He Was
With My Jealousy
Another revealing example of this two-part/third part pattern is found in Judges 19 and 20. We cannot examine all the revealing and confirming details of this account, but must quickly work our way toward a most important testimony found here.
This account begins with “a certain Levite” who had a concubine who played the harlot and went away to her father’s house. The Levite went to get her, and was soon returning home with her. While on this journey, they stayed in the home of an “old man” in the town of Gibeah of Benjamin. But during the night, a strikingly familiar repeat of that which took place in Sodom prior to its fateful end occurred. Equally, men came to the old man’s home in the night and demanded that the traveler be brought out so they could “have relations with him.” The old man tried to deter the men from their intended action, and in so doing gave them the traveler’s concubine. They took her and “raped her and abused her until morning, then let her go at the approach of dawn.”
The woman went back to the home of the old man and died at the doorway “with her hands on the threshold.” When the Levite found her, he took her body home, cut it up into twelve pieces, “and sent her throughout the territory of Israel.” At this, all Israel gathered to recompense this “lewd and disgraceful act.”
Benjamin would not turn over the men who had committed this, but instead gathered for battle; so the sons of Israel went before Yahweh to enquire who should go up first in battle. Yahweh answered – “Judah.” But this battle was fierce and the sons of Israel were severely defeated.
That evening the sons of Israel again went before Yahweh with weeping, and enquired if they should go to battle with Benjamin once again. Yahweh answered – “Go up against them.” So the next day they again went up against Benjamin, and were once again sorely defeated!
That evening they again wept before Yahweh and fasted and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. Once again they enquired before Him, and this time He told them – “Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand.” And that is exactly what happened! Benjamin was driven to the brink of almost total annihilation as a tribe.
Do you see once again the same clear three-part pattern of the church? Here again there were three parts, or three days, of battle. All three were directed by Yahweh; but as we have seen in the other repeated testimonies, in the first two days of battle they too were “cut off and died.” And equally, on the third day, as promised by Yahweh, Benjamin was delivered into their hand and was utterly defeated!
Thus, once again we clearly have another revealing testimony of the church; and in this highly unique testimony, we can glean some things that will not only give us much needed insight, but also hope.
We are soon going to get to the main message of this writing, but let us look at some revealing details thus far. First, the “old man” who brought the Levite and his concubine into his house was just that. By his identity he reveals the “old man” of our flesh.
The concubine is the corrupted kingdom of God that has gone astray into harlotry. She is the Hagar. And the “Sodomites” who sought the Levite but raped the concubine all night, are the corruption of the kingdom, the curse that is on the kingdom, even as the Curse of 1920 has produced the homosexuality that is rampant today and corrupts America in the same way.
Uniquely, when the concubine was released at the break of dawn, when the period of darkness has finally come to an end, when Hades, or the time of not seeing, is complete, when the light of truth is beginning to dawn, even as it is now with the coming of the truth of the second Remnant, she returned to her husband and died “with her hands on the threshold.” One can be MOST certain that this seemingly insignificant matter regarding the threshold is not insignificant in the least, otherwise it would not be specifically and uniquely stated here.
It is quite revealing that the Hebrew word here for “threshold” is “saph,” which is the identical word for the “basin” into which the blood of the lamb was placed on that first ever Passover in Egypt and sprinkled on the lintel and the two door posts (Exodus 12:22). Thus the concubine died with her hands on the very place where the Passover blood was testified, the blood that prevented the death of the firstborn son for those who remained within the house, which she could not. Undoubtedly, there is the testimony of Passover here.
Though from a different Hebrew word, while the concubine died with her hands on the threshold, when the ark of the covenant was placed in Dagon’s temple, Dagon fell on his face to the ground before the ark and both of his hands, as well as his head, “were cut off on the threshold” (1 Samuel 5:4). Of course this seven month period of the ark in Dagon’s temple is a clear picture of the period of Christianity when the holiness of Yahweh resides among carnal and corrupt flesh man. After this incident, the ark of the covenant was returned to the field of Yahshua via the two milch cows.
