CONT., page 3




One of the incredible and highly confirming delights concerning Remnant Bride truth is its seamless nature.  Principles and truths that are learned are repeated in other areas.  This is often the litmus test of whether something is indeed true: Is the pattern of the conclusion replicable in other areas of life?  Such is the case with what you are about to read.


We have just seen that Tabernacles is the Moses/John the Baptist shortfall, and Passover is the Elijah promised-land-entering, death-defeating fulfillment.  When the world was created, it was created in the month of Tabernacles.  Therefore, Trumpets would have been the first day of creation, which will be addressed in the closing section.  Time was then reckoned according to Tabernacles as the first month.  However, when Yahweh set forth Passover as the sons of Israel were about to depart from Egypt, He declared a very significant, noteworthy, and impacting change: “This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you” (Exodus 12:2).  Therefore, what had been the seventh month, now became the first month; and what had been the first month, became the seventh month.  Yahweh in fact reversed them.


So once again let us ask another intriguing and highly revealing question:


Why did Yahweh reverse these two feasts, thereby reversing the order of time?


In order to answer this, let us bring in something of like order and purpose.  We read that Joseph was taken captive into Egypt and was eventually elevated to being second only to Pharaoh.  He was given an Egyptian wife and by her had two sons – Manasseh and Ephraim.  These two sons then became two of the tribes of Israel.  But there is an extraordinarily serious problem here that must be reckoned with. 


Abraham had relations with an Egyptian as well, Hagar, and the son from that union, Ishmael, was rejected by Yahweh and had to be sent out away from Abraham.  Later, Abraham married a Canaanite, Keturah, and they had six sons.  But because these sons were a like mix between the father of promise and a cursed Canaanite who had the same linage as Hagar – Ham – they too were rejected and had to be sent away. 


And in like manner, Judah married a Canaanite as well and by her had three sons.  What was the outcome of that equally Ham mix?  A granddaughter of Melchizedek, Tamar, was given to the first two sons, and Yahweh killed both of them in complete displeasure with them.  As mixes, they too were rejected by Yahweh; and Judah did not dare give Tamar to his third and final son.  Otherwise, he too would have been killed!


Given this fact regarding Yahweh’s clear and repeated rejection of these mixes with Ham, what now made the difference whereby equally mixed Manasseh and Ephraim could be accepted?  Certainly, they should have been rejected for the same reason.  What we find in answer to this is that they were split!


In Yahweh’s law, in order for a mammal to be clean, it had to have two qualities – it had to split the hoof and chew the cud (Deuteronomy 14:6).  In like manner, in order for Yahweh to make these otherwise unclean sons clean, He had to split them, and He did so with Israel. 


We read in Genesis 48:13-14:


Joseph took them both, Ephraim with his right hand toward Israel's left, and Manasseh with his left hand toward Israel's right, and brought them close to him.  But Israel stretched out his right hand and laid it on the head of Ephraim, who was the younger, and his left hand on Manasseh's head, crossing his hands, although Manasseh was the firstborn.


Israel blessed them, and then we read in verses 17-19:


When Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand on Ephraim's head, it displeased him; and he grasped his father's hand to remove it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head.  Joseph said to his father, “Not so, my father, for this one is the firstborn.  Place your right hand on his head.”  But his father refused and said, “I know, my son, I know; he also will become a people and he also will be great.  However, his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his descendants shall become a multitude of nations.”


Therefore, by reversing these two cursed sons, making the latter greater, Israel legally split them and thereby made them clean.  For this reason, although all other such mixes had been and were rejected by Yahweh, these two were received, even so as to become two rather significant tribes of Israel. 


Can you now see that this is exactly what Yahweh did with time?  Just as He did with Manasseh and Ephraim, He made the last – Passover – first, and the first – Tabernacles – last.  When Yahweh declared, “This month shall be the beginning of months for you; it is to be the first month of the year to you,” in reality He was crossing His arms and reversing not only the order, but also the blessing on these two feasts.  And by doing so He equally made time clean!  But let us look at this some more.


When Yahweh created the earth in the month of Tabernacles, was the natural earth to be the perfect provision for creation?  Absolutely not!  The natural earth was weak, including natural man, and would fail and be cursed and become a thorn-infested, Satan-possessing experience – its own wilderness.  In the beginning, the earth too had the promise, the Garden, even the spirit of Elijah, or the tree of life, but this would likewise fail.  In like regard, was Moses, or even the first Remnant, the perfect work that would bring forth the much needed provision – the promised land?  No, for in equal regard they would all fail. 


