Passover, 2009, Report

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On Passover evening, Saturday, April 25, we who gathered had one of the most stimulating, comprehensive, and rewarding conversations I have had since 1990 when a like conversation ensued with some Christian brothers.  The conversation on Sunday morning was equally enjoyable and profitable.  The fellowship throughout the two days was valued and enjoyed by everyone.  […]


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Photo: Barley field Are you aware that the three major feasts—Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles—were each harvest-related?  Passover was tied to the barley harvest, Pentecost to the wheat harvest, and Tabernacles to the grape harvest.  Therefore, one can be certain that when Yahweh speaks of these three harvests or specific items, He prophetically speaks relative to […]

Delayed Passover, Test of Carmel, and New Radio Program

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Photo: View from Mount Carmel There is a new Remnant Bride Radio program online that addresses the upcoming April 25 Passover, including further explanation of its legal ties to Tabernacles Pentecost, and provides additional information that was not addressed in the last posting.  I will give you the link and program description; but first, let […]

Passover, 2009

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Did we receive the hope of Tabernacles Pentecost on April 3—the beginning of the three-and-a-half-year period of the covenant with the many, the signet ring, the beginning of the latter rain?  Did the serpent turn back into the rod?  The answer depends on what happens in the days before us, which I will explain. When […]

Circumcision, A Panorama of Truth and Instruction

Filed Under Christianity, Current events, End times, Latter rain, Prophecy, Saudi Arabia, The Curse of 1920, Women's rights movement | Comments Off on Circumcision, A Panorama of Truth and Instruction

Photo: Woman wearing a hijab In the March 13 posting, I commented about something Yahweh had shown me when on my way to go trout fishing.  Well, after completing that and the March 20 posting, I got to go trout fishing again.  Actually, the trout river is only about twenty-five miles from my home, and […]

The Signs That Cause Belief

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Image: Moses at the burning bush at Mount Sinai In May, 2000, a writing was posted on the Remnant Bride web site that sparked a noteworthy response, and has been core to the understanding and teachings of the Bride ever since.  That article was The Signs That Cause Belief.  It is truly incredible truth.  In […]

Foundational Testimony for Tabernacles Pentecost

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Image: Moses with tablets When we first began to see the truth of adding a third forty-nine-day count to Tabernacles Pentecost, taking us to April 3, the sole specific testimony we saw evidencing this was that of Elijah and the three captains of fifty with their fifties.  When I related this testimony to Chris Meier, […]

Hope For Tabernacles Pentecost

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Image: Rocky-mountain vision On Friday, February 27, 2009, the Rocky Mountain News, Denver’s longest running newspaper, printed its last edition.  This is the home-town paper of Remnant Bride Radio’s co-host, Chris Meier.  The paper was fifty-five days short of a 150-year tenure. Why is this noteworthy?  While we, the Bride, are seeing the critical need […]

When Yahweh Sees the Rainbow

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I stated in the last posting that it looked like I would begin writing on the book of Galatians.  But, there are some matters that continue to stir within me which must be addressed. Patterns are clearly very relevant to Yahweh God.  When He had Abraham lay out the split covenant parts and passed between […]

Tabernacles Pentecost—Still Hope

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If you listened to the Remnant Bride Radio message, “Tabernacles Pentecost, 2009, Report,” you know that I, and we, will wait out yet another forty-nine days in hopes of the fulfillment of Tabernacles Pentecost.  In this written report, we will more fully assess this possibility, adding some things that are most interesting and indeed give […]

Tabernacles Pentecost, 2009, Report

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A new Remnant Bride Radio program was posted, addressing the results of the February 13 Tabernacles Pentecost.  Here is the program description: “What was the outcome of the February 13, 2009, Tabernacles Pentecost—forty-nine plus forty-nine days following Tabernacles?  Gary and the Bride did not receive what is so desperately needed, which is what he and […]

Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory

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A new Radio program was just released that you will not want to miss.  Its title is the same as the title of this posting, “Kissing, Lips, and Attesting Glory.”  Here is the program description: “For several years Gary wondered what the prophetic significance was to a man and a woman placing their lips together—kissing.  […]

The Sabbath Rest

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In Exodus 20:8-11, we read Yahweh’s fourth commandment which He spoke to the people at Sinai: “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.  Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of Yahweh your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or […]

Three To Depart, Three To Return …
Three To Go Out, Three to Go Up

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Three To Go Out, Three to Go Up

First a warning here—you can eat pabulum, bananas, Jell-O, and drink milk with your dentures left on the kitchen counter; but before you read this writing, you’d better put your dentures in with a liberal portion of denture cream.  You’re going to need them, as you might suspect from the title, which is a riddle.  […]

Four Rivers From Eden

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In Genesis 2:10-14, we read: “Now a river flowed out of Eden to water the garden; and from there it divided and became four rivers.  The name of the first is Pishon; it flows around the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold.  The gold of that land is good; the bdellium and the […]

Double-Portion Pentecost

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In the January 1, 2009, Remnant Bride Radio program titled, “Double-Portion Pentecost,” I related the difficulty I went through when there was no Gihon, no “bursting forth,” at the Tabernacles Pentecost on December 26, 2008.  In this written report, we will not readdress that process wherein I saw that I had to use the one gift […]

Who is the mother of the Elijah?

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Who is the mother of the Elijah? This is a very important question to ask, especially if one is looking for the Elijah to come on the scene at this critical time.  But he must be birthed.  If that was a riddle propounded to you, and as with Samson if you answered it you would […]

Two Hopes For the Days To Come

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Image: Solomon’s Temple One of the unique things Yahweh has revealed to this man is the matter of how He stacks time.  As we have noted recently, He stacks the fifth day on the fourth, as well as the eighth day on the seventh (The Waltz of Life, page 3).  He also stacks the first […]

New Writing and Radio Program

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There is a new writing on The Remnant Bride web site titled The Waltz of Life.  Here is a description of it: “If you want to know what Yahweh God has been doing and will do in the first 15,000 years of mankind, read this writing.  This truth was given to Gary in the closing […]

Tabernacles, 2008, Report

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Photo: The river of life Well, we are on the other side of Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles, looking in our rear view mirror.  So what took place?  To address this, Chris Meier and I did a radio program posted at Remnant Bride Radio.  Here is the description of the program.  “There were a lot of […]

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