And when Elijah prayed on Carmel and sent his servant to look over the sea of death, and on the seventh time saw a cloud the size of a man’s palm, the Hebrew word for that cloud, which is “ab,” is once again the same word that is equally translated as “threshold.” The servant thus saw a threshold the size of a man’s palm just before the rain broke the three year drought. I dare say that we, the Bride, are now at that determining threshold! (Read Isaiah 6:4f and 1 Kings 7:6-7. Also, there are numerous thresholds mentioned in Ezekiel’s temple.) Let us now turn to examining the three days of battle.
Before the first day of battle, Yahweh’s message to them was that Judah was to lead the campaign. We already know that these three days represent the three-part period of the church, and we have already noted the identical pattern regarding the three sons of Judah. Why did Judah lead? Once again, because the church is a priesthood through the line of Judah. Sending Judah first on this first day testified once again that this is the church. And of course they were defeated unto death, even as was the church in its first 1,000 years.
At the end of the first day of defeat and before the second day, once again they sought Yahweh. And even as Yahweh sent Balaam and yet sought to kill him, so the sons of Israel were sent by Yahweh and once again defeated in battle. These two days of death and defeat thus marked the two-parts or 2,000 years that the church would equally suffer death and defeat at Yahweh’s guidance and design.
We have noted already that the third day of battle was entirely different, insomuch that this time Yahweh told them that the Benjamites would be delivered into their hands, and they were. Thus, victory did not come until the concluding third day, the day of the church that we now stand at the threshold thereof. But let us look closer at that which preceded this victory.
We have already noted that when they came before Yahweh at the end of the second day, two things were added – they fasted, and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before Yahweh. But there was something else added here that is, once again, most unusual. We will quote verses 27 and 28 of Judges 20, but with one slight change. As you might know, there are no punctuation marks in the Hebrew language. Translators add them for clarity in reading. In these two verses, we will leave out two parentheses and add one comma. Neither the words nor their order will be changed in any way. See if you can tell where these slight changes were made.
And the sons of Israel inquired of Yahweh, for the ark of the covenant of God was there in those days, and Phinehas the son of Eleazar, Aaron’s son, stood before it in those days, saying, “Shall I yet again go out to battle against the sons of my brother Benjamin, or shall I cease?” And Yahweh said, “Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand.”
The parentheses were supposed to go between “Yahweh” and “for,” and between “days” and “saying,.” The translators placed the item regarding Phinehas in the parentheses. Why? Because Phinehas lived some 350 years before this battle. But even with the parentheses, the wording of the passage almost leads one to believe that Phinehas is the one who is there praying.
When you look at the prayer that is outside of the translator’s parentheses, it begins – “Shall I.” The reason for this is that the tense of the Hebrew word here is in fact single tense. But this is a problem, because when located outside the parentheses, this then refers back to the subject of “the sons of Israel,” which is clearly plural. Frankly, if you leave the parenthetical statement out, which one should be able to do, the sentence would not work because of the contradicting tenses. Based on the tenses, the only thing that one is left to conclude is that Phinehas was actually there and offered the prayer. More on this riddle in the closing section.
Either way, why was it that Phinehas was invoked this third time, affording the sons of Israel their much needed victory? Whatever the sentence structure, this invoking of Phinehas speaks prophetically relative to the victory that was gained on the third day. Therefore, let us consider who this Phinehas was/is.
By far, the most significant and determining moment in the life of Phinehas is recorded in Numbers 25. Here the sons of Israel were near the end of their forty years in the wilderness and Balaam had just blessed them. But, he had also given the Moabite king counsel as to how to defeat them (Revelation 2:14) – by getting the sons of Israel to “play the harlot with the daughters of Moab.” And this is precisely what took place. “The people ate and bowed down to their gods.” They “joined themselves to Baal of Peor, and Yahweh was angry against Israel.”
