2008 Jubilee Flip and Hurricane Update
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We will examine five reasons why the Jubilee flip should take place in 2008. To keep this short, I will get right to the point on each one; therefore, you will have to read this very carefully. Also, the five reasons given here are each governmental. First and foremost, as covered in The Revelation of […]
A Cloud as Small as a Man’s Palm
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In the September 5 posting, I noted what evidences to be Yahweh’s timing of events for the Bride. Comparable to the water coming under the eastern gate in Ezekiel 47:1-12, in 1994 when the Holy Spirit came upon me for a week-and-a-half, the water was on the soles of our feet—I received the rights to […]
Satan in the Gulf of Mexico!
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Have you seen the engraving of Satan on the continent of Africa? Yahweh stated in Zechariah 3:9: “ ‘For behold, the stone that I have set before Yahshua; on one stone are seven eyes. Behold, I will engrave an engraving on it,’ declares Yahweh of hosts, ‘and I will remove the iniquity of that land […]
Prophetic Types: Election 2008
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In talking with a couple of Bride brothers, let me share with you what seems to be evidenced in the 2008 election. But first, if you read the “Election 2000 Information,” you will see that the election of 2000 was incredibly prophetic. Based on prophetic patterns, before the election was ever resolved I wrote that […]
Yahweh Is Speaking Again From A Whirlwind: Fay, Gustav, Katrina, …
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Image: Hurricane Gustav First, let me urge you to read this slowly and carefully. There is a LOT here! Well, the “rod of God” sure made its contact on a most significant place, and with very hopeful timing. And even as I write you right now, I am under that rod as it releases its […]
Why is it that when Charismatic Christians are prayed for and “slain in the Spirit” that they fall backwards? If someone really went out, the body usually falls straight down or wavers and stumbles. Why then consistently backwards? Have you ever seen anyone be “slain in the Spirit”? If you have gone to Charismatic meetings, […]