Filed Under The Curse of 1920, Women's rights movement | Comments Off on PHALAROPED!
Today, the home, society, and government are all phalaroped! What is phalaroped? It is a state relative to a most unusual bird, seen here in this photo. So what does this bird have to do with the home, etc.? It is unlike any bird you will ever find. Let me ask you, which bird is […]
Our Hope for Fall, 2012, and Beyond
Filed Under Current events, End times, Latter rain | Comments Off on Our Hope for Fall, 2012, and Beyond
On August 4, 2012, noting that there were no new entries on the blog, a lady sent me an email wanting to know an update on our hope for the Bride. Actually, there were definitely some matters that were giving us hope, but I had decided to just let them unfold and not make them […]