And this is precisely what has taken place in the church for 2,000 years. “Baal” actually means “lord.” You will recall that the contest on Carmel was between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. “Peor” means to “open wide.” Therefore, “Baal of Peor” is in fact “the lord of the broad way.” This is Christianity. It goes through the broad way, and not the narrow way. And as we have discussed in other writings, even as it was the daughters of Moab who led the sons of Israel into rebellion against Yahweh, so women of America led this nation into the Curse of 1920, and the church has equally followed this feminine easily deceived spirit. But this is the weakness of man that goes all the way back to the original garden when Eve was tempted. Man follows the way of being easily deceived. And is it thus any surprise that the church has done likewise, for it is much easier and far more yielding and accessible to go the way of Peor, the broad way.
Consider a river as it passes down the mountainside. When there is a split in the river and one way is broad and the other is narrow, which way will the river naturally go? Of course the easier, less resistant broad way. And the church is no different. It too has chosen the easier, less restrictive broad way. Thus, it has joined itself to Baal of Peor.
Because of this sin, Yahweh was angry with the sons of Israel, and He sent a plague against them. To stop the plague, Yahweh told Moses to take “all the leaders of the people and execute them in broad daylight” before Him. But the plague was stopped another way.
A Midianite woman was brought before Moses, for she had been joined to one of the sons of Israel. When our subject Phinehas saw this, “he rose from the midst of the congregation, and took a spear in his hand; and he went after the man of Israel into the tent, and pierced both of them through, the man of Israel and the woman, through the belly. So the plague of the sons of Israel was checked.”
We must ask the question here – What does the Midianite woman have to do with the daughters of Moab? Clearly the answer is once again – in order to prophesy.
Moab was the son of one of Lot’s daughters who was fathered by Lot (Genesis 19:33-37). Midian was the fourth son of Abraham by his Canaanite wife, Keturah (Genesis 25:1-2). Of course Midian is one of the sons that is evidenced in the Curse of 1920. “Midian” means “contentious,” which shares the same meaning of the third son’s name, Medan. Thus we find in the Curse of 1920 double contention before “leaving and forsaking” (the meaning of the name of the fifth son) the ways of Yahweh and “sinking down into the mud” of the flesh and death (the meaning of the sixth and final son). Midian was one of two sons occupying the very heart of these six sons (the third and fourth), attesting to the very heart of the Curse of 1920 – contentiousness!
Therefore, what we find here is that Phinehas’ actions against the son of Israel and the Midianite woman, stopped the plague that was brought about by the sons of Israel’s harlotry with the daughters of Moab. And do not forget, this is the same Phinehas who prophetically showed up and was invoked in order to gain the victory in the third day. But let us look at Phinehas some more.
The plague was stopped by Phinehas, delivering the leaders of the sons of Israel from being executed. Yahweh then spoke to Moses:
“Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned away My wrath from the sons of Israel, in that he was jealous with My jealousy among them, so that I did not destroy the sons of Israel in My jealousy. Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give him My covenant of peace; and it shall be for him and his seed after him, a covenant of a perpetual priesthood, because he was jealous for his God, and made atonement for the sons of Israel’” (Numbers 25:11-13).
There are three things we should notice here. First, as we draw upon in the title of this writing, Phinehas was jealous with Yahweh’s jealousy. Second, his jealous actions turned away Yahweh’s wrath. And third, he was given a “covenant of peace” and “a covenant of a perpetual priesthood.”
Let us consider the second point first – his jealous actions turned away Yahweh’s wrath. Is this not the work of the Elijah? We read in the concluding words of the entire Old Testament – “Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of Yahweh. And he will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse” (Malachi 4:5-6). Is it not evident that the purpose of Elijah is precisely what we find here with Phinehas – to avert the wrath of Yahweh in that great and terrible day? Precisely so! The Elijah work and the Phinehas work are the same work.
Third in this list, we noted that Phinehas was given a “covenant of peace” and “a covenant of a perpetual priesthood.” The covenant of peace and perpetual priesthood is the covenant about which we learned in the writing Shelah and Clay of Spittle, page 5. This is the covenant per Daniel 9:24-27 where Yahshua walked out half, or three-and-one-half years, of the seven year covenant He has made with the church. The remaining three-and-one-half years of this covenant of peace and perpetual priesthood are to be fulfilled in this day.
