Male and Female Addendum

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A writing was recently posted at titled Male and Female: The Pattern of God and His Creation.  As stated in it, when it comes to the bigger picture of Yahweh God, the matter of male and female and its consequences is not just one of, but undoubtedly the most important and wholly impacting truth […]

2010 Election

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So, is this writing about the 2010 political elections that are taking place in America at this time?  No, not at all.  The only election we truly and desperately need, is the establishment of the elect who are called out of the Body of Christ so that the days of the great tribulation (which has […]

What Is the CHURCH?

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We know from Zechariah 4 and many other evidences and testimonies that the church—which is “not by might, nor by power, but by [Yahweh’s] Spirit”—is not just Christianity. Rather, it is a male work, the Body of Christ, and a two-part female work, the Bride. As seen in Zechariah 4, it is the two olive […]

Satan Inscribed In the Pacific, Deepwater Horizon Well, and Obama

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Image: Satan’s face in Africa In The Signs That Cause Belief, page 4, we saw Satan’s image engraved on Africa, as seen here. Next, in “Satan In the Gulf of Mexico” on the Remnant Bride Blog, we saw precisely the same evidence of Satan in the Gulf of Mexico, with one exception—his horn has been […]

Possessing the Truth In Unrighteousness

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Before we examine this matter of cosmetics as stated in the last posting, we will first examine two other matters. To begin with, we will consider a most relevant and revealing message found in the opening three chapters of Romans. This will be followed by a short address as to how feminism is so entirely […]

Rightly Dividing the Word: The Deception of Worldliness

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Photo: Christmas at Crystal Cathedral In the last posting, I said we would examine in this one the deception of worldliness. This we will do, but first let us consider other compelling testimony that, indeed, the books of the New Testament are laid out in the pattern of the church. While the church is First […]

Rightly Dividing the Word: The Deceitfulness of Sin

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In Hebrews 10:35-38, we read: 35. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. 36. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. 37. For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, […]

Five and Two

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In the March 27, 2010, Remnant Bride Radio program titled “Splitting the Remnant and Britain Report,” we introduced for the first time a reexamination of the three and a half years of the covenant with the many that belongs to the Elijah. Up to now our conclusion has been that this period was exclusive to […]

Hope Upon Hope

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In Romans 4:18 we read regarding Abraham: In hope against hope he believed, so that he might become a father of many nations according to that which had been spoken, “So shall your descendants be.” You will be familiar with the Greek word used here for “against.” It is “epi,” which means “on” or “upon.” […]

Birthing the Body

Filed Under Christianity, End times, Prophecy, Saudi Arabia, The Curse of 1920, The kingdom of heaven | Comments Off on Birthing the Body

Photo:  Inside Womb Cave, looking out In the first report since returning from Britain titled, “The Helper,” I noted that there would be three reports.  However, a truth came to light in the last few days pertaining to the birthing of the Body of Christ that needs to be addressed. As covered in the Remnant […]

The Fig Tree

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In Luke 13:6-9, we read this remarkably specific parable given by Yahshua: “A man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it and did not find any.  And he said to the vineyard-keeper, ‘Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on […]

The Helper

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On Wednesday, February 17, after nearly a month in Britain, I flew back to the US.  Did I receive what I hoped for—the beginning of an attesting work in Britain?  Not to the extent that I had hoped.  I already wrote you about my meetings with Peter and Paul and the incredible gift I received […]

Our Hope For the Latter Rain

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We are going to address here our hope today for the latter rain and why so, but first let us note something about Yahweh. Have you ever considered the incredibly immense complexity of Yahweh expressed in creation? Why didn’t He just make one kind of tree and one kind of grass? Why did He make […]

East Coast Trip and The Hope That Lies Before Us

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Photo:  The Wright Brothers—first flight The July 21 radio program, “East Coast Trip and the Days Before Us” at Remnant Bride Radio, is an excellent way to learn more about the matters addressed in this posting. I urge you to listen to the program if you have not already. On the other hand, some matters […]

The Sabbaths

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There is an outstanding argument in Christianity as to what is the true sabbath. Is it the seventh day of the week—Saturday—or is it the first day of the week—Sunday? So, how can this be resolved? The answer—by government, and by knowing and considering the larger picture of the ways and works of Yahweh in […]


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Photo: Barley field Are you aware that the three major feasts—Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles—were each harvest-related?  Passover was tied to the barley harvest, Pentecost to the wheat harvest, and Tabernacles to the grape harvest.  Therefore, one can be certain that when Yahweh speaks of these three harvests or specific items, He prophetically speaks relative to […]

Delayed Passover, Test of Carmel, and New Radio Program

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Photo: View from Mount Carmel There is a new Remnant Bride Radio program online that addresses the upcoming April 25 Passover, including further explanation of its legal ties to Tabernacles Pentecost, and provides additional information that was not addressed in the last posting.  I will give you the link and program description; but first, let […]

Circumcision, A Panorama of Truth and Instruction

Filed Under Christianity, Current events, End times, Latter rain, Prophecy, Saudi Arabia, The Curse of 1920, Women's rights movement | Comments Off on Circumcision, A Panorama of Truth and Instruction

Photo: Woman wearing a hijab In the March 13 posting, I commented about something Yahweh had shown me when on my way to go trout fishing.  Well, after completing that and the March 20 posting, I got to go trout fishing again.  Actually, the trout river is only about twenty-five miles from my home, and […]

When Yahweh Sees the Rainbow

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I stated in the last posting that it looked like I would begin writing on the book of Galatians.  But, there are some matters that continue to stir within me which must be addressed. Patterns are clearly very relevant to Yahweh God.  When He had Abraham lay out the split covenant parts and passed between […]

Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory, 2

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The writing, Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory, is now online.  Here is its description: “There is only one thing harder than the writing of this article, and that is writing its description.  If you think that the three temples prophesy, wait till you see how your temple, your body, prophesies.  First you will learn that […]

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