CONT., page 6
There remains one final item that demands being addressed. While the great hope of the church is that of entering into the promised land, we find Yahweh testifying in this living prophecy involving the sons of Israel that there is this decided possibility that He will not go in with us, which undoubtedly would be the absence of His Son. Thus, we find a very grave consideration laid out here; and if we are wise, we will examine this testimony and the church to see what this means for us today.
It is incumbent that we not continue Pollyanna along as though things will not change, and think we will simply join all of those before us and die and “go to heaven.” This journey of the sons of Israel is a testimony of and specifically to the church. In 1 Corinthians 10:6 we read that these things happened “as examples for us.” Given this revealing prophetic example, this seventh trip up the mountain should cause us to have great concern and wisely inquire of Him.
We read earlier that Yahweh proclaimed regarding going with them – “should I go up in your midst for one moment, I would destroy you.” Wow, that is a strong and decisive statement! Even so, He repented of this and did in fact go up with them, and did not destroy them. What outstandingly significant event could have taken place that would have caused Yahweh’s attitude and actions to change so dramatically? That which Yahweh stated was a remarkable indictment; and to think that He did go and did not destroy them, makes one wonder what outstanding thing changed Him so much. Not only did He go with them, but following all their years in the wilderness after refusing to enter into the land, and then entering into the promised land, He never destroyed them. Whatever this was, it has to have significant meaning for us today.
We saw in the first section what this would mean for the church – if Yahshua does not cut the days short and return early, the church would enter the future without Yahshua’s return, without His presence. But we have also seen the hope of this being changed, even as Yahweh changed His mind regarding the sons of Israel, saying that His presence would go with them. In the spirit of wisdom, it is therefore incumbent that we look at this further and see specifically what Yahweh asked of them and what was their response, as well as Moses’ response.
Think about this for one moment. What are some of the things that Yahweh could have asked of the sons of Israel in order for them to show forth their repentance and cause Him to repent of His own actions? Whatever it would be, one can be most certain that it would have specific meaning for us today.
First, why did He even ask something specific of them? He could have just told them to repent. Like Nineveh, they could have put on sackcloth and ashes. Or Yahweh could have told them to do this very thing. But no, He did not ask this of them.
He could have told them to offer a sin offering; but this He did not do either. So what specifically was it that Yahweh asked the people to do as He considered whether He would go with them? As you might recall, He told them – “put off your ornaments from you, that I may know what I will do with you” (Exodus 33:5). Thus we read – “When the people heard this sad word (that He would not go with them), they went into mourning, and none of them put on his ornaments.”
What could this mean for us today as we prepare to enter into the promised land of His Millennial reign? What is it that we too must perform so as to get Him to repent and provide His presence with us? To know what we must do, we must understand what it means for us today to put off our ornaments.
First, where is it that we have seen before this issue involving ornaments regarding the sons of Israel? In the seventh trip up the mountain when Yahweh first told Moses that He would send an angel before them, it is then added – “Then Yahweh smote the people, because of what they did with the calf which Aaron had made.”
From what was this golden calf fashioned? We read in Exodus 32:2-4 that the people took off their ornaments, their gold rings, and gave them to Aaron, and from these he fashioned the golden calf. Thus we see a seemingly obvious reason why Yahweh asked for the removal of these ornaments – to demonstrate their repentance regarding the golden calf. But again, what does this mean for us today? How has the church formed its own golden calf from its rings or ornaments?
In Exodus 32:8, we read Yahweh’s indictment against them – “They have quickly turned aside from the way which I commanded them.” What has the church done, even quickly in its early formation, that has produced an object of worship that is an idol? I think most would agree that from its beginnings, the church has taken the gold, the possessions, of the people and created buildings and programs and icons and relics and in fact worshiped them. Just look back through church history and see the extravagant emphasis on the building instead of the people. Both then and today, they build temples and churches that become golden calves of worship, as though the buildings made with human hands are hallowed. Like an idol, they even attribute reverence to these places.
Almost the total amount of money that is given to churches goes to building and maintaining those buildings and their paid staff. And it is in these things that people begin to take pride and pleasure and to revere. They too have worshiped the created rather than the Creator, and despite how some have tried to avoid this, it is an inevitable and natural trap. No matter what the group, the measure on one’s spiritual success eventually becomes the size and grandeur and significance of one’s edifice.