This is the covenant Daniel spoke of at the first of this chapter where he sought Yahweh with deep supplication and implored “the great and awesome God, who keeps His covenant and lovingkindness for those who love Him and keep His commandments,” and confessed – “we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly, and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. Moreover, we have not listened to Your servants the prophets …. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, O my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.” (Daniel 9:3-19). This is a prayer that is relevant to, and to be fulfilled, today, when the Remnant are being held in bondage in mystery Babylon Christianity and must come out. The things that Christianity is so grossly guilty of in this chapter – corrupting the word of Yahweh and calling evil good and good evil – they equally need to repent of.
It is quite striking and significant that Daniel’s prayer of repentance per this covenant, was the first time in this entire book accounting their bondage in Babylon (or, mystery Babylon Christianity), wherein Daniel uses and specifically calls upon the name of Yahweh. Yahweh’s name is only used in this chapter, and it is used a total of eight times. Yahweh will have a people who are called by His name (2 Chronicles 7:14) and will call upon the name of Yahweh and be saved (Joel 2:32).
Furthermore, the “covenant of a perpetual priesthood” that Phinehas received, is clearly identifiable with the same promise regarding the Melchizedek perpetual priesthood that Yahshua possesses – Hebrews 7 (vs. 3). This is the priesthood that, though Christianity has possessed the right to for 2,000 years, they will not receive for the third 1,000 year period. How do we know this? For many reasons, but clearly seen insomuch that while Melchizedek granddaughter Tamar was indeed given to the first two Canaanite mixed sons of Judah, she was NOT given to the third son, Shelah. This right will be taken away from Christianity and given to the Phinehas Remnant to whom it has been promised. Let us now examine the first item in our list. Everything up to this point in this entire writing has been written in order to address this one item.
Yahweh declared regarding Phinehas that, because “he was jealous with My jealousy among them,” He did not destroy the sons of Israel in His jealousy. Again, what is it that Phinehas did? He took a spear and ran it through the bellies of the Midianite woman and the son of Israel. As you will now see, this account possesses a vast host of truth for today, for the church and per the curse that is not only on the church, but on America as well.
Today, having now completed two “days” of death and defeat and now entering into this third-part Shelah period, the church is desperate for a man, for a people, who will be the Phinehas and be jealous with Yahweh’s jealousy and stop the curse that has been destroying the people and threatens the very lives of the leaders of the church. Even as Phinehas responded by taking up a spear and thrusting it through the man of Israel and the Midianite woman, so a spear must be taken up and thrust into the body of Christ and bring out a Bride. Even as the spear was run through the belly of the man and the woman, so a Jonah must be brought forth from the belly of the great fish of Dagon Christianity. The ark of the covenant must come out of Dagon, the fish god, and return to the field of Yahshua via the two milch cows.
The outstanding testimony that made the difference between failure and success in the three-day battle with the Benjamites, was the testimony of Phinehas. This is the one who has the covenant of a perpetual priesthood, a scarlet thread promise given to the first Remnant that belongs to the second Remnant. This three-part testimony of the church that we see here, tells us that there must be a Phinehas that will come about after the 2,000 year breach and perform deeds that reflect Yahweh’s jealousy. These are the jealous deeds of the Bride work.
