If you listened to the Remnant Bride Radio message, “Tabernacles Pentecost, 2009, Report,” you know that I, and we, will wait out yet another forty-nine days in hopes of the fulfillment of Tabernacles Pentecost.  In this written report, we will more fully assess this possibility, adding some things that are most interesting and indeed give hope.

First, the reason I initially canceled any plans to go into truck driving until after April 1 was simply because over the years of my life, February and March have been quite significant for me.  Given that fact, and since the fulfillment of the Bride is CRITICALLY important, I concluded that I could at least wait through that period of time. 

One thing I have experienced in Yahweh is that He often waits for us to make our commitment, before He begins His work.  This was true with me regarding the matter of headcoverings, regarding finances, it was true with my commitment to move to Washington state, and with my commitment to move to Salem.  When I committed, He provided.  This seems to be the case with my decision to wait on Him through the remainder of February and all of March as well.  Once I made that commitment, my eyes began to be opened to the hope for this time.

First, just before the call to Chris to record the radio program, I counted out the days if we waited another forty-nine count to a Pentecost.  I did not see that it was even legal to do such, but I wondered where it would place us.  And, as reported in the program, picking up the count on February 13—where we had hoped for Pentecost—and counting forty-nine more days, brings us to April 2.  That means that the extended Tabernacles Pentecost would be on April 3.  Like February 13, the anniversary of my Georgia experience, it is yet another meaningful date for me.

I will not go into all the personally significant events regarding March that were addressed in the radio program, other than to point out that on April 2 a judge signed a legal order that delivered me from death and gave me hope.  Also, as addressed in The New Millennial Calendar, page 14, Yahshua was crucified on April 1, the same day in 1992 when our daughter, Grace, was born after Yahweh miraculously repaired the breech.  (The midwife had told me that it would take a burning-bush-in-the-wilderness miracle for that to happen.)  But what was not noted in that program was that Yahshua resurrected from the dead at sunrise on April 4.  If I receive Gihon and the signet ring on April 3, the resurrection of Yahshua’s ministry would certainly take place as a result.  Remember, the office of Elijah is the office of Yahshua—he simply stands in it so as to prepare the way for its rightful Heir.

This leads us to a very important consideration; but first, let us touch on this matter of three forty-nine-day periods leading to Pentecost.  Once again, what we will discuss here was not seen until I made the commitment to wait.

As addressed in the radio program, there is indeed one highly relevant testimony of three waiting periods to Pentecost.  When counting to a Passover Pentecost, Deuteronomy 16:9-10 states that it is a count of forty-nine days; while in contrast, Leviticus 23:15-16 states that the count is forty-nine plus forty-nine days.  BUT, keep in mind that this has to do with a Passover Pentecost, which was all we had to go by.  So what is to dictate that that must be the case with a Tabernacles Pentecost?  Remember, adding a Pentecost to Tabernacles is entirely unique to the Remnant Bride, so why not a unique count to it as well?

The one remarkably relevant evidence that there could indeed be a count of three forty-nine-day periods to a Tabernacles Pentecost is found in 2 Kings 1.  Is this directly stated?  Of course not, any more than Tabernacles Pentecost is directly stated.  But keep in mind, the entire purpose of Tabernacles Pentecost is to bring forth the Elijah, and this is precisely what we find in this account in 2 Kings 1.

Briefly, King Ahaziah of Israel sent a captain of fifty with his fifty to get Elijah, and they were consumed by fire.  The king then sent another captain of fifty with his fifty, and they too were consumed by fire.  Finally, a third captain of fifty with his fifty was sent to get Elijah, and he succeeded. 

Thus we see here two matters that relate directly to our hope that three periods of forty-nine days will bring forth the Elijah ministry—one, the fact that getting Elijah is the issue; and two, these three captains of fifty with their fifty are the same as a Pentecost count of 49 + 49 + 49 + 1.  Remember, in any like count of Jubilees or Pentecosts, the forty-nines are actually fifties with the first day stacked on the fiftieth, thereby annulling it.  So, we do indeed find here in 2 Kings 1 a testimony that relates specifically to what we are facing right now. 

