On October 16-17, 2005, the
Remnant Bride held for the first time ever a feast in the third-part Millennial
period on the new Millennial calendar (Hurricane
Katrina and the Curse of 1920, page 4), the Feast of Trumpets. This was remarkably significant, as you will now see!
Only days before the gathering,
Mr. Carroll Sanders asked me what we could expect to take place. I had no idea, nor did we have a
specific agenda. All we knew to do
at that time was to gather, acknowledging that Yahweh was clearly doing
something, evidenced by the incredible things that had taken place and been
revealed in the days leading up to this as presented in Hurricane Katrina and the Curse of 1920.
But I did tell Carroll what I
hoped would take place, something that I saw as being critical before the
Tabernacles Pentecost test of Carmel on December 25-26. In order for Yahweh to pour out the
water of His Spirit, even as the water was poured out on the altar set up by
Elijah, I saw the necessity that the twelve apostles must first be established;
and this is precisely what Yahweh did at this Trumpets gathering! Even as Elijah laid twelve stones to
build the altar of Yahweh (1 Kings 18:31), so He Himself, through a man,
established the twelve latter rain apostles that complete the twenty-four
elders who sit around the throne, and He did so with the most incredible
intercessoral testimony, as you will see!
Let us consider all that took place during this pivotal feast, including
some extremely important intercessions.
It is noted in Hurricane
Katrina and the Curse of 1920 that men do
not recognize the tremendous relevance and significance of the Curse of
1920. In the writing, He Was Jealous With My Jealousy, page 3,
we read the following vital truth:
Christians are
essentially content and cannot stop the murder of millions of babies each year
because of a problem that they themselves began and even unknowingly
promote. They know nothing about
the Curse of 1920, and are complacently unwilling to do that which is required
to stop it. Only a Phinehas can
stop it. The curse that is on the
church is for a different reason.
As was the problem in the days of Phinehas, it is the worship of Baal of
Peor, the broad way. Only recently
has Yahweh shown the Bride the Curse of 1920, and it is evident that this is
the Midianite woman that needs to be destroyed in order to stop the larger
curse. Though the cause of the
curse here in Numbers 25 was created by the daughters of Moab, it was ended by
slaying a daughter of Midian. Equally, though the cause of the curse
on the church may be the broad way of Baal of Peor, it is evidenced here that
the Bride’s zeal per the curse of the Midian, the Curse of 1920, can stop
the larger and seeming unrelated curse at large. This is evidently why Yahweh showed the Bride this truth
regarding the Curse of 1920. Of
all the things that are taking place around us at this time, it is this curse
that is having the greatest devastation and destruction of all. It is this curse that this Phinehas
wants most to see dealt a death blow.
It appears that if we can stop this curse, we can stop the
death that has been caused by the church’s continual propensity to go the
broad way, the way of Baal of Peor
(emphasis added).
Yahweh has opened the eyes of the
Bride to many wonderful and vital truths, and the Curse of 1920 and its
reversal is exceptionally important, as you will now further see.
When people began to contact me
and make plans and commitments to come for Trumpets, something began developing
that was unmistakable. Two black
men were coming, as well as two women.
Two is the number of witness, and it was evident that Yahweh was setting
forth a testimony, a witness, relative to the Curse of 1920. As presented in The Garden of God
– Today, two major elements of that
curse were the black man and the woman.
Read The Garden
of God – Today to understand
this. What Yahweh might do per
this, I did not know; but it was obvious something was developing.
Then on October 11, only four
days before Trumpets, Yahweh opened my eyes to see the most incredible and
exciting truths! Carroll had
called me that morning with some information I had asked him to look into. What he found was that it was in fact
the black man who was also responsible for baptizing the first Remnant into
death. In Acts 6:9f we read that
some from the Synagogue of the Freedmen secretly induced men to bring false
testimony against Stephen, and incited the people, the elders, and the scribes
against him and have him drug before the Council, whereby he was stoned. Who were the Synagogue of the
Freedmen? They were former slaves
from Africa (Cyrenians and Alexandrians) and some from Cilicia (where Paul was
from) and Asians, who had obtained their freedom.
