a true honor—having taken the place of a servant.
Yes, Yahweh will indeed use a woman who
is a servant, even as He will use a man who is a servant. As it is written, he who humbles himself
will be exalted, and he who exalts himself will be humbled (Luke 14:11). The woman is the weaker vessel, but
Yahweh’s word says that Òwhen I am weak, then I am strongÓ (2 Corinthians
12:10); and, that Òstrength is perfected in weakness,Ó His grace being
sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9); and, that He has chosen the weak and the
foolish to shame the strong and the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27); and, that we are
not Òadequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but
our adequacy is from God, who [makes] us adequate as servants of a new
covenantÓ (2 Corinthians 3:5-6).
Thus, Yahweh reduced Gideon’s army down to a state of weakness, Hebrews
11:32 and 34 noting, they Òwere made strong out of weakness.Ó
Acknowledged weakness is the place of
total dependence upon and complete hope in one’s Creator. As we have noted, Yahshua Himself, God’s
Son, came in weakness in a female role—to be a servant and not to be served
(Mark 10:45)—and we, men and women alike, are to do likewise. And, we can have no confidence in the
flesh, but our hope is to be in Yahweh and His work. ÒFor we are His workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would
walk in themÓ (Ephesians 2:10). As
Paul equally declared, ÒWhere then is boasting?Ó There is none.
When the apostles asked Yahshua to
increase their faith, His reply was to become a faithful servant. And when we are asked to do more than
might otherwise be considered reasonable, He said that we are to do it and
reply, ÒWe are unworthy slaves; we have done only that which we ought to have
doneÓ (Luke 17:5-10). And the one
who prepared the way for Yahshua gladly proclaimed: ÒHe must increase, but I must decreaseÓ
(John 3:30). How much moreso is
this to be our attitude if we are to see His coming today? Our attitude must be as Paul declared: ÒBut even if I am being poured out as a
drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and
share my joy with you allÓ (Philippians 2:17).
Will Yahweh use women? Absolutely! He has given them the attesting sign of
His glory—her long hair. For
either the man or the woman, He desires the female quality of humility and
being a servant. It is when one
usurps that role that sin takes place.
This is what we see in feminism and seeking to be like the man.
Will Yahweh use women? Absolutely! He
is glorified in using the weak. But He uses the woman who does not seek
to usurp the man or abandon her place and role—whether it be in society or in the home or in the church. It is written that the meek will inherit
the earth (Matthew 5:5).
Timothy was such a man. When Paul called him, he came. He did not exalt his own agenda or place. And the centurion who was a man under
authority had great faith (Luke 7:8-9).
And let us recall here the testimony
from 1 Peter 3 concerning that which is pleasing to
Yahweh regarding women. It is most
certainly not outward adornment that is according to the ways of this world,
making them His enemy, but that which holy women in former times
evidenced. This included the
Ògentle and quiet spirit, which is of costly value before God,Ó as well as
Òbeing submissive to their own husbands.Ó
Where are these examples today?
Most sadly, it must be said here that with the way society is today, the
only way for most women to see an example of a holy woman is to indeed look
back to the women of old.
One of those women who equally found
favor with God was Sarah. She is
forever recorded in the Scriptures as an example for all women. And what was that example? She submitted to her husband, Abraham,
Òcalling him lord.Ó How many women
possess that godly attitude today?
Herein then is the Scripture’s challenge: Òand you have become her children if you
do what is right without being frightened by any fearÓ (1 Peter 3: 6).
Will Yahweh use women? Absolutely! The woman is a type of the Bride. Just as the woman is naturally desirable
to the man, so God desires the feminine, even mercy, even the Bride. The woman, even the Bride, is created in
order to effect fruitfulness. They
are to look to Yahshua as their example, as we have noted. Proverbs 31 speaks of the virtuous woman , whose worth is far above rubies,
and the heart of her husband trusts in her. ÒShe does him good and not evil all the
days of her life. . . . Charm is
deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears Yahweh, she shall be
And there is the woman of Song of Solomon
as well who is described in many affectionate and desirable ways, and she
became in her husband’s eyes as one finding peace. (Notice, she did not become in the
world’s eyes as one finding professional or political fulfillment. She was not designed or ordained by the
Creator for such place or purpose.)
She too speaks of the Bride, and women have the opportunity to attest to
that much-desired and effectual Bride.
The fact is, we all, male and female, must become in His eyes peace and
joy and fulfillment.
Abigail was also a faithful testimony
of a godly woman, and most certainly the Bride. She was faithful to her husband, Nabal,
delivering him, as well as all the men of that household, from the wrath of
David (1 Samuel 25). Though he was
in fact a worthless man, nonetheless she interceded for him. In the end, God took his life, and David
took Abigail as his wife. She too
is a type of the Bride, taken out of the ÒworthlessÓ Body of Christ. These events took place at Carmel, which
means Ògarden.Ó It is the kingdom
of heaven where the test of Carmel occurs, where the prophets of Baal are
killed and Elijah’s offering is taken up to heaven. Abigail attests to the same—being
taken up to David.
Many who wrongly and iniquitously
desire to exalt women to the authority and place of the man, turn to Deborah as
an example (Judges 4:4-5). But, she
too was a type of the Bride, and not a justification for women today to violate
the Scriptures and the clearly established governmental order of Yahweh
God. As a testimony of the Bride,
she attested to and was most certainly one under the authority of the
male. First, she sat under a palm
tree. The Hebrew word for Òpalm treeÓ
is Òtamar,Ó which literally means
Òerect.Ó Thus, Deborah sat under
the testimony of the male rod of authority. Furthermore, her husband’s name was Lappidoth, which means
Òtorch.Ó This is essentially the
same Hebrew word used in Genesis 15:17 where a burning torch and a smoking oven
passed between the split covenant parts laid out by Abraham (Genesis
15:17). The torch is a rod with a
fiery head, and the oven is the female womb. (Watch Thinking Governmentally, Part 2, for a most revealing account
regarding this.) Thus, Deborah was
a woman under the rod, and her head/husband was a burning rod. She is the Bride. Also, she was a prophetess, and 1
Corinthians 11:5 confirms that a woman may prophesy. But there is one thing Deborah does not
do, and that is to justify women today being out of place and exercising the
authority of a man—the curse of Genesis 3:16.
