On August 4, 2012, noting that there were no new entries on the blog, a lady sent me an email wanting to know an update on our hope for the Bride. Actually, there were definitely some matters that were giving us hope, but I had decided to just let them unfold and not make them public. But upon receiving this lady’s email, I realized that I should indeed present what we were seeing. I have always published our hope, so why should I not do so now, especially when it was all the more hopeful?  

Therefore, I wrote the report, Our Hope for Fall, 2012, and Beyond, and placed it on the Remnant Bride web site. The information was far too much to place here as a blog entry. The photo you see here is that of Rachel’s Tomb as it appeared in 1993 when an incredible event took place that could only be described as a sovereign work of Yahweh God. You will find out all about this when you read Our Hope for Fall, 2012, and Beyond. So, click on the article’s title in this paragraph or below and it will take you to the writing.

Yahweh bless you.

OUR HOPE FOR FALL, 2012, AND BEYOND – Before the births of John the Baptist and Yahshua, angels made visitations to Zechariah, Mary, and even Joseph. Therefore, it would not be surprising if an angel made a visitation before the establishment of the Elijah and coming of Immanuel. In this report, you will see the clear and distinct evidence that this has very well been the case in this day. Gary was recently contacted by two separate women who both had sovereign experiences pointing to a long-needed and much-awaited fulfillment this year—the fall of 2012. One of these ladies was indeed visited by an angel. When you read this account, you will see why such a claim can be justly made. And, both testimonies look to the Elijah work, even the test of Carmel between Elijah and Christianity. You will want to read this amazing account, affording us hope for the remainder of 2012, and beyond.


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