You will recall that, very
significantly, it was Simon of Cyrene, a black man from Africa, whom the Romans
“laid hold of,” and he was “pressed into service to
bear” Yahshua’s cross (Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21, Luke 23:26). Why did this happen? Because of prophecy, because the black
man is cursed, and as such is a prophetic type of Christianity, which is equally
cursed. Simon of Cyrene was
“laid hold of” and “pressed into service to bear”
Yahshua’s cross, because cursed Christianity would be “laid hold
of” and “pressed into service to bear” Yahshua’s cross.
But the curse per the black man
goes back even further than the testimony here of the curse that was effected
when the Synagogue of the Freedmen brought the death of the first Remnant. That curse goes all the way back to
when Ham exposed the nakedness of Noah, whereby a curse was placed upon Canaan,
and really upon all black men. As
noted in The Garden of God – Today,
clearly the descendants of Ham settled Africa, a cursed continent. Furthermore, we once again saw the
evidence of this curse and the black man’s representation of Christianity
in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina hitting New Orleans (read Hurricane Katrina and the Curse of 1920).
That curse per the black man and
the Canaanite is highly relevant to the Curse of 1920 as well. As we have seen, not only was he a part
of women’s rebellion and brought forth cursed jazz music, but the origin
of the curse goes back to when the father of faith, Abraham, married a cursed
Canaanite, Keturah. Nine periods
of cursed time later (or 9 x 414 years), the Curse of 1920 began.
After talking to Carroll, I began
to see how the black man had been used so extensively as a curse – the
initiating act of Ham, the Canaanites, the enslavement of the sons of Israel,
the death of the first Remnant, and the Curse of 1920 – and began to
consider that when these two black men came, we should have a time when they as
representatives would ask forgiveness for their actions on behalf of all black
men, going all the way back to Ham, with the hope of reversing the curse that
has been on them.
As that consideration came into
my thoughts, it had not even fully unfolded when suddenly I began to sense the
depth and vastness of this! I had
touched something that was incredibly significant! It was so overwhelming that I began to gasp for air and pace
about, literally overwhelmed at its awesomeness! Continuing to pace about, I went to the couch to kneel down
in an effort to find relief, but there was none. Rising quickly, I continued to pace about, gasping deeply in
proportion to the incredible vastness of that which I had just touched, until
finally it subsided. Most
certainly, there was something of unfathomable significance that would take
place if we did this.
I called Kyle Nixon to tell him
what I had experienced, and knew that with the two black men and the two women
who were coming, we were in a legal position to reverse the Curse of 1920! There would need to be a time when the
two black men and the two women would confess on behalf of all blacks and all
women their part in the Curse of 1920, even going all the way back to Ham and
the garden of Eden, and ask for forgiveness.
As Kyle and I talked, he pointed
out that per the seven men who were set apart by the apostles to wait tables
(which they themselves should have done), the last man listed was a proselyte
from Antioch whose name was Nicholas (Acts 6:5). Kyle’s last name is Nixon, which is actually
“Nich son,” or “son of Nicholas.” Nicholas means “people of
victory.” When he told me
this, the windows of heaven opened once again and I further saw precisely what
had to take place at Trumpets and why, this time regarding the church.
Yahweh is government, He is
law, He is legal, and if we are to reverse the curse that has been on the
church, it is very significant to note that there is both a legal origin of
that curse, and thereby a specific legal way in which it can be reversed. This
is precisely what Yahshua knew and accomplished. He knew that in order to reverse the curse that had occurred
in the original garden, He had to intercessorally return to that garden and fix
the problem there. Thus, He took the vow of the Nazirite that
legally placed Him in the garden, then went to a garden to pray, and after
asking three times that the cup would pass from Him and three times denying it,
drank from the cup and thereby took upon Himself all the sins of man from the
garden onward. Therefore, when He
rose from the grave and ascended to the tent of meeting, by passing through eight
days of purification, Yahshua cleansed the garden of God and afforded the
restored kingdom to man. And He
accomplished all of this legally and intercessorally! And this was exactly what had to happen per the Curse of
1920 and the curse on the church.