From its outset on the mount of transfiguration, the church has had the same response to a divine experience – the desire to build tabernacles to Yahshua. Peter’s response then, and the church’s response today, is a building program. They want to take the money that is to be given to God and build an edifice, one that men can point to and say that this is God. But while Yahweh stopped Peter from this folly then, it has not since been abated in the church. Men and women provide the money that makes their lives ornate, and the Aaron priesthood throws it into a pot and out comes a calf, even as Aaron retorted to Moses (32:24). The church’s buildings and programs and worship services and media outreaches, all become a golden calf in which men take pride. Who could dare say that if Yahshua was here in the last 2,000 years that this is the way He would have built His kingdom? No, this is the way carnal men seek to build the kingdom, and it is a golden calf that is worshiped.
It is evident that this command to put off our ornaments is precisely what was demonstrated when His coming presence was heralded by His disciples just before Passover – His triumphal entry. There should be little question that this prophetic testimony spoke clearly of what must take place immediately preceding Yahshua’s return to this earth as King of kings – there must be an Elijah work that prepares His way.
But what specifically was it that they preformed in order to prepare His way? And what specifically does this hold for us today? His disciples laid down their garments and palm branches before Him. We have already noted in the writing, Prepare the Way, that these actions clearly speak of the covering of holding all things in common. It is giving up one’s possessions in order to become His disciple, even as He so clearly stated – Luke 14:33. It seems quite evident that putting off one’s ornaments and laying down one’s clothing and palm branches, testify to this matter of giving up our earthly glory in order to prepare the way for Yahshua’s return. Once again, even as that which was used to build the golden calf had to be put off so that Yahweh would know what He would do with them, so today that which has built our golden calves of worship must be put off so that Yahweh will know what to do with us.
Today as we stand at the place in which we hope for Yahshua’s return, we too must offer the same sacrifice to Him – laying down our glory, our possessions, that have built the golden calves of the church over the years. This evidences to be the clear message that Yahweh has for us today.
The other thing that brought Yahweh to repent and go with the sons of Israel into the promised land, was Moses’ own heart and appeal to Him. In 33:12-23 we find a most intimate conversation between the two of them. In fact, it was the following request by Moses that immediately preceded Yahweh’s change of mind:
“Now therefore, I ask You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways, that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too, that this nation is Your people.”
Yahweh thus responded – “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.”
This request by Moses has a personal meaning to this writer. For several years, every night I would pray, “Let me see things the way You see them, let me hear things the way You hear them, and let me feel things the way You feel them.” It has often been my declared request and purpose to know Yahweh’s ways, no matter what the cost. And, it seems evident that Yahweh is in fact at this time showing us His ways. I believe that the things we are seeing regarding the Remnant Bride and the church, are Yahweh’s intimate revelation of knowing Him and His ways. Even the conversation that followed between Yahweh and Moses attest to this divine revelation. Let us see.
One of the most quoted passages per Remnant truth has been Exodus 33:18-23. Here Moses had just asked to know the ways of Yahweh, Yahweh repented, and then He gave him this promise – that He would cause Moses to stand with Him on the rock, then hide him in the cleft of the rock and cover him with His hand until He passed by, and then remove His hand and let him see His back.
This is a MOST incredible testimony regarding the church. Just before giving this promise, Yahweh preceded it by saying – “I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.” This is the very passage that Paul quoted in Romans 9:15 in his defense regarding Yahweh’s choice in building His church. Unquestionably, what Yahweh told Moses here was a very clear and continuing description of the church, those whom He chooses and shows compassion. And as we have addressed before, what specifically is that description?
The first Remnant were highly unique insomuch that, as it was promised here, they personally stood on the rock with Yahshua, thus fulfilling the first part of this promise. Next to come was the breach, the period of the church in which Yahweh hid them in the cleft of the rock and placed His hand over them so they could not see Him as He has passed by. This very accurately describes breach Christianity for the last 2,000 years – Yahweh’s hand has been over them and they have had no idea what He either has been doing or what He will do. All one has to do is to look at the church’s false wrath end-time teachings or the false teachings about an eternal hell, to get an inkling of their absolute blindness. As provided in another like testimony, they are the afflicted body of Christ whose eyes have equally been blindfolded (Mark 14:65 , Luke 22:64).
