Angels Will Bear You Up

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Yahweh continues to spotlight this matter of Yahshua’s and our own ascension to the Father in our earthly form. We noted in Resurrection and Judgment, page 5, that after Yahshua had resurrected from the dead, then revealed Himself to others that same day, and late that evening led the apostles to Bethany, He there “parted […]

What Is the CHURCH?

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We know from Zechariah 4 and many other evidences and testimonies that the church—which is “not by might, nor by power, but by [Yahweh’s] Spirit”—is not just Christianity. Rather, it is a male work, the Body of Christ, and a two-part female work, the Bride. As seen in Zechariah 4, it is the two olive […]

The Scarlet Thread

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In the blog posting, “Satan Inscribed In the Pacific, Deepwater Horizon Well, and Obama,” we saw amazing testimony regarding the scarlet thread that connects the two Remnant. In the Pacific Ocean, there are two strings of volcanoes that actually connect Alaska and Hawaii. Prophetically attested by Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, the first Remnant had the scarlet […]

Possessing the Truth In Unrighteousness

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Before we examine this matter of cosmetics as stated in the last posting, we will first examine two other matters. To begin with, we will consider a most relevant and revealing message found in the opening three chapters of Romans. This will be followed by a short address as to how feminism is so entirely […]

Eve Today and Women’s Clothing

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In the Garden of Eden, Yahweh set forth the pattern for all mankind. It is not just the account of what happened between the first man and woman and Yahweh God, but was a MOST important type of what would take place throughout the history of flesh man, revealing the relationship of the man and […]

Five and Two

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In the March 27, 2010, Remnant Bride Radio program titled “Splitting the Remnant and Britain Report,” we introduced for the first time a reexamination of the three and a half years of the covenant with the many that belongs to the Elijah. Up to now our conclusion has been that this period was exclusive to […]

Birthing the Body

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Photo:  Inside Womb Cave, looking out In the first report since returning from Britain titled, “The Helper,” I noted that there would be three reports.  However, a truth came to light in the last few days pertaining to the birthing of the Body of Christ that needs to be addressed. As covered in the Remnant […]

The Fig Tree

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In Luke 13:6-9, we read this remarkably specific parable given by Yahshua: “A man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and did not find any.  And he said to the vineyard-keeper, ‘Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on […]

The Helper

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On Wednesday, February 17, after nearly a month in Britain, I flew back to the US.  Did I receive what I hoped for—the beginning of an attesting work in Britain?  Not to the extent that I had hoped.  I already wrote you about my meetings with Peter and Paul and the incredible gift I received […]

Our Hope For the Latter Rain

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We are going to address here our hope today for the latter rain and why so, but first let us note something about Yahweh. Have you ever considered the incredibly immense complexity of Yahweh expressed in creation? Why didn’t He just make one kind of tree and one kind of grass? Why did He make […]

Averting Yahweh’s Wrath

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In the next posting, I will tell about the teaching journey to the east that was just completed, as well as our hope for the days before us. But in this posting, let me share with you some of the wonderful truth that was revealed while on that journey. Truth is what will set us […]

The Sabbaths

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There is an outstanding argument in Christianity as to what is the true sabbath. Is it the seventh day of the week—Saturday—or is it the first day of the week—Sunday? So, how can this be resolved? The answer—by government, and by knowing and considering the larger picture of the ways and works of Yahweh in […]

Turning Water Into Wine, Part One

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Now that we have extensively considered the evidences involving a forty-and-three-day count from Passover, let us consider its all-important conclusion—the wedding at Cana where the water was turned into wine. This, of course, was Yahshua’s first miracle, beginning His public ministry. In John 2:1-11, we read:  

Four Rivers From Eden

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In Genesis 2:10-14, we read: “Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers.  The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.  The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the […]

Who is the mother of the Elijah?

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Who is the mother of the Elijah? This is a very important question to ask, especially if one is looking for the Elijah to come on the scene at this critical time.  But he must be birthed.  If that was a riddle propounded to you, and as with Samson if you answered it you would […]

Two Hopes For the Days To Come

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Image: Solomon’s Temple One of the unique things Yahweh has revealed to this man is the matter of how He stacks time.  As we have noted recently, He stacks the fifth day on the fourth, as well as the eighth day on the seventh (The Waltz of Life, page 3).  He also stacks the first […]

New Writing and Radio Program

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There is a new writing on The Remnant Bride web site titled The Waltz of Life.  Here is a description of it: “If you want to know what Yahweh God has been doing and will do in the first 15,000 years of mankind, read this writing.  This truth was given to Gary in the closing […]

The House on the Rock, and the House on the Sand

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Photo: Dig deep to lay the foundation I would imagine you have been watching the stock market. The last eight days of trading have afforded straight losses totaling 2,400 points! That is over $2.5 trillion of value. In fact, this week alone has been the worst weekly plunge in the market’s 112-year history! And since […]

“Fish on the other side.”

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I have been considering of late the last fourteen years of my life since the Spirit came upon me in 1994, and here is what I see.  You should know the breach pattern of the church.  The first Remnant began, but after a year and a half there was a breach.  This work that began […]

2008 Jubilee Flip and Hurricane Update

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 We will examine five reasons why the Jubilee flip should take place in 2008.  To keep this short, I will get right to the point on each one; therefore, you will have to read this very carefully.  Also, the five reasons given here are each governmental. First and foremost, as covered in The Revelation of […]

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