Just as the Tabernacles-created earth is a failure that has to be replaced with the kingdom from above, the perfect, so Moses had to be replaced with Joshua, and the first Remnant has to be replaced with the second Remnant.  For all three of these pairs, or even concerning Manasseh and Ephraim, it is as stated by the Moses John the Baptist, when he gave himself to the full resignation as recorded in kingdom John 3:30 – “He must increase, but I must decrease.”  This is precisely the principle of splitting and reversing any two like works – the latter becomes greater than the former, the latter must increase and the former must decrease.


This principle is clearly evidenced in these two feasts, which we will now address.  Of these two feasts, for which one was it ever afforded that it would be a double portion?  Was this ever to be the case for Tabernacles?  Not at all, but for Passover only.  Passover is unique in that it could be celebrated in the first month; yet if anyone had been on a long journey or had been among the dead, it could be celebrated in the second month as well (Numbers 9:1-14).  In truth, this would be like unto a double portion Passover. 


But this was not afforded with Tabernacles.  In fact, on the occasion where this was attempted to be implemented, it resulted in the two golden calves being erected in the land of Israel by evil Jeroboam that were an abomination to Yahweh (1 Kings 12:25-33).


In contrast, in like testimony to this just and legal right for Passover to receive the double portion, we read in 2 Chronicles 30 that following King Hezekiah’s restoration of the temple, they held a legal delayed Passover that was so wonderful they extended it a second seven-day period.  Thus, they in fact literally had a double portion Passover!


As it is written, Yahweh does nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9), and we find the identical testimony in Job.  As we see, Job was blessed with children and livestock.  Then it was all taken away by Satan – Job thereby experiencing the same breach of the great and terrible wilderness with Satan in it, his own great tribulation.  And in the end when Yahweh restored everything back to Job, He restored it all in double portion – the latter once again being greater than the former.  Here again, Yahweh split Job and gave him the double portion in the end.


And let us also note that, of course, Elisha requested and received the “double portion of your  spirit,” the spirit of Elijah (2 Kings 2:9), again the latter being greater than the former.


This Passover double portion is exactly what we can now expect from Yahweh for the second Remnant, the Elijah work, following the breach of the great and terrible wilderness.  Everything points to the second Remnant being the Ephraim Passover double portion that is given to man, bringing man into the long awaited promised land and receiving the Passover promise of defeating death – the tree of life.  And it is not without attesting significance that Joshua was of the tribe of Ephraim (Numbers 13:8, 16).  Only now is Yahweh showing us these truths, as He opens the eyes of the blind at the Pool of Siloam, the third-part Millennial reign, by using clay of spittle.


What else makes Passover, or the spring feast, so unique from Tabernacles, the fall feast?  To state up front, Tabernacles is lawless, and apart from law, everything fails and is rejected.  Even as Yahshua declares to those who think they are doing His works but are not, His reply is – “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness” (Matthew 7:23).


Both the first Remnant, and certainly the body of Christ thereafter, are workers of lawlessness.  What is it that made Passover unique from Tabernacles?  When Passover was held, it marked the beginning of a fifty day count that led to Pentecost.  What is unique about Pentecost?  It is the feast when the Law was given to the people at Sinai while they were in the wilderness.  Therefore, Passover is not lawless, while Tabernacles falls short in that it is lawless. 


While the first Remnant indeed received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, remember, like John and Moses, they fell short and the glory is given to the second Remnant.  The fulfillment of the law did not and could not take place in the first Remnant or in the body of Christ.  In the case of both of those works, they were early.  Even as Yahshua said regarding the fig tree that He cursed, it was not yet the season for fruit-bearing.  Therefore, in keeping with the testimony of who and what they truly were – a Tabernacles work – they were in fact lawless, and therefore were rejected by Yahshua as the much needed and timely fulfillment.  So, as it relates to the fulfillment of the kingdom, they did not enter into the promised land.  The only way one can enter into the promised land is in harmony with Yahweh’s laws, and that is where we are now timewise – on the other side of the breach period of not only the church, but for all mankind.  Only now is it Jubilee.  (Read The Nazirite Vow.)  Therefore, only now is it legal to possess the land, to return to the land that was given to man in the original Garden (Leviticus 25:10), which was the foretaste of what was to be.


You will also recall that the prophet spoken of by Peter in Acts 3:22, who we have seen is Elijah, is not just a man like unto Moses by being a mere man; but very importantly, he is also a lawgiver like unto Moses.  Moses too went in the spirit of Elijah, which is the spirit of the law, and as we have seen is evidenced in the Elijah Passover work.


Remember, despite what Christians blindly teach, who are equally a failed Tabernacles lawless wilderness work, it is the law of Yahweh that will give us success.  The Scriptures tell us that the law is good and profitable (Romans 7:12, 16; 1 Timothy 1:8; Psalm 19:7 etc.).  The law is the only way whereby Satan and death can be defeated and we can gain victory, entering into the promised land and ascending alive.