So, very importantly - When and
from what legal event did the curse come upon the church? There are numerous testimonies to this
curse, but one clear testimony is when the apostles established the seven men
in their place to do what they should have done (Acts 6:1-6). Again, seven is the mark of the beast, and
with that action they legally corrupted the church, bringing a curse upon
it. Evidencing this, immediately
afterwards we see the Synagogue of the Freedmen turning Stephen over to the
Council to be stoned and the disbursement of the first Remnant out of
Jerusalem. Even as the sons of
Israel were taken by force from Jerusalem to Babylon, so by this act of setting
up the mark-of-the-beast seven, the church was taken by force from Jerusalem to
mystery Babylon, Christianity.
So, now knowing the cause of this
curse, and that Yahweh also affords legal solutions to a curse, how could we
then intercessorally go back and fix this? Simple! What
did Yahweh teach us in Hurricane Katrina and the Curse of 1920? In
order to reverse the curse of the seven, all you have to do is add the
eighth! Explaining this to Kyle, I
then asked him – Will you be the eighth man to be added to the original
seven? “If you ask me,”
was his reply. So, I asked him,
and he accepted. Thus, all we
legally had to do to reverse the curse on the church that was caused by
establishing the seven, was to add the critical eighth! And that we would indeed do!
But it is vital to note here that
not just anybody could place a man in that position. The original eleven performed that initial act, and the only
one who could legally add an eighth would have to be one from their number! Thus we see once again why Yahweh had
to preserve the office of the twelfth apostle for today. He first gave that office to a man,
Judas; but as clearly stated by Yahshua (John 6:70), that office went to Satan,
who, very importantly, kept it viable to this day, whereupon it has now been
given back to a man (The
Twenty-four Elders). Thus, that man has all the authority of
the original eleven, and can rightfully add the critical eighth, and thereby
reverse the curse!
Later, David Shepherd added even
greater relevance to this by pointing out that this act was the fulfillment of
“the key of David” spoken of in Revelation 3:7 and Isaiah
22:22. In 1 Chronicles 2:15 we
read that David was the seventh son of Jesse; but when Samuel went to anoint a
new king in place of Saul, 1 Samuel 16:10 tells us that seven sons of
Jesse were brought before Samuel, and David was the critical and removed
eighth! Once again we find a very
important and highly revealing Bible contradiction riddle.
Were the mark-of-the-beast seven
sons acceptable to Yahweh? No more
than mark-of-the-beast Christianity has been acceptable to Yahweh, and no more
than the seven chosen by the original eleven were acceptable. As Yahweh spoke to Samuel, so it is
true with the mark-of-the-beast seven work:
“Do not
look at his (Christianity’s)
appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have
rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward
appearance, but Yahweh looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).
Yahweh rejected the seven, even
as He rejected Saul, and even as He has rejected Christianity. But what then was the vital key here in
this obvious riddle concerning David?
The critical necessity of adding the eighth! Jesse
had seven sons, but when it came time to reverse the curse of Saul, Yahweh of
necessity added David, the eighth, and anointed him with the oil that was
placed in Samuel’s “horn” (1 Samuel 16:1), even the horn of
Trumpets that we were about to celebrate.
In Isaiah 22:15-23 (as addressed
in The Soul, page 4), we see that
the twelfth apostle who replaces Satan is given the promise by Yahweh:
“I will
set the key of the house of David on his shoulder;
When he opens no
one will shut,
When he shuts no
one will open.”