And speaking of Deborah and her
prophetic role, we read in Judges 4 that because Barak would not go without her
to defeat Sisera, then the honor would go to a woman. That woman was Jael, the Kenite.
Sisera fled to her tent and she covered him under a rug to hide
him. He asked for water and she
gave him milk, and he went to sleep.
Jael then took a tent peg, and with a hammer drove it into his temple
until it went into the ground. So
what are we seeing here? It is the
second Remnant Bride who provides the second blow to Satan’s head and kills
him. To see and understand these
two blows to Satan’s head, read here.
And taking this matter even further
than we have ever before considered, providing a most interesting and revealing
testimony, in Judges 5 we find the song that Deborah and Barak sang. In verse 27, we read a most unusual and
obviously prophetic statement regarding Jael and Sisera:
Between her feet he
bowed, he fell, he lay; between her feet he bowed, he fell; where he bowed,
there he fell dead.
Do you recognize anything in this
statement from what has been previously noted? You will recall, it is the phrase,
Òbetween her feet,Ó and in the Hebrew is Òbeyn
regal.Ó But ÒregalÓ is translated
both ÒfeetÓ and Òlegs.Ó In
Deuteronomy 28:57, we read of Òthe baby that comes from between her [the
woman’s] feet/legs.Ó In Genesis
49:10 we read: ÒThe rod will not
depart from Judah, and the scepter from between his feet/legs . . . .Ó This
phrase, beyn regal, is used in three instances in the
Scriptures: these two, as well as Judges
5:27. Quite uniquely, here we now
see Sisera prophetically taking the place of an infant, even being given milk,
and ÒBetween her feet/legs he bowed, he fell, he lay; between her feet/legs he
bowed, he fell; where he bowed, there he fell dead.Ó What could this mean?
In Revelation 12:4-5, we read a
uniquely similar account:
And the dragon stood
before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he
might devour her child. And she
gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all the nations with a rod of
iron; and her child was caught up to God and to His throne.
One can assume that the dragon was
standing between her feet so as to devour the male child. Clearly, this dragon is Satan, who
wanted to devour the Son of God, but instead He was caught up to God, and will
come again to rule all the nations.
But in the testimony of Sisera, we see the opposite. In fact, it seems to be the principle
that you reap what you sow, or as you judge, you will be judged. While the dragon sought to devour
Yahshua between the feet of the woman, he failed to do so. And we find testified in Sisera, who fell dead between the
feet/legs of Jael, that where Satan sought to take the life of Yahshua while
with the first Remnant, he will die with the work of the second Remnant.
This is the like testimony in
Revelation 2:10, versus Revelation 3:9.
In 2:10, some of those at Smyrna were to be cast into prison by the
devil (the synagogue of Satan), and they were to be Òfaithful until death.Ó But in 3:9, those at Philadelphia would
see the synagogue of Satan Òbow down at [their] feet.Ó These two churches are the two Remnant, the first and the second as noted in Whose
Coming Is Through Water and Blood,
page 3. And as we see, they are a key part in
the death of Sisera Satan. Even as
Sisera bowed between the feet of Jael, and the synagogue of Satan bows down at
the feet of Philadelphia, so Satan will bow down and die at the feet, the
kingdom rights, of the second Remnant.
On June 18, 1994, Yahweh told me that
the masculine Body of Christ will not receive Yahweh’s glory, but it will be
given to the feminine Bride. As we
see testified with Jael, the masculine Barak will not receive the glory, but it
will be given to the female Bride.
Sisera Satan will bow to the Bride in yielded submission, will fall, and
will die between her feet. He stood
between a woman’s feet to kill Yahshua, and he will thus bow and die between a
woman’s feet—the Bride’s. He
will reap what he has sown.
The wonderful thing concerning Bride
truth is that it is repeated over and over again throughout the Bible. Thus, what we see testified here, is
evidenced in yet another way with Solomon’s temple. Here we must be brief. Just as a child and a rod pass between
the feet/legs, so Yahweh designed the passageway into and out of Solomon’s
temple to be between two ÒlegsÓ—two bronze pillars. There is no mistaking that those two
bronze pillars evidence two legs.
In The
Tale of Two Pillars, we see that those two large bronze pillars are fulfilled by Christianity, taking
its place on both sides of the Millennial Reign. Already we have witnessed one of those
pillars: the first 2,000 years of
the church. There will then be a
like 2,000 years after the Millennial Reign.
So again, what is between the two
legs? The Millennial Reign of
Immanuel with a rod of iron. And,
what happens to Sisera Satan during that 1,000
years? He Òdies.Ó He is bound and thrown into the abyss
and it is shut and sealed over him (Revelation 20:2-3). So again we see testified that between two
Òlegs,Ó Sisera Satan bows, he falls, he lays there, he
falls ÒdeadÓ!
In conclusion, there is no question
that the woman—both the natural and the Bride—is indeed in the
position to have a MOST fulfilling role!
But, this fulfillment requires that we, both women and the Bride, must
be the Proverbs 31 woman, and the heart of her Husband trust in her and she do
Him good, as well as the Song of Solomon woman, and become in His eyes peace
and joy and fulfillment. Let us now
further see what this requires.
Continue to the final page of Hungering and Thirsting For Righteousness