Before you get too upset about what was just said about these preceding works being lawless, and thereby rejected, let us consider the ultimate outcome of all of this.  Anytime there are two works that are united to become one, which is the case in all of these pairs, there is the government of marriage that comes into play.  Remember, marriage is based on government and is not relegated merely to a man and a woman.  A man and a woman are simply natural expressions, or applications, or even prophecies of a spiritual truth.  And remember, once we as created beings enter into immortal imperishable bodies, we become like the angels and are no longer in that government of male and female (Mark 12:25).


But even so, that will not change the ongoing effect of male/female governmental relationships or order in other aspects of Yahweh’s works and His kingdom.  For example, the two-part Remnant equally have a governmental male/female relationship.  Likewise, the two feasts, Passover and Tabernacles, have a highly determining male/female relationship as well.  But now here is where you may get confused.  Paul noted in 1 Corinthians 11:9-12:


For man does not originate from woman, but woman from man; for indeed man was not created for the woman's sake, but woman for the man's sake.  Therefore the woman is obligated to have authority on her head, because of the angels.  However, in the Lord, neither is woman independent of man, nor is man independent of woman.  For as the woman originates from the man, so also the man has his birth through the woman; and all things originate from God.


There is one thing you soon learn about the two-part Remnant, and that is that often they flip in their testimonies.  This we will see once again.


While Tabernacles came first and the man was created before the woman, regarding the feasts and time, here we have a case where the masculine has its birth through the feminine.  The feminine is the weaker vessel who is easily deceived (1 Peter 3:7, 1 Timothy 2:11-14), which is characteristic of Tabernacles.  Also, the law resides with the masculine, and Passover, with its law-receiving Pentecost, is definitely law.  So what we see is that in the governmental relationship between the two Remnant and the two main feasts, the first Remnant is feminine and the second Remnant is masculine; and Tabernacles is feminine and Passover, with its Pentecost, is masculine.  Likewise, in regard to the relationship between the earth and the kingdom of heaven, the earth is feminine and the kingdom of heaven is masculine.  For example, in Isaiah 26:19 we read that “the earth will give birth to the departed spirits.”  Giving birth is clearly a feminine work.  In fact, the earth is often called “mother earth.”


Now, having noted this, one of the most important and necessary purposes of the male/female relationship is that of union, with the outcome of procreation.  Let us see what this means with regard to these two vital and highly determining and revealing feasts.


What we find is that designed structure and order are critical regarding these feasts.  Passover, in its design, is in fact a 1 and 7 pattern, or Passover followed by seven days of Unleavened Bread.  On the other hand, Tabernacles is the mirror image of Passover and is a 7 and 1 pattern – the seven days of Tabernacles, followed by the eighth day holy convocation.  But also, the two feasts share another day in common.  On the tenth of the first month, the Passover lamb was selected (Exodus 12:3); and on the tenth of the seventh month, two very significant events took place.  Each year this was the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 16:29-34), and every fiftieth year, it was Jubilee (Leviticus 25:8-12).


By uniting the male/female works of Passover and Tabernacles, or placing Passover over Tabernacles in a conjugal relationship, then first the tenth days of selecting the Passover lamb and Atonement/Jubilee stack right on top of each other.  But when you place Passover on Tabernacles, since Passover starts on the 14th and Tabernacles starts on the 15th, the day of Passover stands out alone.  However, the seven days of Unleavened Bread and the seven days of Tabernacles stack right on top of each other.  But this then leaves at the other end the eighth day holy convocation of Tabernacles also sticking out alone.  Therefore, the union of these two would look like this:







So what has Yahweh done when He combines/fulfills Passover and Tabernacles, uniting the two as one?  He creates the identical thing He reveals in Zechariah 4 – the two olive trees on each side of the lampstand! 


How many branches are on the lampstand?  Seven.  How many of the feast days stack on top of each other?  Seven each.  How many trees stand alone on each side of the seven-branched lampstand?  One on each side.  And how many holy convocations stand alone on each side of the stacked seven-days feasts?  One on each side.  Therefore, when Yahweh completes His work of fulfilling both Passover and Tabernacles, He will have completed the church, that which is not by might nor by power but by His Spirit.  This is precisely how the angel identified this scene that Zechariah was seeing.  This is the two-part holy convocation Remnant Bride, separated by the 2,000 year body of Christ, or the two periods of sevens, thereby entirely forming and wholly fulfilling the church.


Therefore, this could be identified as 1—7—1, or 1—7/7—1.  The fact is that the union of Passover and Tabernacles into “one flesh” is the very thing that creates the complete church – the masculine body of Christ and the feminine two-part Bride.



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