Of necessity, this is the authority this man has been
given as the twelfth apostle. The
key of David has been placed on my shoulder. In other words, via the office in which I stand, the
governmental rights and authority have been given to me to both see the need
for and perform the act of adding the critical eighth in order to reverse the
curse on the church. This is this
key that opens a door that no one will shut, and shuts a door that no one will
I have been given the key of
David, and this is why Yahweh showed this man this critical governmental act
whereby the curse can be reversed by adding Kyle “son of Nicholas”
as the eighth! Again, Kyle’s
last name clearly attests to his place as the eighth – “son of
Nicholas,” Nicholas being the seventh, a proselyte of Antioch where
Christianity began. (Is it any
wonder that at Yahweh’s test of Carmel on December 25 there will be two
Nicholas being presented? Christianity
will offer its Saint Nicholas, or Santa Claus, and the Bride will present
forth its “son of Nicholas,” Kyle Nixon, the eighth. Which one will be accepted by Yahweh?)
Thus our Trumpets work was being
set before us. We would reverse
the Curse of 1920 by the two black men and the two women confessing their parts
in that curse and asking forgiveness, and we would reverse the curse on the
church by adding the critical eighth to the seven originally set forth by the
first apostles. But there was
still more to learn before that pivotal day.
The day before others were to
arrive, or October 14, Brendan, Cary, his daughter, Kim, Carroll, and Russ had
come early and we went for a walk around a local lake. I would need to talk to each individual
involved in this intercession; and not really knowing some of them, I did not
know what their responses would be.
If any one of them rejected taking part in this, it would terminate the
entire intercession.
I asked permission to talk with
Kim, and as we walked around the lake, Kim and I lingered behind the other
men. As we went along, I explained
the intercession that was unfolding and asked her if she would be willing to
represent all women and to repent on their behalf. Kim agreed, and even sensed beforehand that something like
this was unfolding. Just before
the trip she had actually been rereading The Garden of God – Today. So,
Kim’s agreement made half of one part in this intercession possible.
At a resting place, Kim and Cary
returned back to the car while Brendan, Russ, Carroll, and I continued our walk
around the lake. As we entered the
final course, Brendan spoke up that there was a third part to this curse. When he said this, my mind began
searching for that third part, three certainly being a complete number. He began telling me of what he was
seeing, but I could not hear him.
Instead my mind was awhirl with what I was considering. I asked him to repeat what he said, but
still I only heard sounds. Having
to interrupt him a second time, I began to explain the critical third part of
this Curse and how it too had to be reversed.
When the controversy regarding Terri Schiavo and her
murderous death was taking place, I began a writing titled Terri Schiavo and
the Curse of 1920 – Where modern-day euthanasia came from, and where it
is taking us! I never completed that writing, waiting
instead for Yahweh to provide more truth and relevance pertaining to it. What we find is that euthanasia as we
know it today, and to a great extent abortion as well, began in 1920 with the
publication of a book by two German doctors – Dr.
Karl Binding, a lawyer, who was a Professor of Law and Doctor of Philosophy,
and Dr. Alfred Hoche, who was a Doctor of Medicine and Psychiatrist. The book had the ominous title – The
Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life.
This philosophy of death controversially made
its way into the medical community in Germany, and when Hitler came to power in
1933, the foundation had already been laid among doctors and nurses that, as
proponents of this 1920 curse, afforded the murder of 6 million Jews and 12
million other “undesirables.”
Today, nearly 50 million children are murdered each year by the medical
community that is continuing to operate under the Curse of 1920 that Hitler
perfected, and euthanasia is ever increasing, evidenced by what happened to
Terri Schiavo. To demonstrate just
one small faction of the cruelty of this curse, a picture is worth a thousand
Already we had the testimony of
the reverse of the Curse of 1920 per Yahweh providing two black men and two
women. But what about this third
part that clearly was a substantial part of the Curse – the grievous
guilt of the medical community.
Who could legally stand in the place with these other four to confess
the sins of doctors as well and ask Yahweh to reverse the Curse of 1920? They had to be a doctor. The answer was in the man who noted
there had to be a third part – Dr. Brendan McElroy! Brendan is a medical doctor in an
emergency room on Long Island.