Are there other like attesting evidences?  None as specific as this one; but there are numerous testimonies in the Scriptures where, in the pattern of the Passing Over Principle, He passes over the first, He passes over the second, and He takes the third.  Consider Judges 20 where the Benjamites were not defeated until the third day, the previous two days being equal to the first two captains of fifty with their fifty, effecting failure and loss.  Or consider that Esther went before the king on the third day (Esther 5:1).  Or read Isaiah 37:29-32 regarding the remnant of Judah, who in the third year would “again take root downward and bear fruit upward.  For out of Jerusalem will go forth a remnant and out of Mount Zion survivors [as were the third group of fifty].  The zeal of Yahweh of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 37:29-32).  Oh for that zeal now!  Yahshua specifically said that on the third day He reaches His own goal (Luke 13:32).  His resurrection was on the third day.  And as in the trinity of faith or regarding humans (spirit, soul, and body), death is the outcome if the third part is absent.  This is indeed the very principle we are speaking of here—fulfillment is achieved in the third part.

Is this then a guarantee as we face these additional days before us?  Absolutely not.  But, there is no doubt that these matters and more, that we will yet consider, give us hope and vital instruction, evoking us to do nothing less than to press forward so as to receive the prize of the upward call.

Here is another interesting thing concerning three forty-nines.  What is the sum of three forty-nines?  It is 147.  Do you see the testimony here?  What pattern did we see in The Waltz of Life, page 4, where resurrection took place?  Once again, it was the 1, 4, and 7—the sum of three Pentecost waiting periods.

Here is yet another compelling testimony.  On the night of February 12, 2009, around 10:20 p.m., Continental Flight 3407 crashed, killing all forty-nine onboard, as well as one on the ground at the crash site.  Thus we see once again a specific forty-nine-and-one testimony as in a count to Pentecost.  In fact, there were actually three in the home where the crash took place, but only the man in the middle of it perished, while the mother and the daughter at the opposite ends of the home escaped alive.  Also, three other passengers missed the flight because of delays.  Therefore, this number was amazingly controlled.

The Tabernacles Pentecost we were hoping for began at sunrise, February 13.  Thus, just hours before this second count of forty-nine was completed, there was a tragic Pentecost-waiting-period testimony equal to that which the second captain of fifty with his fifty received—in both cases they were consumed by fire. 

This amazing testimony on the forty-ninth day immediately before our hoped Tabernacles Pentecost, evidenced that the second waiting period would fail to produce the Elijah, which was indeed the case.  However, it also gives us hope.  With the testimony of the fire consuming the second fifty, and the fire consuming the Flight-3407 fifty, it also evidences that this 2 Kings 1 account is indeed the count whereby we will receive the Elijah via the third Pentecost waiting period—if we persevere another forty-nine-and-one days.  Also, its specific timing provides us a benchmark that we are on the correct count from Tabernacles.  One thing for certain, after the death and appearance of failure from the first Pentecost-count period, as well as the death and appearance of failure from the second period, we would most certainly welcome an April 4 resurrection following this third period with its fulfilled Pentecost.  Oh may Yahweh fulfill and perform this work.

Now for yet another compelling testimony regarding our hope and guarded expectation that is most interesting and intriguing.  Just a few days ago I received a call from a man who wanted to meet for dinner.  This man is a truck driver whom I communicated and worked with extensively when writing the two articles on Flora Jessop, the woman who was a significant part of stirring up the raid on the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints’ (FLDS) Yearning For Zion ranch.  You can read those articles here by scrolling back to July, 2008.

This gentleman and I met for dinner, and among the things we discussed was this present hope.  In fact, he receives the DRBI e-mails and has read some of the writings and listened to some of the radio programs.  And quite remarkably, the FLDS are indeed a clear, purposed attempt to be the Elijah and bring forth Yahshua.

When I told him that our hope is that Tabernacles Pentecost will be on April 3, his immediate reply was—that is the anniversary of the raid on Yearning For Zion.  On April 3, 2008, based on a totally bogus phone call, at about 9:00 p.m. (the number of the Elijah), the infamous Child Protective/Predatory Services and law enforcement officials entered the ranch, and throughout the night interrogated both adults and children.  Their subsequent actions were later determined by the courts to have been entirely unlawful.  In all, I wrote five articles regarding this illegal raid, and another related article, which led to extensive contact with the FLDS.