Christians are essentially content and cannot stop the murder of millions of babies each year because of a problem that they themselves began and even unknowingly promote. They know nothing about the Curse of 1920, and are complacently unwilling to do that which is required to stop it. Only a Phinehas can stop it. The curse that is on the church is for a different reason. As was the problem in the days of Phinehas, it is the worship of Baal of Peor, the broad way. Only recently has Yahweh shown the Bride the Curse of 1920, and it is evident that this is the Midianite woman that needs to be destroyed in order to stop the larger curse. Though the cause of the curse here in Numbers 25 was created by the daughters of Moab, it was ended by slaying a daughter of Midian. Equally, though the cause of the curse on the church may be the broad way of Baal of Peor, it is evidenced here that the Bride’s zeal per the curse of the Midian, the Curse of 1920, can stop the larger and seeming unrelated curse at large. This is evidently why Yahweh showed the Bride this truth regarding the Curse of 1920. Of all the things that are taking place around us at this time, it is this curse that is having the greatest devastation and destruction of all. It is this curse that this Phinehas wants most to see dealt a death blow. It appears that if we can stop this curse, we can stop the death that has been caused by the church’s continual propensity to go the broad way, the way of Baal of Peor.
Once again, what is the Curse of 1920? It is ill music that is rooted in Jazz. It is the woman usurping her place in the home and in society, the Women’s Rights Movement. And it is sensuality and worldliness due to the media, including movies, advertising, radio, and television, and now the internet. These are the three prongs of this three-pronged fork (1 Samuel 2:12-17). This curse must be stopped in this nation. Again I repeat, if we the Bride can effect a death blow on this curse on America, we can stop the curse that has been on the church from its beginning.
The timing is right for this. Satan has had the legal right to destroy the church for its first two parts. He has had the legal right to take the 2,000 years of the church, the 2,000 swine, to the sea of death (Mark 5:1-13). But as we see in Shelah and Clay of Spittle, as of Passover, 2004, we have now left that period and entered into the third part; and looking at the numerous testimonies we have seen thus far in this writing, this third part is distinctly different from the first two! With the establishment of a Phinehas, we will indeed receive the promise – “Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand.” This is the legal basis for our victory, and Satan can only be defeated through proper law and obedience. This we have on our side.
Speaking of proper law and obedience, we know that it is essential for the Bride to come under the covering of holding all things in common. Yahshua clearly instructed this and it was practiced by the first Remnant. Selling all is required in order to be His disciple (Luke 14:33). This is covered extensively in six comprehensive writings on this subject, the most writings on any single subject (click here). Women will cover their heads as it is written (read Coverings), and men will wear the beard that Yahweh gave them, refusing to take on the appearance of a lad or a woman. This too is proper government. Both men and women will dress modestly, which will especially impact the women since they are far more image conscious than men and have more so changed their dress to reflect the fallen state of this curse. And most importantly, not only will there be chastity in dress, but chastity in actions as well, guarding that which proceeds out of the mouth. Essentially, as stated earlier, the second Remnant will be built upon the practices and the work of the first Remnant. Yahshua does not desire a “modern” work, but a modest work. He is not impressed with man’s licentiousness, for it is detestable to Him.
All of this is a part of coming out from the Curse of 1920. Look back to that lifestyle from which this nation departed before 1920, and one will see that to which we must return. We MUST repent, for we have departed from that which made this nation great in its beginning, a way that we followed for 300 years. Our departure from those ways since 1920 is a brief eighty year anomaly to not only our nation’s heritage, but an anomaly from all of European history, and MOST certainly so since the beginning of the church. We are not “contemporary,” we are sinful! And it is within the last forty years that we have witnessed the full blossom of this curse – immodesty, immorality, lewdness, unchastity, vulgarity, unfaithfulness, disregard for authority, abandonment of the home, entertainment, pleasure seeking, and as the epitome of self pleasure, the shameful slaughter of our own babies and homosexuality. But our nation is so blinded by this curse that we do not even blush.
The only thing that is going to solve the ills of this nation and the church, is for a Phinehas to come and with the zeal that Yahshua showed for His Father’s house, cleanse the house! “For zeal for Your house has consumed me!” (Psalm 69:9, John 2:17). And not just an outward flamboyant zeal, but a persistent zeal for truth and virtue and order, all that pleases the Father.