Thus, Yahweh had wondrously provided intercessors for all three parts of
the guilt of the Curse of 1920 – the black man, the woman, and the
But there was another pair of men
gathering here for Trumpets that would, of necessity, play a part in this
repentance as well – two pastors.
In Jeremiah 23:1-4, 25:34-36, and Ezekiel 34:1-10 we read of
Yahweh’s great indignation against pastors/shepherds. For 2,000 years pastors have fleeced
the sheep and fed them dung, the word of God processed by the flesh. They have been Judas Iscariots, or
Judas “men of hire.”
Intentionally or unintentionally they have destroyed and scattered the
sheep and driven them away from truth and have not healed them. These two pastors whom Yahweh sent here
for this time of repentance would equally confess all the sins of pastors and
ask for forgiveness.
Thus the scene was set for the
Trumpets repentance – two black men, two women, two pastors, and a
doctor, for a total of seven!
Herein Yahweh once again attested to the curse that has been on man, the
mark of the beast, the illegal shortfall number seven that demands an
eighth. (And actually, the reality
of this was not even recognized until the Trumpets intercession was over.)
The morning of Trumpets, October
16, I went on a walk with the other woman, Linda, and her brother, Eric, who
had invited Linda to come, the man whom Yahweh is using to reveal His
Millennial calendar. I did not
know Linda at all, and was anxious when I told her about the Curse of 1920 that
began when women obtained the right to vote. Eric had explained some of this to her, and I was quite
relieved when she told me that she had actually never voted in her life, nor
registered to vote. It was
something she did not believe in.
In this regard, she was actually a political virgin, even as Brendan had
never participated in any abortions.
They were both spotless lambs in these regards. Linda gratefully accepted the
opportunity to stand in the place of all women as well and ask forgiveness for
the sins of women abandoning their place.
This made possible the testimony
for women, as well as the two pastors, who both readily agreed the day before
as we began to see what Yahweh was doing.
Of course Dr. McElroy readily agreed. All that remained were the two black brothers, Stanley and
Tommy. My walk with them was next.
We took a long walk, for there
was much to discuss regarding this.
Tommy had told me before that no one knew better the curse that was on
the black man than the black man himself, and both of these brothers were very
willing to stand in the place of all black men from Ham to today and ask
forgiveness, and to ask that Yahweh would reverse the curse on the black
man. Thus, the complete
intercessoral testimony was established!
It is important we add something
here that is very likely a fulfillment of Scriptures at one level. On the morning of the 14th,
Carroll pointed out a truth that was to be an integral legal part of our
confession and intercession. The
book of John speaks to the kingdom of heaven in the Millennial reign, and we
find unique to it the account when Yahshua breathed on the disciples after He
rose from the dead. This is the
very thing we had hoped for, as expressed in an e-mail
sent out just prior to this gathering
– that Yahshua would breathe on us. And He did! But
what was most striking, especially per what we were about to do, was what He
said next. In John 20:23 we read
Yahshua’s unique subsequent statement:
“If you remit the
sins of any, their sins have been remitted them; if you retain the sins of any,
they have been retained.”
Very importantly per this
Trumpets intercession, we therefore knew that when we gathered to pray and ask
for forgiveness, we would remit the sins of each one of these groups, and they
would be remitted.
After lunch, we gathered to reverse the curses, not only
the Curse of 1920, but the curse from the beginning of the church when the
apostles established the seven.
And it was with great hope that we noted that one year prior equally on
Trumpets per the Millennial calendar, the Red Sox beat the Cardinals in the
most miraculous World Series win in baseball history, setting a World Series
record of eight straight wins in one playoff year and reversing the
curse they too had been under since 1920 when they sold Babe Ruth. Now, exactly one year later, we were
getting ready to accomplish intercessions that would reverse the Curse of 1920
and the curse on the church.
We began with what turned out to
be a time of weeping and contrite humbling for the grievous sorrows that have
been placed on man by these curses.