Some wondered why I was even doing this.  But I knew it was right, and I found their identification with the Elijah work to be very amazing.  I also have great respect for their separation from the world, their modest dress, simple lifestyle, and holding all things in common.  Now, I find it MOST interesting and quite a wonder that a 2 Kings 1 count to Tabernacles Pentecost would coincide specifically with the one year anniversary of that raid.  I also find it interesting that only now has it been possible to meet for dinner with my FLDS truck-driving friend.  The timing is amazing.  It seems as if this entire series of events is an intercession for the Elijah.

Another matter that I cannot ignore and continues to be an anchor of hope, is the substantive events regarding Satan that lead up to and took place on Trumpets, October 16, 2008, and particularly the events on the morning of Tabernacles, October 30.  I cannot dismiss the reality of those happenings and the immense significance they hold for a fulfilling and effectual Tabernacles Pentecost.  The serpent MUST turn back into a rod, and the signet ring must go to the Elijah at a Pentecost as attested by Haman and Mordecai (Esther 7:9-8:2).  These have to take place in order for the Elijah ministry to begin, and for Yahshua to even return back to this earth.  THESE ARE VITAL EVENTS!

Therefore, once again, the remarkably attesting events that took place leading up to and at Trumpets and Tabernacles beg to be fulfilled, and now we have yet one more legal, hope-filled opportunity.

And speaking of Elijah and Yahshua, this ongoing count to Tabernacles Pentecost raises another matter that has laid in the recesses of my mind.  This is what was referred to in paragraph six of this writing.

The issue that this extended count has produced is: by receiving the signet ring essentially six months after Trumpets, this would mean that the actual period of the Elijah with power would now be only two and a half years.  This is the case if the Bride ascends alive at Trumpets, 2011.  The question that is thereby raised is: Did John the Baptist legally use up six months of the Elijah portion of the covenant with the many in Daniel 9?  For six months, from Passover to Atonement, John preached and baptized in the wilderness, whereupon Yahshua was baptized by him, beginning His ministry and ending John’s.  Did John indeed use a part of that count, or was he simply a type? 

Up until now, I have concluded that John used up six months of the covenant with the many.  This would make sense if we had received the Tabernacles Pentecost at the count of either of the first two forty-nines.  But, taking that event out yet another forty-nine days draws it out essentially six months.  According to the Scriptures, we ascend alive on a Trumpets; so now we are looking at a two and a half year ministry period remaining, which no longer fits.  Thus the question regarding the covenant and John’s work arises.

To get to the point, with a fulfilled Tabernacles Pentecost at April 3, it seems evident that there would be a three and a half year ministry period instead, taking us to Trumpets, 2012, and that John was only a type.  And, there are evidences that this is in fact the case.  Let us look at some of them.

First, we know that John categorically stated that he was not Elijah (John 1:21).  This would indeed mean then that he was simply a type, even as Elijah was a type of the coming Elijah.  John was also not a part of the church, even as Yahshua stated: “I say to you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John; yet he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he” (Matthew 11:11 and Luke 7:28).

Also, if the covenant with the many was for the office of Yahshua, and He walked out half of it—the latter three and  half years—one would suspect that the same power evidenced by Him, would be evidenced by the Elijah as well who walks out the former part of that covenant. 

In Luke 1:17, the angel told Zacharias, John’s father, “It is he who will go before Him [Yahshua] in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”  But, did John evidence the power of Yahshua, and did he “turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord”?  No, he did not.  As John himself stated, he was not Elijah. 

Furthermore, we find specifically stated in John 10:41 that John did not perform any attesting signs or miracles.  But, it is clear that the one who stands in the office of Elijah will indeed evidence the power that Yahshua evidenced.  This lack of power was certain evidence that he was not Elijah.  Therefore, even as Yahshua did not fulfill Isaiah 7:14 and its like passages, as well as what Gabriel stated to Mary, so in like manner John did not fulfill that which was spoken to Zacharias.  They both looked to yet another.

Thus we now see evidenced that John did not use up six months of that covenant, and that the full three and a half years are reserved for the true fulfillment of Elijah.  Just as Yahshua had a three and a half year ministry, it seems evident that Elijah will have the same three and a half year ministry.  He will walk in the spirit and power of Yahshua, but will not die and will prepare the way for Immanuel’s triumphal coming.

