The Curse of 1920 Coming Full Bloom!

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If you question what this 2008 presidential election attests to and where this new Obama administration will lead the kingdom of heaven at the nations level, America, then look at Michelle Obama’s election-night celebratory dress that, rightfully so, evoked strong public reaction.  Clearly, she evidences the Curse of 1920, the very testimony on the cover […]

“… the joy of Yahweh is your strength.”

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Photo: “joy” cut in stone Last night a verse resonated throughout my sleep. It was, “the joy of Yahweh is your strength.” When I got up this morning, I got my concordance and tried to find it in the Psalms. But it was not there. It sure seemed like it would be a Psalm. So, […]

Satan’s Closed Door at Tabernacles, a.m. … An Open Door For the Bride

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Image: A door opened that no one can close I had an interesting Tabernacles experience I would like to share with you. As you know, Tabernacles began Thursday, October 30. You also may know that Wednesday night the Philadelphia Phillies won the World Series. I would love to have seen the Rays win, somewhat because […]

Tabernacles, 2008

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Photo: Welch Spring, MO—a river coming out of a rock! Well, nothing took place on Atonement on October 25 that overtly evidenced a signet ring or the beginning of ministry, which we hoped to see. So what now? First, I have often related that seeking to know the future in advance, what Yahweh will do, […]

Casting Out Satan

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Photo: Signet ring I have had experiences in the past that encourage me today, whether they be catching fish “on the other side,” or my raven flying across town to the window of the girl I would marry, or a man sitting “on the rock” for me, taking my place so that I would not […]

Satan Comes To Salem . . . and He’s Me!

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Photo: Salem, MO Did the flip occur on October 16 as we hoped and anticipated? I had a Christian friend write me on the 17th, imploring me to “come down to earth now,” that “a prophet’s validity/authenticity/indeed the source,” is known “by the accuracy of his prophecy.” His point was that on that day money […]

Satan Comes to Salem, MO

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Photo: Salem, MO Please allow me to give a brief report on something that is taking place here in Salem, MO. Last week I was sitting on my couch proofreading a Remnant Bride Weblog posting, when I looked up and saw out my window someone walking down the street in front of my house wearing […]

The House on the Rock, and the House on the Sand

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Photo: Dig deep to lay the foundation I would imagine you have been watching the stock market. The last eight days of trading have afforded straight losses totaling 2,400 points! That is over $2.5 trillion of value. In fact, this week alone has been the worst weekly plunge in the market’s 112-year history! And since […]

2008 Jubilee Flip and Hurricane Update

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 We will examine five reasons why the Jubilee flip should take place in 2008.  To keep this short, I will get right to the point on each one; therefore, you will have to read this very carefully.  Also, the five reasons given here are each governmental. First and foremost, as covered in The Revelation of […]

Yahweh Is Speaking Again From A Whirlwind: Fay, Gustav, Katrina, …

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Image: Hurricane Gustav First, let me urge you to read this slowly and carefully. There is a LOT here! Well, the “rod of God” sure made its contact on a most significant place, and with very hopeful timing. And even as I write you right now, I am under that rod as it releases its […]

Tropical Storm Fay and Madrid Crash

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Image: Tropical Storm Fay Recently I received two e-mails that I want to tell you about.  I believe you will find this information most interesting, encouraging, and very enlightening.  The first one came on August 20, followed by the second on the day after.  The first e-mail noted the following: A devastating crash at Madrid’s […]

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