But then, after this time, after the first Remnant and following the breach period, it is promised that Yahweh will perform a new work – He will remove His hand and let us see His back. This is the work of the second Remnant, and this is why we are seeing at this present time these amazing things regarding the kingdom.
It has been noted that Elijah’s trip up Sinai was the concluding and promise-fulfilling (per 33:21-23) ninth trip up the mountain. Let us now look at this and add some things that have not yet been revealed in any of these writings.
In 1 Kings 19, we read the account of Elijah’s subject fulfilling trip. First, we note once again that this is the identical mountain upon which Moses ascended – Sinai, or Horeb. (This unique tie between these two men is further remarkably evidenced insomuch that Elijah traveled across Israel and crossed the Jordan, so that he would ascend alive precisely where Moses had died.) Also, Yahweh had Elijah to fast the identical fast of Moses – forty days and forty nights without food or water. (Moses, Elijah, and Yahshua are unique in that they are the only three in the entire Bible who did this.) Now let us examine the fulfillment of the promise of Exodus 33:21-23.
Moses was to stand on the rock with Yahweh. Likewise, Yahweh told Elijah – “Go forth, and stand on the mountain before Yahweh.” Thus, fulfillment # 1!
Moses was to be hidden in the cleft of the rock with Yahweh’s hand over him so that he could not see as He passed by. The true Mount Sinai is actually in Saudi Arabia where the Bible said it is, and is today called Jabal al Lawz, or as known by the local Bedouins, the “mountain of Moses.” Inspiringly, on that mountain is a solitary cave that the Bedouins call “Elijah’s cave.” This is the cave/cleft that we read Elijah entered specifically as “Yahweh was passing by.”
As He passed by, there were three violent things that occurred that we are told “Yahweh was not in.” In like regard, Yahweh has not been in all the wrath and fighting and separation that has taken place in the 2,000 years of the church, which is promised 3,000 years, or the three violent acts. As it is written, so it has been – “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and violent men take it by force” (Matthew 11:12). Thus in this period of violence and blindness while Elijah is hidden in the cleft of the rock, we find fulfillment # 2 – the breach!
Finally, a gentle blowing called Elijah out of the cave, and like an awakened Lazarus coming out of his tomb, he wrapped his face in his mantle and came out. Here in this concluding act, we should find evidenced this second Remnant testimony of seeing Yahweh’s back. So do we find this?
Seeing Yahweh’s back is seeing what He has done and what He is doing, even seeing what He is about to do. This is precisely what Elijah saw. Yahweh in truth then told Elijah the future. He was to go and anoint Hazael king of Syria, he was to anoint Jehu king over Israel, and he was to anoint Elisha as prophet in his place. None of these men, in fact no one at the time, knew of these coming changes; so Yahweh was indeed showing Elijah what He was getting ready to do, what changes were coming. Thus, he showed him His back, or fulfillment # 3!
This is the hope of the second Remnant, the Remnant Bride. Following the work of the first Remnant who stood on the rock with Yahshua, and the very long breach period in which Christianity has been hidden in the cleft of the rock with its works that Yahweh is not in, it is time for Yahweh to complete this testimony of the church, those with whom He has shown compassion according to His own counsel, and reveal to the concluding second Remnant His truth that has been hidden. Just as it is written – “In the last days you will clearly understand” Jeremiah 23:20). These are the things we need to understand today so that what has been written regarding the Elijah work may come to pass – “so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1:17).
Thus we see the two things that cause Yahweh to repent and go with the sons of Israel into the promised land. First, the people put off their ornaments, which we have noted by the testimony of the first Remnant example, as well as the example and teachings of Yahshua, is holding all things in common. Second, Moses expressed a desire to know the ways of Yahweh and to know Him, that he might find favor in His sight. This is the heart and cry of this man, and this is the heart and cry of the Remnant Bride. We are willing to give up everything for the joy and the hope of knowing Him and His ways, and hope in this critical time to find favor in His sight. With these two determining elements, it is our hope that Yahweh will repent in this day and send His Son, even NOW!
May Yahweh pour out His latter rain upon us!
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