This was followed by Stanley and Tommy kneeling in the center of the
room facing each other like unto the two covering cherubim on the mercy seat
(though they did not know the reason for this at the time) and praying, asking
for Yahweh’s forgiveness for the black man and confessing their sins and
asking Him to reverse the curse that has been on them from Ham. And thereupon we remitted those sins
and they embraced.
Next Kim and Linda knelt in the
middle of the room, likewise facing each other as two covering cherubim. They too confessed the sins of all
women for their part in the Curse of 1920 and asked forgiveness for all women
in their shortfalls and sins as women, going all the way back to Eve. And thereupon we remitted those sins
and they too embraced.
Next the two pastors knelt in the
middle of the room, likewise facing each other as two covering cherubim and
they immediately embraced and humbly confessed and repented of all the sins of
pastors. And thereupon we remitted
those sins, asking Yahweh to forgive them for they knew not what they were
Then Dr. McElroy knelt in the
center of the room. I had decided
beforehand that he would kneel alone, since there were none intercessorally
qualified to legally represent that guilt, but by unction and unplanned I asked
Kyle to kneel with him. Only days
before, Kyle had told me that he was responsible for the abortion of three
children that he had conceived, for which he had grievously repented. Thus we had the doctor, who represented
those who perform the abortions and euthanasia, and one who had presented
himself to them and requested their ill actions, and they too faced each other
as two covering cherubim and humbly embraced in prayer. These two men likewise asked for
forgiveness, including prayers by Kyle for those who have performed acts of
homosexuality and other like sins, as well as the part of rock and roll in the
curse, as he was once involved in punk rock. And thereupon we remitted those sins.
What was most striking about
this, as we realized later, was that by asking Kyle to kneel with Brendan, who
was the seventh, we actually added the all-important eighth, thereby
reversing the curse, effecting that much needed legal testimony!
When these two men finished praying, I asked Kyle to remain
there. In 2000 Kyle had asked per
an intercession for my daughter, Rebekah, (A Lesson From Intercession, page 8,
last half) that I anoint him with oil.
I denied him this at that time, but knew it was now time to fulfill that
request. Based on the authority
given to me as the twelfth apostle, as well as the right to use the key of
David who was the eighth and was anointed with oil from the horn of Samuel,
with tears I generously anointed Kyle with olive oil as the eighth man who was
established to serve tables, legally reversing the curse on the church, and
laid my hands upon him, offering Him to Yahweh. The curse that was caused when the eleven established the
seven, was reversed when the twelfth established the eighth.
And very significantly, Kyle was
an apostle, something that was lacking with the first seven. What the apostles should have carried
out but did not, I installed an apostle to serve in that function. And what this did as well was to afford
two men the legal place with the first Remnant – myself as the twelfth
apostle, and Kyle as the eighth man to serve tables. Thus we now have a legal two-part link to the first Remnant.
What have we provided for the
first Remnant? As it is written in
highly Remnant Hebrews, 11:40 – “because God had provided something
better for us, so that apart from us they should not be made
perfect.” The first Remnant
entirely needed the second Remnant to make perfect that which they began, for
without us they are incomplete.
This is the fulfilling work Yahweh has performed following the 2,000
year breach in time that has been occupied by Satan-dominated
Christianity. Yahweh has done all
of this by His hand, fulfilling His word, and completing His promise by adding
the critical second part. Praise
be the name of Yahweh!
Thus we see as foreshadowed in
John 20:22 and Acts 10:44-45, Yahshua breathed on us, reversing the curse,
calling clean that which has been unclean, and as we will now see, establishing
the latter rain twelve apostles.
He breathed on us, and these wondrous things were done!
Let us now consider what He performed in beginning the
restoration of all things, effecting the Elijah work, doing once again that
which He did in the beginning of the church, establishing the latter twelve
apostles. And, we will see the
amazing and wonderful legal testimony He has effected in performing this vital
Continue to page 2 of Trumpets, 2005, for THE LAST DAYS TWELVE APOSTLES