CONT., page 5


During Tabernacles, someone asked me if there were any types that indicated that a signet ring could be given in those opening feast days from Trumpets to the great eighth day. Frankly, I had hoped that that would take place, but the reality was that I knew of only one testimony in the entire Bible that ties the signet ring to a feast—the transfer of the signet ring from Haman to Mordecai via a Pentecost. However, at that time I did not want to consider something as far away as Tabernacles Pentecost, but hoped for something that was at hand to strengthen us. But in fact, on Trumpets I ended up standing in the place of Satan and throwing a signet ring. So you might ask: What is the signet ring anyway? What does it mean to have that ring?

Recently one morning I awoke and saw for the first time what the signet ring is. Of course it represents having the authority of the king. That is what it is in the natural, and would carry over into the spiritual as well. But the best testimony of a ring is in Ezekiel 1 where we find the wheels within the wheels. In verse twenty we read, “Wherever the spirit was about to go, they would go in that direction. And the wheels rose close beside them; for the spirit of the living beings was in the wheels.” Evidenced here is that the wheels within the wheels are the Holy Spirit. Thus the encircling signet ring is the authority and power of the Holy Spirit.

This is confirmed in Tamar as well (Genesis 38). When Judah called to have her burned to death, she sent him three things that delivered her from that death—his signet ring, cord (obviously from his waist), and staff. What then delivered this one from death who brought forth in type the church that is in Judah? The authority of the Holy Spirit (the signet ring), the office of the prophet (the cord), and the office of Yahshua (the staff). Thus we see again the great necessity of receiving the authority of the Holy Spirit, delivering us from death. All three of these are essential today.

So what is the testimony of the signet ring and Mordecai? First, you will see that, once again, the ring is the authority to deliver from death. This is the authority that was lost by Adam and Eve in the Garden, and the same authority lost by the first Remnant in the repeat of that Garden—both were cast out of the Garden and died. Let us now briefly consider this account in the book of Esther.

We cannot go into all of the prophetic testimony regarding Esther and her touching the head of the golden rod. To examine the great significance of that, read A Lesson From Intercession, page 4. What we want to focus on here is the transfer of the king’s signet ring and the feast it points to.

First though, we know that Esther made a most unusual request. Upon gaining the right to a wine banquet with the king and Haman, and even being offered up to half of the kingdom, Esther did not expose Haman’s ill plans, but instead asked for a second wine banquet. This she was granted, and it was at that second wine banquet that Haman was exposed. Certainly you can see the former and latter rains here where Satan is not exposed and he and death not dealt with until the latter rain.

At that latter-rain wine banquet, Haman’s fate was sealed—he was to be hung on a gallows for which he had built to kill Mordecai. Here is where we see a specific feast tied to the signet ring. That gallows was fifty cubits high (Esther 7:9), the number of Pentecost. And why would Haman/Satan not believe he could kill a Mordecai on a Pentecost? He did so to the first Remnant, and has done so to Christianity for 2,000 years. But this Pentecost will be different. This will not be a death-effecting Passover Pentecost, but a life-effecting Pentecost that has the authority to kill him who has had the power of death for 2,000 years (Hebrews 2:14, the tense actually being “has,” present tense). Satan will be killed on his own gallows—a Pentecost.

It is here that Mordecai received the king’s signet ring. “The king took off his signet ring which he had taken away from Haman, and gave it to Mordecai. And Esther set Mordecai over the house of Haman” (Esther 8:2). Thus we see relative to Pentecost that the King’s signet ring, the power and authority that is invested in the King, is taken from Satan and given to a man—the Elijah. He is then set over the house that once belonged to Satan and is given to the Bride Queen. And once again, the transfer of that ring was made by virtue of a Pentecost. And we note, that ring was used to seal a decree delivering the sons of Judah (again, the church) from death. Thus we have hope that the Elijah Mordecai will receive the King’s signet ring via Tabernacles Pentecost. This is the like testimony of being clothed in power, the promise of Pentecost.

Continue to page 6 of Tabernacles Pentecost, 2008 for GETTING A NEW WINDSHIELD

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