This cleansing will undoubtedly be at first an in-part and not an at-large work, a remnant; but it will be a work that, as we see per Phinehas, will make atonement for the people. Remember, it is the Elijah work that satisfies Yahweh’s wrath; and it is the Elijah work that in time will, as promised by Yahshua, “restore all things” (Matthew 17:11, Acts 3:21). What is “atonement”? It is “covering,” and the obedience of the Remnant will become a covering for not only this nation, but as it is written in The Covering Bride , it will become a covering for the body of Christ as well. Atonement is not just through the sacrifice Lamb of Yahshua. Phinehas performed atonement as a type of one who would come and by zeal and jealously equally cover the ill deeds of others and stop the curse.
If you are not yet convinced that Remnant writings are a seamless garment of truth, if you are not convinced about the relevance of the Curse of 1920, then be convinced now with this next testimony. When one finds Remnant truth, they do not have to make things fit. Truth is truth, and all we are doing is discovering it. The reality of its message is evidenced by its repeated consistency, as you will see here once again.
What have we said thus far regarding the Midianite woman? That she is a testimony of the Curse of 1920, insomuch that Midian was the fourth son of Keturah, the Canaanite whom Abraham married, thus initiating the curse that was legally evidenced nine periods of cursed time later in 1920 (9 x 414, or 3,726 years; read Cursed Time and Blessed Time, 1920 and 1996). We have noted that the names of the third and fourth sons meant “contention.” But what was the meaning of the initiating son’s name in this curse? His name was Zimran, and it meant “music.” This is of course one of the three prongs of the Curse of 1920.
We have already noted that this account gives us hope that the Remnant Bride will receive the authority to reverse this curse on America, and thus stop the plague that has been killing and destroying not only this nation, but the church as well. Let us now consider one more testimony that all of this is true.
We read in verses 14-15 of Numbers 25 that the name of the man of Israel who was slain was Zimri, and the name of the Midianite woman was Cozbi. Consistent with what we have been seeing and saying, “Zimri,” just like “Zimran,” equally has the meaning of “music,” and “Cozbi” means “false, deceptive, or deluding”! Thus, it was the death of “false and deceptive music” that stopped the curse and saved the leaders of Israel!
Keep in mind, this music is false and deceptive. What does that mean? It means that people do not realize how destructive it is. If the music you listen to is rooted in Jazz, which includes almost all modern music, it is false and deceptive music that is a Zimri and Cozbi affair, and is a part of the Curse of 1920. If you are listening to this music, you too are having an affair with Cozbi, and are deceived if you think it is not a part of the curse and that you can get away with listening to it without any ill consequences. And this is no different with Christian music. Between the lyrics and the Jazz rhythm, it too is Zimri and Cozbi. Considering the clear testimony here, any Phinehas who desires the covenant of peace and a perpetual priesthood, will be jealous with Yahweh’s jealousy and get rid of this music as well. Let us now look at one final critical point.
While Phinehas’ atonement did stop the curse, while that curse took its course it killed 24,000 people (vs. 9). This is an interesting and telling number, particularly in light of the fact that Yahweh’s command in order to stop the curse was to execute all of the leaders of Israel. The number 24 is representative of the 24 elders who sit around the throne with Yahshua (Revelation 4:4, 10; 5:8; 11:16; and 19:4). These are the leaders of the church, the twelve apostles from the former rain, and the twelve apostles from the latter rain.
Since the atonement performed by Phinehas stopped the curse, this spared the leaders who were to be executed. But in their place were a people who numbered the 24 elders, but at the heavenly thousands level. It appears that the message here is the same as on the day of Pentecost when on the first ever Pentecost, 3,000 were killed with the sword (Exodus 32:28); and then on Pentecost following Yahshua’s ascension, 3,000 came into the kingdom (Acts 2:41). This 3,000 represented the number of years that the church was given. In this case regarding Phinehas, the representation is the heavenly establishment of the 24 elders who are preserved to fulfill their leadership. This is the outcome of this atoning Phinehas work at the beginning of the third “day,” a work that is jealous with Yahweh’s jealousy!
This matter of the 24 elders now brings us to a very important closing section regarding the government of the church.
Continue to page 4 of He Was Jealous With My Jealousy for RESTORING CHURCH GOVERNMENT