Additionally, it is quite interesting that 2012 will coincide with the famed Mayan calendar that marks the end of a Great Cycle in the same year—December 21, 2012.  Interestingly, a Great Cycle in the Mayan calendar is composed of thirteen sub-cycles called baktuns, which are each 144,000 days in duration.  Of course 144,000 is the number of the two Remnant in Revelation 7 and 14.  Each baktun is divided into twenty katuns, which are 7,200 days.  Seventy-two is the number of the Remnant as well.  The year 2012 is the completion of the thirteenth baktun.  Thirteen is the number of Yahweh and the twelve-and-one government of Yahshua.  Reportedly, Mayanist scholars reject the popular idea of this being the occasion of a holocaust.  It will undoubtedly not be a holocaust at all; for if we are correct in what we are seeing, it will be the MOST significant change in this earth since the flood—the beginning of Immanuel’s reign.

In second Remnant Luke 11:5-13, we read the account where Yahshua instructed the disciples in how to pray.  As in our case at this time, He gave the example of a man who went to his neighbor at midnight and asked for three loaves of bread, the same number of Pentecost-count periods we are now asking for.  The man needed the bread for a friend who had been on a journey—maybe Yahshua.  Yahshua then notes the reason for which the man will be given his request: “because of his persistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.”  He then adds, “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened.”

This is instruction we can most certainly take hope in as we press Yahweh for Gihon, the latter rain that we are desperate to receive.  And most remarkably and quite fittingly, Yahshua concludes in this second Remnant Luke account, “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him?”  We are asking for the three loaves, we are asking for the Holy Spirit.  I have been asking for the Holy Spirit, the water that is poured out from heaven, since 1994, and more specifically we are doing so now with these three forty-nine-day Pentecost waiting periods.  May Yahweh give us our request come April 3, 2009, and may the office of Yahshua resurrect on April 4.  He has indeed been away on a long journey.  (And by the way, April 1 is once again on a Wednesday, and April 4 is on a Saturday, just like it was in 33 A.D.) 

Our hope for the previous waiting period with its February 13 date was tied to a very specific event in my life.  It looked back to February 13, 1996, when my oldest daughter and I stood outside the Georgia Dome Promise Keepers meeting, warning pastors of Yahweh’s judgment.  But instead, He had mercy.  It has been thirteen years since 1996.  We read in Genesis 17:25 that Ishmael was thirteen when Abraham was circumcised, whereupon He took complete responsibility for Abraham’s offspring.  I hope for the same now in my own life—that Yahweh will take full responsibility for the days set before us, giving me the remaining three and a half years of the covenant with the many.  He took full responsibility for the breech that we faced with our fifth child on March 31, 1992, giving us the burning-bush-in-the-wilderness miracle—the breech was repaired and Grace was born on April 1.  May He now do likewise.

As with Jacob, I, and we, have wrestled with God, not letting go until He blesses me/us.  I hope we will now receive that which we see promised—the Gihon latter rain and signet-ring authority that resides in that covenant.  Yes, as you can see, there is great hope even now, even once again.  And yes, I know I can also be setting myself up to be hurt once again.  But, life is filled with risks, and this is a risk; yet, its rewards are not only worth it, but the great necessity demands it.  WE CAN DO NO LESS!

We have indeed sought, even as Yahshua said we are to do, and we have found some most, and hopefully the most, incredible and effectual truth ever seen by either man or angels.  If this is indeed Yahweh’s work, no man has ever seen or even conceived of a Tabernacles Pentecost following three forty-nine-day waiting periods!  This could not have been figured out in a million years—and yet here we are.  When Yahweh says that He will do a new thing, this is DEFINITELY new!  Now we knock, and trust that this door of hope will be opened—the door of Revelation 3:7-8 for second Remnant Philadelphia that He opens and no one can close.

So, we will gladly walk out this third forty-nine-day count to Tabernacles Pentecost, this time on April 3, 2009, and see what it holds and what we will receive.  I need, we need, the church needs, the world needs for this to be fulfilled.  May Yahweh have mercy on us.  I will keep you informed.  For now it looks like I will be doing a writing on the book of Galatians.


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