When Yahweh Sees the Rainbow
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I stated in the last posting that it looked like I would begin writing on the book of Galatians. But, there are some matters that continue to stir within me which must be addressed. Patterns are clearly very relevant to Yahweh God. When He had Abraham lay out the split covenant parts and passed between […]
Tabernacles Pentecost—Still Hope
Filed Under End times, Latter rain, Prophecy, Yearning For Zion Ranch, FLDS | Comments Off on Tabernacles Pentecost—Still Hope
If you listened to the Remnant Bride Radio message, “Tabernacles Pentecost, 2009, Report,” you know that I, and we, will wait out yet another forty-nine days in hopes of the fulfillment of Tabernacles Pentecost. In this written report, we will more fully assess this possibility, adding some things that are most interesting and indeed give […]
Tabernacles Pentecost, 2009, Report
Filed Under Current events, End times, Latter rain, Prophecy | Comments Off on Tabernacles Pentecost, 2009, Report
A new Remnant Bride Radio program was posted, addressing the results of the February 13 Tabernacles Pentecost. Here is the program description: “What was the outcome of the February 13, 2009, Tabernacles Pentecost—forty-nine plus forty-nine days following Tabernacles? Gary and the Bride did not receive what is so desperately needed, which is what he and […]
Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory, 2
Filed Under Christianity, End times, Prophecy, The Curse of 1920, Women's rights movement | Comments Off on Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory, 2
The writing, Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory, is now online. Here is its description: “There is only one thing harder than the writing of this article, and that is writing its description. If you think that the three temples prophesy, wait till you see how your temple, your body, prophesies. First you will learn that […]